Alright kids who doesn't like sex, adult situations, language, violence, blood as such stay clear and don't tell me i didn't warn you! The mature warning is on this for a reason and i will re paste the warning on every chapter even if it lacks some of the things i warned about.


" Nia honey can you go down to the washing and bring in the dry laundry for me please?I have to try and get the fire going so we can prepare a meal for your father and brothers when they arrive." The woman said and looked up apologetic towards her daughter, the young girl nodded and grabbed a basket as she headed for the door, she stopped briefly at the opening and glanced back at her mother over her shoulder.

" Mom…" Nia hesitated but her mother looked up at her when Nia called and smiled at her daughter with her head tiled to the side waiting for her to continue. But Nia just shook her head and a tiny smile graced her own lips.

" Its nothing, I will be back in a moment then! " The young girl hurried outside and strolled down a path behind their path that lead towards the washing lines kicking small rocks in front of her feet as she kept walking.

°Darn it… I wanted to ask her if I could maybe come with dad and my brothers to Razorhill when they leave again in three days.° Sighing to herself she put down the basket and started to pick down the laundry. The wind had picked up and was playing with the sheets, almost making it looks like they had started to dance.

Giggling she pulled down the sheet from the washing line and started to fold it when she suddenly stopped and looked down at her hands, counting her four fingers with a sad look on her face.

° Why couldn't I have been born with three fingers on my hands and two toes on each foot like my brothers. Even small tusks would have been better then none.° Her fingers traced the corners of her lips where her tusks was supposed to have been.

Nia was the fourth child born to the troll warrior Zahn'jin and the human mage Torilynn. Her brothers had been gifted with the looks of pure bred troll males and were thus free to roam Azeroth as they saw fit with their father, while she had to stay home with her mother. Nia often cursed her half blood side in silence and watched her brother jealous as could go where they wanted without their parents worried gaze over them.

° ... I wish i could at least stray further away from the house then just to the washing lines and the stream. Even to just see the forest where those Night elf's are would be wonderful.° Clutching the sheet towards her chest her ears were lowering down when she was upset, Nia shook her head and carried on with the laundry to stop thinking so poorly over her situation. She had a good life with great parents and caring brothers, though she wished they wouldn't be so over protective of her all the time.

Meanwhile up at the house

Torilynn had gone out from the house and chopped a wooden log into smaller pieces to help keep the fire going, with one hard swing she broke the piece in half. Picking up the two pieces and putting them back up on the log she broke it even further. Then proceeded to collect the smaller logs, but then she heard voice and footsteps. Recognizing the deep voice of her husband and the laughs of her sons, Torilynn hurries down the path and sees them climbing up the hidden path towards the house.

" About time you four! We have been waiting for you so long! " She smiled wide when her sons hurried up to her embracing their mother in a tight group hug. Laughing she gave her sons kisses on their cheeks and ruffles their hair in the process.

" Im glad that you all are looking well, you have kept out of trouble i hope? " Giving them a grin with a raised eye brow while waiting for their youngest son Ayo coughed slightly but kept a straight face as he seemed to think of what to say. But he got saved from giving his mother a reply when she was lifted into the air by a strong pair of arms and a mouth covering hers in a passionate made a muffled squeak but put her arms around her husbands neck and returned the kiss with equal a moment her husband broke the kiss and smiled as he heard his wife gasp slightly for air, a tiny blush was gracing her cheeks.

" Welcome home my beloved sons and husband, i have missed you dearly." Reaching out a hand touching her husbands cheek, who closed his eyes in respond leaning up to her hand in response.

" Motha where is our sistah? She hasn't come out to greet us yet? " Farai asked and perking up his ears as he was looking for the blond female in question.

" Oh she's down by the washing lines taking care of the laundry for me, could you three be so sweet and go fetch her so we can eat together in a moment? " She asked and leaned her head against her mates neck. Nodding the brothers then hurried off calling for their sister as they walked down the path towards the washing area.

" Nia! Oi sistah we are home! " The oldest brother Duna called out to her but he received no sister seemed to be to absorbed in her thoughts to hear their his shoulders the oldest brother hurried ahead and quietly sneaked his way up to his sister to surprise her with a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

As she had folded the last sheet and put it into the basket a pair of arms snuck around Nia's waist and brought her up in the air. Squeaking in surprise and fright she held onto her captors neck but burst out into laugh when two more pair of arms reached out for her face and cheeks.

" Dear sistah are yah so far away in your day dreaming that yah didn't hear us calling all this time? "Nia looked down into her oldest brother Dunah's smiling face and kissed his forehead. She then was passed into the arms of her brother Farai who hugged her tightly and ruffled her hair affectionate.

" Nia yah hair has gotten so much longer since last time ah saw your cute face, im happy to see yah well." He put her down on the ground after finishing his from behind a pair of arms sneaked around her shoulders and she got back into the air but as hasty she was put down onto her feet again.

" And she sure put on some weight too! Have yah been eaten to much sweet stuff again sis?" That earned her brother Ayo a slap on the shoulder but all four siblings just laughed.

" I missed you three oafs a lot, Im glad you are back home safe and no Ayo even though i got no one to look nice for i don't stuff my face with sweets like you do sometimes." She threw her arms around her brothers and pulled them into a group hug and after a moment they let go of each other. Then their mother appeared at the side of the house waving at them with a broad smile with their father at her side holding an arm around her tiny waist waving at his daughter.

" Come on you four, dinner should be ready soon! " Torilynn called out and was lead off by her husband out of view from their children.

"Zahn'jin! " And embarrassed call from their mother could be heard but a laugh followed shortly after accompanied but a deep chuckle."

The siblings picked up the laundry and carried the basket back towards the house together chatting with each other. And as they approached the door they saw their father cuddling their mother in his arms. Torilynn had tilted her head back, fluttering her eyes closed and Zahn'jin leans in and kisses her softly on the lips.

" Welcome back my love. I've missed you so." Torilynn mumbled between the kisses from her husband and she sneaked her arms around his neck and played with his long pony tail between her fingers. Zahn'jin replied with a purr and nuzzled his face at her neck letting his teeth nip at her skin causing Torilynn to gasp slightly, she softly tells him off not to do that since their children would be back any moment.

" Bah they are worse then newly mated couples." Ayo said and his ears twitched he watched his parents.

" How do yah know? Are yah always hanging around mated couples now days? Get yah self a girl and you might not huff about our parents love for each other." Farai chuckled at his little brother and patted his back.

"Ah would if that stubborn elfsie would leave meh alone, ah had to ask a mage to teleport me out of Ogrimmar to avoid her this time. Ah really don't want her to come, where mah safe place is." Shuddering at the thought of the blood elf Ayo shook his head and turned his attention back to their parents.

Nia looked at her parents display of affection towards each other feeling a small pinch of jealousy in her heart. She had found herself watching their parents whenever they kissed each other or just hugged with an odd feeling growing in her chest. She had also begun fantasies herself kissing someone and being held close to that persons chest hearing his heart beat drumming against her ear. Hearing loving words being whispered to her and strong hands caress the skin on her back and arms.

° Why am i watching this? Its my parents doing this not me,° Though even as she told herself that she couldn't pull her eyes away from her her mothers voice snapped her back into reality.

" Tut tut you four, snooping on me and your father when we get a small private moment are you? " Her brother Ayo grinned and scratched the back of his head.

" Shall we go and sleep outside tonight then motha dear so yah and fatha can have more private time? " Torilynn blushed and looked at her husband considering her sons suggestion with a playful tug on Zahn'jin's Ponytail.

" Thank you for your kind thought Ayo but we'll be fine. If not we can wait till you four have fallen asleep and then have some nice time, right dear? " Torilynn said and looked up at her mate who now was blushing and coughed slightly.

" Nooooo thank yah ah don't wanna get more images in mah head or similar please! " Ayo covered his ears and pouted at parents, earning himself a laugh from his mother as she lead them all inside with an arm around her husband's waist and Nia strolling behind with her brothers.

And the whole afternoon till late that evening they talked about the trip back home and what the brothers had been up to these past two had been lucky and made friends in Ogrimmar where he was studying to become a hunter. Occasionally he told them even Vol'jin had come to the training grounds to observe the new hunter trainees and given them lectures and also mentioned a sweet troll female he met at the valley of wisdom that he was planning to get to know he had yet to tame a hunter pet for himself.

Farai had been accepted by the druids in thunderbluff to come and study the way of the druids which was a great honor for him. And within a month during his training he had also found love in a beautiful young huntress called had let out a dreamy sigh as he thought back to the blue skinned beauty with pink asked Farai to bring Lauren home sometime so she could meet with her sons girl friend.

And Ayo had been staying in ogrimmar studying blacksmithing and and the way of the warriors under the lead of his master he had free time Ayo would go hide among the roof tops to avoid a very persistent blood elf female who had set her eyes on him the very first moment he stepped beyond the gates of Ogrimmar.

The whole family was laughing together at Ayo's misfortunate meeting with the frisky little blood elf who's name he didn't know. He said he tried to keep her on three meters distance if possible. Last time she got within two steps of him, his pants had nearly been ripped off and he ran off in a hurry with a tight grip on them.

" So what has been going on around here then while we were gone? " Dunah asked as he leaned up against the wall next to his sister.

"Nothing really... nothing at all." Nia replied and shrugged her shoulders and twiddles her brothers looked at their sister, they knew she felt lonely and isolated on the mountains, but for her safety they were keeping her there with their mother. Hybrids could easy fall victims to verbal or physical abuse when found out or even worse killed by either side of the war that is going on and that was something none of them wished to befall their little sister.

Farai suddenly stood up and yawned loudly, stretching his arms out till you could hear his muscles pop and he yawned.

" Ah think Ah will go to sleep now, good night everyone." Farai passed his sister and took his sister's hands helping her up on her feet and led Nia to the back of the room where the siblings were sleeping. he sat Nia down on her bed and bounced down beside her.

" Are you okay sis? " He put a hand on Nia's shoulder and noticed her sad face along with her ears that were pointing straight down.

" Im fine Farai i just wish you guys would let me wander more then i can right now, i just feel lonely even though mom and dad keeps me feels like im never gonna leave this place and see things for myself." She pull up her legs towards her chest hugging them tightly as she spoke.

" ... We want you to be able to walk around as you wish sistah without being attacked by stupid members of each , fatha and us would be sad if anythin happened to yah and we could not protect yah." Farai had lowered his own ears with a sad glint in his dark brown eyes at the thought of harm befalling his beautiful little sister.

" The day that happens i will be a dried up old prune Farai, im glad for you three that you were gifted with the looks of pure bred trolls but i wish i had been just as lucky. Maybe then i also had loads to tell father and mother tonight, like about my training and possibly i had found a good looking boyfriend." Nia felt again the tug in her heart while Farai reached out a hand towards her and stroke her cheek.

" When meh and the otha two have made more friends that we trust, we will bring some of them here so you maybe can make some friends... boyfriends we'll see if there is someone good enough for yah." He smiled gently at Nia and pulled her into an embrace stroking her hair while she rested her head on his shoulder.

° Im glad you're trying to cheer me up Farai... but im not sure how much longer i can stand this. Im even more envious of you who's found love. Dunah and Ayo will most likely have their own girl friends soon too.° Pulling out of his embrace she the stretches her arms out with a yawn and shakes her head, making her blond hair fly around her head.

" I think i will sleep now Farai, thanks for trying to cheer me up i appreciate it." She kisses Farai on the cheek and starts to unfold the blanket avoiding to look at him. Farai sighed to himself knowing she wasn't telling him everything but decided not to press the issue further so she didn't get more upset then she already was.

" Good night sistah." She heard her brother roll over on his side after tucking himself into his blanket and shortly she could hear him snore lightly. And slowly she felt her own mind give in to the enticing warmth of sleep herself.

Later that night

Nia fluttered her eyes open and yawned into the blanket, she could hear mumbles and strained her ears to make out the words that were being said.

" Darling... how much longer do you tend to keep Nia here? She is old enough to go with her brothers to Ogrimmar and learn a class... I can't stand seeing her looking so depressed every time she watches you and our sons leave the mountains." Nia flipped over quietly in her bed and looked over at her parents, trying to not wake her brother Ayo who slept closest to was lying over her husbands chest stroking it with her small fingers and resting her head at the point where Zahn'jin's neck and shoulder met. Her husband was sighing and rested a hand behind his neck while glancing down at his wife.

" Ah know Tori... Ah don't want Nia to stay cooped up here forevah but for her safety she will have to stay here a bit longer. The horde and the alliance are moving through the mountains more and more these days. Ah am worried they might find the house and you two when ah am not nearby, the thought of loosing yah both is something ah wouldn't be able to bear." Zahn'jin pulled his wife closer and kissed her cheek as he finished his sentence. Nia clenched her fist, she knew her father cared about her well being but it was so frustrating, if he had let her go with her brothers and learn a class she could learn to defend herself.

" I know you mean well dear... but shes young and has never set foot away from stone talon mountains, i can't begin to imagine how frustrated she must feel. No friends to talk too or even a young male to keep her company." Zahn'jin grimaced at the last part of what she said.

" Aw come on honey you know she's well within that age to look for a potential mate or a lover, remember how young we were when we fell in love." Torilynn licks Zahn'jin's throat earning herself a low growl from her husband.

" That was different, its our daughter we are talking about now, and ah am glad no young whelps has been around the house yet to chase mah little girl. Duna and Farai has gotten to know some males and female trolls they might bring here though to see if they get along with Nia."Torilynn lets out a soft chuckle and kissed Zahn'jin gently.

" You are so protective of Nia, but you should loosen up a little, even though you mean well it might become to much for her sooner or if you're worried about young males giving her attention isn't it a good thing they are coming here so you can approve of them? " Sighing Zahn'jin scratched his head and nodded at what his wife said.

" Ah guess you're right." Chuckling he flips his wife beneath him and pulls the cover over blushed at the muffled giggles and soft moans that came from them. She turned around facing the wall and tried covering her ears so she didn't have to listen to her parents excited noises any further.

° I am so gonna ask my brothers to help me make a door tomorrow...° She mentally told herself before letting sleep take its right over her again.

Next morning

The family rose early in the morning and took up their normal and Nia was keeping the fire going and making something to eat for everyone. Duna and Farai were out chopping wood while Zahn'jin was teaching Ayo how to skin a rabbit that were gonna go in the pot when it was sliced up and finished.

Nia yawned unto her hand, stirring the water with the herbs the rabbit was gonna get cooked with while her mother was peeling up some potatoes and roots. She was unable to look at her mother with a straight face still remembering her parents hot moment before she fell jerked out of her thoughts as she felt a cold hand on her forehead and looked up into her mother's worried face.

" Are you alright sweetie? You seem so hazy today, i hope you're not catching a fever." Nia shook her head and stroke her mothers hand.

" I am fine mom don't worry so much, i won't break if i were to get a small fever i promise." Torilynn did not look convinced about her daughter being alright but dropped the subject as she turned back to her work again.

" If you want to talk about something dear im all ears, i hope you know that." Her mother cursed under her breath slightly as she cut her thumb. Nia took the knife from her mother and wrapped her finger up in a small bandage giving Torilynn the wooden spoon.

" I can do this, you stir the pot." Both switched places and after a little while Ayo and Zahn'jin came in with the remains of the rabbit that they dropped down into the pot.

" Next time don't be so hasty when yah skin a rabbit or yah will ruin the skin which we can use for other things." His dad scolded Ayo slightly but ruffled his sons mowhawk, then he spotted his wife's hand and took it gently into his bigger one, unfolding the bandage and looking at her cut.

" Im fine Zahn'jin its just a small cut." She reached up for a shelf with her other hand and handed him a bottle.

" If you are so worried you can salve it for me alright? "

Nia turned her head away staring at the meat as it was slowly changing color in the hot water, carefully putting in the potatoes and the roots she added a few more herbs in and continued to stir.

After about half an hour their meal was finished and Nia brought out bowls to her brothers who was still working with the wood chopping.

" Thanks sis it smells good." Her brothers took their bowls from her and Nia smiled at them happy to hear they liked what she gave the tray against her chest she walked back to the house and found her brother Ayo sitting at the cooking fire eating his share while her parents had gone back to their room. She could hear they were talking about something but couldn't make out the words to easy. She bend over the pot and took a bowl of the stew for herself and sat down nearby so she could hear better what was going on. Her brother Ayo tutted at her and went out from the house with his bowl to join his brothers for a conversation.

" Ah said no Tori, she's stayin home, ah can't afford to take her along with those guys roaming need her brotha's to be able to focus on this task as well without worrying about her safety." She heard her father say. Her ears perked up in interest and she knew she shouldn't be snooping in but she couldn't stop herself.

° Those guys? What is this about? ° Nia strained her ears and heard her mother sigh loudly and it sounded she was tapping on the wall with her fingers.

" Zahn'jin... im not saying take her with you to look for them but please let her go with you to razorhill for my sake." Her mothers begging voice didn't get through to her father.

" No means no Tori, Nia will stay here with yah where she is safe. Yah can be upset with me all yah want but this is for you both."Her father's voice was stern and felt annoyance grows pretty fast in her chest and she was holding her hands at her chest shaking slightly.

" Its not me you should be worried being upset what about your daughter? Isn't Nia's happiness something you should care for too?"

Nia strained her ears further hoping her father would listen to her mother this time.

" Ah care about her happiness Tori but for now ah will stick by my decision to keep her here away from harm, yah have no idea what fierce horde believers or alliance would do if they found her and realizing that she is a half breed." Nia could feel her blood boil in her veins, she was slowly getting angry at her father and what she heard.

° You keep me locked up here just cause of my half blood? If you had taken me to razorhill safe and sound would you be ashamed to admit i was your child since you can easy tell im half troll and half human? ° Nia rose up along the wall, her long blond hair fell down like a curtain around her face, tears was threaten to fall from her eyes that she rubbed away and walked into the room where her parents where. Her mother had a shocked look on her face as her daughter stepped into view with an angry look on her face clutching her hands in front of her.

" Are you ashamed of me father? Cause i don't look like a real troll like my brothers? Cause i have more half blood in my veins? Is that why you never let me go anywhere? " Nia asked her father who stiffened when he heard her voice and looked back at his daughter with a look of disbelief written all over his face.

" How can ah ever be ashamed of yah Nia? It doesn't matter to meh if yah are full breed or half breed yah are still my daughter. But because of your blood ah can't take the risk to let you leave the mountains with everything that is going on now." Zahn'jin tried to reach out for his daughter who was now crying openly, but she smacked away his hand glaring angry at him.

" If you knew what could happen when you made us why did you even have to bother making me when you had my brothers! Do you have any idea how much i would give to be a full blood troll or even look like my brothers? Do you know how many times i cursed my blood when i was denied so much my brothers were given? Freedom to walk where i please, making friends and even falling in love! " Stunned her parents listening to their daughter screaming her heart out in their faces.

" I hate this... i hate it so much, year after year watch you and my brothers leave the mountains and come back with lots of things to tell me and mother,things i can only dream of." Clutching her hands around her arms while she was shaking visibly, moving away from her mother who also tried to take her daughter into her arms to calm her down.

" Leave me alone! I hate you both, i wish you never made me! " Turning of the spot she went into her room and buried herself under the blankets parents didn't follow her, most likely in shock still over everything she had yelled at at that moment she didn't care at all. Nia could hear her brothers voices in the room where her parents where but they also didn't enter the room, leaving her alone to calm down. Sniffing into her pillow for a long time Nia cried until she fell asleep from exhaustion. Not noticing her father coming into her room later that evening and tucking her in so she wouldn't freeze. carefully bending down Zahn'jin gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead and then walked back out to the others.

That night

° I must have fallen asleep...° Nia thought as she sat up and stretched her arms, but froze as she heard snoring next to her. All her brothers were sleeping soundly around her wrapped up in their blankets.

° What the... have i been in the room all day till night? ° Quietly she rose up and climbed over her brothers without waking them and poking her head into her parents room. Both also soundly asleep, she couldn't make out their faces in the dark but she could hear their breathing.

° Lucky they all seem to sleep deep tonight.°

Carefully she tip toed out from their room and looked around in the shelfs and found what she was looking for. Some paper and she reached into the cooking place where she found some charcoal from the fire, she scribbled down something onto the paper with shaking hands and left it near the door were it would be well visible for anyone who would come up in the morning. Glancing back at the shelfs she reached up for the jars that kept dried fruits and nuts in them and picked one down.

° I guess this would be good to take with me since i have no idea when i will be out of the mountains.° She picked down a long towel from the wall and tied it around her shoulder and waist. Stuffing some bread, one jar of the fruit and nuts into her hand made backpack. Nia finds an old water pouch she fills with water and puts in the pack as well. Nia took one glance back at the rooms where her family was sleeping and heard her heart beat heavy and slow in her ears, then huffing to herself she then stepped out in the chilly night air.

° Brrr... much more colder then i thought it would well here goes nothing! ° She thought and started to hurry down the path from the house not sure how much time she had before her family would wake up since it was still a bit to dark to had walked a small distance before turning around and looking back up at where her house was, shaking her head slightly she turns away and runs off. After running for what seemed like hours Nia sat down on a rock or was it a log, she couldn't tell and she didn't care much about it either.

° I wonder where i am, if there had been a moon i could maybe have been able to see some paths leading out of the mountains, no use in complaining though.I want to be able to get as far away from here as possible, hopefully my brothers won't be able to track me down to soon.°

Nia was about to stand up when she heard something, perking her ears up she could make out the sounds of rocks falling down into water, reacting to late the ground beneath her collapsed and she fell into a river with a loud and spitting out water she held onto the tree log that fell down with her into the the water from her eyes she could tell apart shapes of rocks in the dark seeing herself passing them Nia realized she was being carried off by the stream. The current wasn't to strong and the log was floating slowly pass the bigger rocks that were blocking any path up on the grassy ground again.

° That was a bit of a shock, and very cold! But im off at least, heading where i don't know at least away from my home. °

Shuddering she climbed up the log holding onto a thick branch and stared down the path the river took time passed the sun was starting to peek up from the back of the mountains slowly and Nia could make out her surroundings a bit more. Loads of tree and bushes she could see or mostly their shapes, her eyes still hadn't adjusted to the light.

° Im guessing it would be about an hour more before my family starts to wake up. I wonder what their reactions would be when they find out im they won't care though after all i said to them.° Sighing to herself Nia scratched her head.

" I guess i will have to apologize when i return home again whenever that will be." She says out loud to herself and rests her head on her arm while continuing to glance down the path the river took had almost begun to fall asleep after for what she thought was at least a good half hour. Pinching her arms to stay awake she cursed loudly.

° Dammit don't fall asleep, its the worst thing i can do here. At least if i remember correctly what Dunah and Farai told me. Hm even when i said i hate them and run off like this i still take their advices to heart and remember them now that they are not at my i went to far when i yelled like that, but i couldn't help myself something just burst and i couldn't stop it until all had been said.°

Nia almost falls off the log when she hears a loud thunk noise and hears the log scrape against stones. Carefully she puts down a foot into the water and feels around with her foot at the bottom, after making sure there was nothing funny about the bottom she slid down into the water. She looked around as she got up from the water and rubbed her arms to warm herself. For a moment she stopped in the grass and wrenched the water out of her cloths and shook her wet hair so it whipped her cheek with wet noises.

° I don't really recognize anything here, so i guess that the current took me a fair distance. Well no time to idle i got to get moving.° She looked up from her cloths as she began to walk away from the river. Touching her side the noticed to her horror that the bag was gone. Nia looked back at the log but saw no trace of her bag wondering how she didn't notice her bag not being there earlier.

° Great this begins well... hmm...good thing i recall most roots, berries and herbs mom showed me that are edible. Hopefully i can find some life roots or cactus to drink from.° Her thoughts came to an sudden stop when she spotted something up along a hill in front of her against the dark orange sky.

Nia could make out shape of someone who seemed to be looking her way. And whoever it was seemed fairly tall figuring he was stretching up in his full length and to broad to be female. Nia noticed something gleam from his direction which snapped her out of her thoughts and she started to walk off.

Trying to avoid getting closer to the hill she walks along the shore line but suddenly feels a hand grabbing onto her arm and she spins around. As she faces the one holding onto her a piece of cloth is covering her nose and mouth and a strong hand pressing it against her while another held onto her against her attacker she was kicking at his legs trying to aim for the spot she knew was sensitive for males hitting his shoulders and chest in hope to make him let go of her in annoyance with her struggle. But the stranger didn't flinch and pushed her downwards onto the ground so she couldn't fight him as easy by sitting down on her chest.

Nia was kicking with her legs but failing miserably to land any hits at him with her feet. And her punches was gradually getting weaker and slower.

° Who is he! Why is he holding me down and why am i starting to feel so dizzy? ° Nia's vision faded slowly and before she fell asleep she saw the stranger a bit clearer as the sun had begun to shine brighter. Red hair shaped as a mohawk, green scarred skin with strong muscles on his big white tusks with two gold rings on the left tusk, and most of all his sharp golden eyes staring into hers.

° Shoot im falling asleep...° Nia's eyes closed and her arms fell limply down into the the stranger felt Nia's body go limp he rolled off her and threw her body carelessly over his shoulder. Grinning as he saw her nice well shaped butt and legs, but noticed something was off when he saw her four toes on each foot.

" What a pretty little thing ah found, ah sure am gonna take mah time fully and throughly with yah." He grinned to himself and headed off with the sleeping female dangling on his shoulder.

"Oi Raijga! What did yah find down there mon? " Another troll appeared where he had been standing before spotting the female.

" A nice little kitty who is sleeping soundly now. Lets head back to our base and introduce her to the others." Grinning wickedly along with his companion Nia is being carried away from the river and from her birth place in stone talon mountains, completely unaware of anything that happened or was being said.