Author's Note: HI! Omg I haven't worked on this story in ages! I was just soooo distracted with my social life...I know I don't have a social life...but still! Ahhh I'm fresh out of ideas sooo I'm just going on faith and apple juice (my fav. drink :P). So if you have any ideas or requests or anything like that, please let me know. I'll be happy to include it :)) Enjoyyy!
Everyone quickly turned around to see the person who had said the following. To everyones surprise it was a small girl with a black ski mask on, and a black body suit. Everyone looked at the oddly dressed girl in fear. All, except one.
"Ahahahaha! What is this worlds dumbest robbers! Ahahahaha this is great! Haha robbing a wedding!"
Everyone's attention quickly turned over to the person that was mocking the unknown "robber". And of course it was none other than the great Renji Abari. He was laughing hysterically on the floor, almost in tears! Rukia quickly took the laughing man out of the building, and, for her sake, out of sight.
After that dilemma, all the attention was drawn back to the small girl in the ski mask and body suit. Everyone was frozen. No one knew what to do, not even the girl in the mask. There were a couple of seconds of awkward silence, but then the bride took matters into her own hands. She lifted up her dress, and under it was her sword. The about-to-be-wed was ready for anything, especially a fight.
Hisagi glanced over to his bride with a sad look in his eyes. The man just wanted to get married, was it this complicated! Apparently the girl in the ski mask was going to make it this complicated.
Without a second thought in her mind, Soi lunged off of the alter and down to the small girl. But the small girl did not come unprepared. She quickly took out what looked to be, a pocket knife. Soi snarled and flash stepped behind her. And all in one second the bride to be had her sword to the girl's neck. Soi smiled in sweet victory, and was about to, per say, "finish the job", but her fiance had something else in mind for the girl in the ski mask.
Hisagi flash stepped over to his bride and the girl. "Don't." He said firmly to Soi. Soi looked at him puzzled. "What? Why? She tried to ruin our wedding." Soi said with a lump in her throat at the word wedding. "No...maybe she was trying to save it..." He said with wisdom in his tone. Soi looked at him so unsure. "What?" She asked more confused than before. Hisagi looked down at the floor trying to hold in the hurt in his tone. "Think about..." He trailed off. "would you have been happy if you had to spend the rest of your days living with me?" He said while chocking on tears. "I mean you seem miserable with me now...I...I just wouldn't want you to live like that for the rest of your life."
Soi looked at the hurt man with sad eyes, sad eyes cause she knew that in her heart some of those words he spoke were true. She didn't wanna hurt him andherself in the process. "I-I guess your right..." She spoke softly.
This killed him. It was like a bad nightmare that you can't wake up from, no matter how many times you fall in just can't wake up. How was he supposed to live his life knowing that he let the girl of his dreams, who was in his hands, slip out of his grip. It was to much.
"I-I guess..." He started "this's done, we're done. This is all...done." Soi blinked stupidly for a moment and then spoke up. "Wha- s-so the wedding's off?" Hisagi shook his head intensely and then managed to get out a small "Yeah." The second squad captain was so beyond confused it was frightening. "W-WHY!" She shouted. Hisagi looked down at his well shined shoes and spoke, "Cause you wouldn't have said yes anyways...and why put myself through that?" He asked, then turned over to Soi. He was straight up crying now. He couldn't help it, he just lost everything he worked so hard for. "Goodbye. I'll take my stuff out of your apartment, and when you get there, it'll be like I had never lived there." He said in a monotone.
As she stood there in place, he left the church, leaving her there to take in what just happened. But therewould be no time for a such thing like that.
As Soi just stood there, it seemed like the perfect time for the girl in the ski mask to make her move, and that she did. The girl in the ski mask quickly took her pocket knife, and unannouncingly she stabbed Soi Fon in her forearm. Soi noticed right away.
"Oh shit!" She bursted, holding the place where the girl had stabbed her. She winced in pain, but knew she had to move fast before she could strike again. So Soi quickly dove down on the ground to pick up her sword, as she did so, the ski mask girl took another shot at Soi. She tried to stab her again, but she was too late, and ended up cutting her dress instead.
The guests where to shocked, frightened, and confused to do anything except stare. But staring wouldn't help the situation at all. Soi was getting her ass whooped.
Ugh how am I losing to this ski mask girl! I mean I'm fricken Captain of the second squad for crying out loud! I guess I'm so distracted by what happened, not even two minutes ago! And my guests aren't any halp. Well all I gotta do is kill this girl and go make it up to Hisagi. Shouldn't be that hard right?
Wrong. As the fight went on the ski mask girl was beating the captain so bad, she couldn't stand to fight anymore.
She was beaten, stabbed, and heartbroken. But one thing good came out of the final attack...
The ski mask girl had to deliver the final blow (hehehe) and she had won. But maybe she timed it wrong, or maybe she planned it wrong in her head, cause what she was about to do ruined her whole day.
The ski mask girl took out that same pocket knife from earlier, and she was ready to do it, she was ready to defeat the great Soi Fon! But as she was about to defeat her the ski mask girl, got unmasked by a final attempt on the captains part. She kicked off the mask. The girl was unmasked, and revealed to all...
The crowed gasped as they took in the face...of the killer...
Author's Note: Ahhhhhhhh this all just came to me at once! And the fact that I'm writing this a 1am is pretty darn amazing! So again sorry for my latenessness, I hope this makes up for it :)) If not oh well lol. Soooooo I hope you think that it's getting good, cause I know I think it's good :D Well as I always say please review, if you have any questions, comments, criticism, emotional outbursts, or anything of the sort I will be happy to answer you back :)) Cause I always answer reviewssss, but if you really don't care lol then I shouldn't be talking or typing. Hehe I'm kinda tired :) Well Bye bye hoped you like it! Don't know when the next chapter will be up, depends on the reviewsss!