Hello dear readers of Ruby eyes meet caramel!
First of all i apologize for not updating for such a long time and i got an explanation for that, quite positive for you guys if you wish to continue reading though mind :)
Thing is im just not writing for this story im also drawing pictures, teasers of the current chapters, future events, profile works. Im sure most of you guys have heard of Deviant art?
I have an account there and the story is there as well along with at least 2 chapters i believe i haven't posted here, i sadly loose track of it when im drawing so im very sorry!
When i got time im gonna update it here again too i will give a link to my site on DA and you can continue to read the story there for now.
A warning though you might need a DA account yourself to view my work and the story, im rating most of it mature due to DA's policy.
And cause kids are afraid of nipples and such you have read about in this story -.-
Seems i cannot post the link here so i will give you a name to search on Hirakita thats the name i go under there im gonna try and add a link o my profile if you can't see anything just send me a private message and i will give you a link by that message!