Harry Potter and the Heart of Gondor


Hey guys. Guess I can't apologise enough, huh? It's been real horrible of me to ignore this for so long. I won't bother giving excuses, this is inexcusable. I just want to say a massive, humungous thank you to Gidget1889 for putting the right amount of admonishment in your review to make me actually come back and look at this story again.

Now, seeing as it has been (holy crap) five years since I have updated this, you can imagine that my writing style has changed a fair amount. I've gone through four years of college now and have had to learn how to write reports properly, plus I have been reading for a lot longer now. Saying that, I am going to rewrite this story. I keep trying to read it to even remember what it's about, and I cringe. Deeply. I shake my head in despair at my past self. (Hopefully my writing is better now)

As soon as I get paid again and I get Microsoft Word up and running, the first couple chapters will be up again. I will keep this story up so that I can look back at my reviews and remember just how much you guys mean to me, but there will be a new story out soon. It may even be under a different title. Plus, I'll actually have an idea of where this is going rather than just writing when and how I want.

So, expect a new story within the next three weeks :)

Thanks again guys. Love you all.


(Previously Sammiieeoo)