Alright, since the last was short, I'm making this one come out sooner. We are coming to the end of the tournament and closer to the parts I really want to get to. Hope you like this one! Please read and review!
Feeling peckish and ready for dinner, Kagome wandered around the castle. No one to stop her, so she perused and looked over the random art lining the halls. Mostly it was western style paintings, a few statues as well. They were all high quality, of course.
She wondered when she would be meeting Pegasus officially. She had seen him at some of her brothers functions, but never actually had a full conversation with the man. Only her brother, and he seemed to steer her away from him. Apparently he couldn't stand his flamboyant attitude for more than a few moments at a time. He had a flair for the dramatic in anything.
Kagome couldn't find the kitchen, but she ended up walking along an upper balcony. She looked over the edge, but she didn't even see the bottom. It was either a long way down, or they played with the lights to make it look like it had no end. What was weird was that there were two doors, one on either end of the wall, and a lone walkway that went between. There was another balcony across from where she was that held a frilly, throne like, seat.
"Hey there sweet thing, did't know they let people like you in here." an american english voice said. She looked up and to her left was a tall man with a bandana and glasses. "You must be the before entertainment." Her face instantly went dark when he reached for her. Tried to at least. She took a step back and smacked his hand hard and made it fly away from her.
"Touch me again, and you won't be able to hold your cards." her voice was cold as ice. Sessoumaru would be proud.
"Bandit Keith!" She turned to see Yugi and the Gang with Mai.
"Well, what do you know! If it isn't big, tough Joey and his whole crew of duelin' dummies." Keith sounded as condesending as he had before.
"You slime bucket, I've been lookin to get my hands on you ever since you left us trapped in dat cave." Joey charged at his and threw a few swings, but none of them actually hit, especially since Joey was shorter than him.
"To slow, can't this little grudge match of your wait?"
"Not a chance."
"Ok. Suit yourself. But the real action is about to start." What action? Keith nodded over the banister down to the walkway below. Kagome didn't see him before, but Kaiba was standing on the small walk way with his brief case.
"What is Kaiba doing on this island?" Kagome asked.
"Thats right, you weren't with us. Kaiba is here to get his brother back. He dueled Yugi for entrance and used a dirty trick forcing Yugi to forfeit the match." Tea said in summary. "After help from Mai, we got his star chips back and were able to get in."
Kagome looked over to Yugi, but he wouldn't look her in the eye. He was focused on Kaiba down below. She didn't see the spirit of the puzzle either. What had actually happened? What wasn't being said?
"I was hoping to get a crack at the old man myself, but you know they save the biggest match for last." said Keith.
"Wait, there gonna duel?" Kagome said. "But why would Kaiba duel Pegasus? Unless..." she looked back down to Kaiba. 'Unless this the only way he can get back Mokuba
"Thats correct, finalists. I'm Croquet, Chief Trounament Liaison." An older, scratchy throated gentleman in a suit and glasses came up from the hall. "Congratulations on making it this far. Pegasus is quite taken with all of your dueling talents. In fact, he's so impressed, he wanted to reward you with some entertainment- a special exhibition match. I think you'll all be quite in awe of what you're about to see. Hmm. This match should give you an idea of what's in sore for all of you."
"So it's basically to intimidate us." commented Mai, quickly catching on.
"Why would Pegasus do something like that?" the man asked innocently.
"'cause he's a grade-a nut case." said Joey.
"Enjoy the match." He said nothing else and left. They all turned to the sight below.
Pegasus had walked into the walk way.
"Where is my brother?" Kaiba demanded.
"What? no 'Hello'? no 'Hww are you?' I thought we were friends, Kaiba boy." his voice was sophisticated as before and he was wearing another red suit, just as before. "Don't tell me that my kidnapping Mokuba and seizing control of your company has put a rift between us. It was nothing personal." He was so nonchalant about it all. Like discussing the weather. "Besides, it's not ike I hurt your kid brother. He's perfectly safe. In fact, you can have him back if you like. Just beat me in a duel like we agreed, and I'll hand him over. "I mean, one little victory shouldn't be a problem for the duel monsters world champ." The hair covering the left side of his face parted for a moment and Kagome could see some sort of gold glint off the eye, before it was covered again.
"Yugi, what was that?" she whispered to him.
"The Millennium Eye. Like my puzzle. It could cause problems for this duel."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm not hopin' Kaiba losses this duel." Said Joey. "I still say he's a first-class jerk of everything he put us through, but I can't help but feel for him, trying to get his kid brother back."
"Far as I'm concerned, anyone who stands up to Pegasus, can't be all bad." Tristan agreed.
"He is honorable. Or else he wouldn't be doing this." Kagome also agreed. She focused back onto Kaiba and Pegasus.
"Come now, Kaiba, it's so gauche to keep us in suspense, especially with an audience waiting int he wings." Kaiba looked up in surprise to seeing them.
"Hey there, Kaiba." Yugi greeted.
"Yugi! How could you be in here after I defeated you? I should've known you'd find a way." he looked over to Kagome and was again a little shocked. Since when was she here? Did her brother know. His heart did a little flip when she smiled at him.
"Good to see you, Seto. I wish it was under different circumstances though." she told him. He gave a small smile back, but quickly got serious and looked back at his opponent.
"Alright Kaiba, I've been looking forward to this for quite some time."
"Good." Kaiba flipped open his case and tossed a disc at the older man. "Then you'll have no problem dueling with this." he caught it, looked curiously at it and then waived it around. He looked like Shippo with a new toy for a moment.
"You want me to duel with our latest contraption? But I don't even know how the silly device even works. Do I spin it like a top, or roll it like a ball?" he turned around and rolled it back down the hall. His two servants chased after it.
"Cut the theatrics!" Seto yelled at him, blue eyes flashing.
"ooohh Kaiba means business. Ok, then. How about we settle this like businessmen would? I'll agree to use your system if you agree to a request that I have." he bargained.
"Nothing that will change the game, of course. I just want someone else to operate your little device for me." His voice went dark for a moment and it sent everyone, even Keith, on guard.
"I smell a rat."
"I assure you, I'll still make all the strategic decisions. The game play won't change at all."
"So why the request?" Set demanded. "Why not fight your own battle for once in your life?" Instead of answering, Pegasus just clapped his hands.
"Show Kaiba the lad who'll splay as my pawn, and he'll understand my request." Kagome got another foreboding feeling in her gut.
The door behind him opened up and a raggeled looking Mokuba walked in with another suit servant with a chain to one of his arms to the servant.
"Mokuba!" Seto called out, but got no response. Kagome looked at the kids eyes and her whole body froze. "No." she whispered.
"I apologize if he doesn't seem quite like himself. But I happen to find that the captives I keep are far easier to manage after I've made an extraction of sorts."
"Please no." Yugi looked up at Kagome and saw the horror in her face and the anger in her eyes.
"You monster!" Kaiba growled out.
"Now now, petty insults aren't the way to get your brother's soul back." Pegasus held up a card with a picture of Mokuba on it.
"You sick son of a bitch!" Kagome yelled at him, her tears threatening to fall and the others looked at her in surprise. "How dare you!"
"Ooh, touchy now are we Kagome?" Pegasus taunted her now. He looked up at her but his face turned to a frown for a moment, then is usual smirk was back.
"You have no authority nor right to mess with anyones soul like that, you creep!" her hands started to glow a light pink and he noticed with with a shocked expression.
She wanted so badly to go down there and smack the guy, but she wouldn't be able to. This was Seto's fight, he needed to do this to get his brother back. He was not the type of person to let someone else do what he felt was his responsibility. Plus there was no guarantee that she would be able to release the soul. The rules were different for this type of magic.
Kagome settled back down, but the anger was rolling off of her in waves.
"Kagame why are so mad? Mokuba is right there." Said Tristan.
"His body may be there, but Pegasus as taken control of his body by taking his soul captive." She explained in disgust. There was a gasp from Tea as she realized what Pegasus has been talking about.
"That creep!" yelled Joey, also coming to the same realization.
"Lets hope that Kaiba is strong enough to defeat him." Yugi said, putting faith into his rival.
The battle did not end well. At all. Every move Kaiba made, every thought that he had, Pegasus knew it. There was no guessing, he knew what was going on. Seto had no way to defend himself against the Millennium Eye, as Yugi had explained to her, could read a persons mind to what they were thinking and seeing. He saw the strategy's before they were even used.
Kaiba ended loosing his soul as well, trapped in a card beside his little brother. Yugi had become so angry, that the other side started to peak out. He was so sudden, and he was so mad, Kagome didn't think he noticed. He vowed, and threatened, he would defeat Pegasus and undo all the evil he had done to his friends.
Kagome vowed, silently along side him, to get them back. She would do everything she could to help release their souls, if it was the last thing she did
Everyone was led to a large dining room, the table already covered in different cuisines for the nights dinner. Kagome ended up sitting between Joey and Bandit Keith, mostly to keep the two from a fight. Though it was still not her preferred seat. Yugi sat across from her, back to normal now. Joey and Tristan had already started chowing down before the rest of them had been seated.
The food was good, but it was bitter after what they all had just seen. The five champions were now just waiting for instructions for the preliminaries and how everyone would be decided to face who, and who would be the one to duel the creator of duel monsters.
Kroque came back not to much later when they were finishing their meals and explained the rules.
"In your invitation to duelist kingdom, you received two cards. Glory of the King's Hand and the Glory of the Kin's opposite Hand." He held up the blank white card and the treasure card. "You must have one of these to participate in the final tournament. Those without them are disqualified. Each card provides unique prizes. The Glory of the King's hand card is needed to claim the 3-million cash prize. The other allows the challenger to challenge Pegasus for the championship."
Kagome noticed Keith grit his teeth. That subtle move set her eyes to narrow. He didn't have either card. He got here illegally. Well, technically so did Joey, but he had friends that could give him the card he needed if they didn't use the other. She was more than happy to give him the treasure card if he needed it. She certainly didn't need the money.
"To make tomorrow's tournament interesting, your host has added a special ingredient to your soup." They all looked down at their soups. Gold round eyes floated to the top of the five champions bowls. "Open up the eye and look inside, if you will." They all opened up their eyes to find a paper with a letter on it. Kagome had E, Yugi A, Joey D, Keith C, and Mai B. A computer screen pulled down behind the butler. "The computer will randomly select who will duel who in the tournament's first rounds."
Yugi would face Mai in the first round and Joey would face Keith. Kagome would face the winner of Yugi's duel. After everyone was finished and full on different levels (apparently Joey felt like a sumo wrestler) they all went to bed, well some of them. Kagome spent a little more time that double checking her deck for her various strategies. She trusted her cards, as most had a personal meaning for her. If she was meant to win tomorrow, she would. But damn if she didn't try her hardest to win.
'Help him save us Kagome. If he doesn't do it you must.'
'I don't didn't know why it was made, till now. I know it was meant for you, little bird.'
'... are you sure?'
'Of only one other thing am I most sure about.'
Soft white light lit up the balcony they stood on, her skin glowing in its light and shone in her eyes.
Violet red eyes stared back in her own.