I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Inuyasha, though I wish.

A new Player in the Game

Chapter 1

Kagome sighed as she shifted the yellow back pack on her shoulders. It was heavy with needed like food, water, clothes, and soap. She was going to Duelist Kingdom, a tournament set up by Maxamillion Pegasus, for duelists to have the chance at becoming the King of Games. She didn't want the title, but she did want to duel. That and her guardian insisted (forced) she go to the tournament via invitation in the mail.

Since the well had closed a four months ago, she had been in the custody of Sesshoumaru. Seeing as he kept the school board off her back for her and have charity's to her shrine to keep it running, her mother let her become the heir to Taisho Corporation. Ever since then, she has been dueling to kep herself away from the rich people and have her fun.

Her looks had changed over the past two years. Her raven hair now hung in waves at mid-back, her eyes still a stormy ocean, and her body had lost the baby fat from funning around so much in the feudal era. She was now able to wear her fashion outside school. Instead of wearing her old schools uniform, she now wore black jeans, a light blue tank top with a half top jacket, and a pair of sneakers. On her waist hung a blue and black studded belt with two box-like pockets holding her two dueling decks.

The wind rustled her hair as the ship all the duelists were taking to Duelist Kingdom, rode over the ocean waves. The night sky was littered with stars as the moon started coming up over the horizon. She heard a yell and looked over to see someone throw some dueling cards over board. Two boys her age, though one was shorter, looked over the edge of the boat in horror. The third boy she recognized as Weevil Underwood, one the state champions for dueling, laughed evilly and walked back inside to the rest of the duelists. The taller of the two boys jumped over board to get the cards that had been thrown over.

Kagome quickly ran over to the shorter boy. He had tri- colored hair –red, black and a goldish yellow- he wore a modified school uniform, and was calling out to his friend, Joey, to come back and that it wasn't worth it. She quickly grabbed a life line and a life-saving floater, tied the line to it, and threw it out to the boy, it landed right next to him and he grabbed for it as the held onto the three cards he had. The other two had been lost in the waves.

Two other kids my age showed up and helped her pull him back onto the ship. For a skinny boy he was heavy!

They all fell to the floor breathing hard when they finally got the guy back on board. He was soaking wet, but didn't care as he gave the kid back his cards that he had grabbed.

"That was reckless Joey! You shouldn't have done that." Said the shorter kid, helping Joey pull off his jacket and try to dry himself off by shaking around like a dog. Kagome giggled at the reminder of Inuyasha when he did that.

"He's right you know, but it was also very brave" she said handing him a towel

"Thanks. Who are you?" asked Joey. Kagome smiled and bowed lightly.

"I'm Kagome Higurashi, and you are?" she asked politely. They all stood up and bowed lightly back. The one with the messy blonde hair answered first.

"I'm Joey Wealer" he said shaking her hand. A girl with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes took her hand too. She was one of the two who had ran over.

"I'm Tea, it's nice to meet you"

"I'm Tristan, thanks for saving my pall" said the tall dark haired guy with the fohawk, he was the second one of the two that had ran over.

"And I'm Yugi Mouto" said the trio-colored guy with a smile. I smiled back before recognition of the name took in.

"Aren't you the one who beat Seto Kiaba in a duel?" she asked excitedly. She was happy that someone had put that ass whole in his place. He stole her blue eyes white dragon and was never able to find him after that. He was a jerk that needed to be taught a lesson about true dueling.

Yugi smiled guiltily and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Yeah that was me." Kagome smiled at him brightly

"Awesome! Finally someone beat him and his overly large ego." The others giggled at her statement. "What? He was a huge jerk for stealing people's cards. Let me guess, he stole your Blue eyes, also?" she asked Yugi.

"Yeah, but then he ripped it in half right before we dueled." He said sadly. That was his grandfather's favorite card. Kagome smiled sadly at him.

"Oh well, one card does not make up a whole deck." She said "So are you guys going to be competing in the tournament?" she asked as they all sat down on the floor, were it was dry.

"Well Tristan and I aren't, but Yugi and Joey are." Said Tea "Actually, Yugi is the only one who actually got the invitation"

Yugi looked down at his hands in anger at something he was remembering. 'More like black mail for my grandfather's soul' he thought. He looked back up when Kagome put her hand on his shoulder. She smiled kindly. He smiled back as she looked over him and Joey. They talked for about an hour about random duelists, how there were state champions and people they hand;t even seen before, competing in the tournament. It wasn't long before everyone was getting a bit sleepy.

"Maybe we can duel each other for fun later. I would like to see how strong a duelist you two are, with out having to lose star chips" said Kagome standing up, "I need to make a call before I find a place to sleep so I will see you five later" and she walked off with her back pack to get a phone.

They all looked at her back strangely as she left

"What did she mean by us five?" stated Yugi "there's only four of us" The millennium puzzle glinted to a second, before fading. No one noticed the fifth, almost identical person standing like a shadow behind Yugi, before he faded away.

They all shook their heads as they too stood up to find a place to sleep for the night. They would reach the island in the morning.

(with Kagome)

"Alright lord Fluffy, why did you send me to this tournament?" asked Kagome over the phone, "You hate it that I duel instead of paper work. Whats with this sudden change in heart?"

"Hn, you are correct, this Sesshoumaru detests this dueling of yours, but you are needed there. The keys to your past and memories are there and its the only way for you to unlock them" his monotone voice shocked her. She had never heard him say so many words in a sentence, let alone a week.

"Keys to my past? What are you talking about?" Kagome questioned. "I have all my memories, and what past?" Now she was a little worried and curious. Did she really have missing memories.

"Have you had any dreams pertaining to sand and a tall foreign palace?" he questioned her. "Ya, ever since the well closed. Every night I see that and a boy my age, but never his face" she left out the part were she was being held by the boy with the tan skin. He didn't need to know about that."

"Those aren't dreams. They're memories, from the second time you went into the well." he informed her. " your mother found you unconscious by the well, in foreign clothing. You talked in your sleep about sand and a palace, but when you awoke you had no memory of any of it. Not even waking up the day you disappeared."

I couldn't say anything, my mouth and throat dried up. He had no reason to lie to me, so it must have been true. That also explains the headache she woke up with.

"For now, just enjoy the tournament and duel to your hearts content. Keep the bracelets on at all times. Don't let anyone take them. Their power would be fatal in the wrong hands, and they will protect you there." he orded her sternly.

"Alright, I got it." She looked down at her gold Egyptian bracelets. The band extended from the eye in the middle and encircled her wrists. "Bye, Sesshoumaru."

"Hn' and he hung up. Kagome hung up the phone and stared out at the ocean for a second, before sighing and quickly turning around to go inside, only to knock into someone and stumble back a step. A hand held her arm to steady her.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry, are you alright?" asked a kind voice. Kagome looked up to see a guy with white hair and dark gray eyes holding her arm "I didn't mean to run into you"

Kagome smiled lightly. "No its my fault I didn't see were I was going. Thank you" she said as he let go of her arm. She bowed slightly then held out her hand.

"I'm Kagome Higurashi, and you are?" they guy smiled warmly

"My name is Bakura, its nice to meet you Higurashi-san"

"Please, call me Kagome, I hate formalities" she sighed to herself. He seemed like a nice guy. The gold ring hanging from his neck held some dark energy and a different story. It felt like her bracelets, but there was something there that was darker, evil, but it disappeared before she could locate it.

"Well, I must be going. Ill see you later" said Kagome as she walked off again to find a place to sleep for the night.

'She holds a millennium item' whispered a spiritual voice, though unheard by Bakura. Though it seems she does not know its use yet.' The spirit chuckled darkly. 'This will be an interesting event.'


so here is your first rewritten chapter. All of the chapters are being rewritten. IF there is a chapter missing, its being rewritten.

I hope you all like Suggestions are welcome and so are reviews.

Ja nae