Hey guys here is the 2nd chapter rewrite. Let me know how it goes.
This will be Kagome/Ichigo pairing, but don't worry your pretty heads, I will be playing around with ideas on another crossover for some Byakuya and Toshiro pairings with kagome action. I am on debate whether or not to have Toshiro paired with Karin, Ichigo's sister. With Byakuya, I might just add in a whole new character, so if you guys like that idea, please let me know in a review what you think.
I do not own Bleach or Inuyasha
Kagome did not know what to expect when she left for Karakura town that very next weekend. This was a man she had vague memories of, her father, he always smelt of wood, chocolate, and a spice of something she could never discern, but it was distinctly him and calming. He had the best hugs next to her mother. Nothing beats a mothers hug.
She remembered he taught her play sword fighting, much against her mothers wishes, when ever they spent time together. She would chase him around silly, usually yelling out 'i'ma get you da' and clumsily followed after him on toddler legs around the shrine. The shared the same love for special chocolate covered strawberries and almond toffee. He was a very good sword fighter, a genius inventor (she still had a few nicknacks laying around), and a good father.
Then he just disappeared one day. Kagome had asked about him, but her mothers reply was always he is far away, never a real strait answer. Had she known where he was this whole time? And if so, why had she never told her? She had been led to believe, or more like she assumed, from her mothers words, he passed away or had abandoned them when her brother Souta, was just a small baby.
She pulled herself out of her musings when the express train started to slow down and eventually stopped and Karakura station. She wheeled behind her a fairly good sized suit case behind her and her trusty yellow back back slung across her back. It wasn't as large as it usually was, trying to keep the weight lighter than usual on her back, but it was still also pretty large.
Kagome looked around the small station to see if there was any visual sign of her father, only some kids and families, individuals looking like they were going to work. One man however caught her eye. Mainly because he drew so much attention.
He was massive, tall and broad, darker skinned and looked more foreign than asian. His black hair was in large corn-rows along his head and a large mustache along his upper lip. He had small, square glasses, but they fit his face nicely. He was just so big, that he looked over everyone
When he was her he waived her over, his hands were as big as her head! She walked cautiously over to him
"Are you Higurashi Kagome?" he asked, his deep voice fitting his image perfectly. She nodded, still apprehensibly, but she could feel no evil in this mans intent or aura, so she relaxed and smiled.
"Yes, that's my name. Who are you?"
"I am Tessai, I work for your father at the shop." he replied. "I came to pick you up and help you carry your luggage to the shop." She nodded in thanks and handed him her suitcase.
"Thank you for your help. I most likely would have gotten lost." Tessai let out a small chuckle.
"No problem at all"
Since Tessai did not drive there, they walked all the way to the shop, which to a normal person was a bit aways, but Kagome wasn't even winded when the got there.
It was a modest building. Traditional Japan set up and decor was the main theme, which was a little different for a candy shop. Also it wasn't in a place that had a lot of through traffic, but was closer to the local high school. Hyper teenagers on sugar, oh joy.
Two children were playing in the from yard when they arrived. One was a boy with flaming red hair and a permanent scowl on his face, the other was a girl, a little taller than the boy, with black pigtails, though her long bangs fell into the middle of her face. She had adorable pink cheeks and the darkest eyes that matched her hair. However there were tears in the corner of her eyes, the boy had just rubbed her head raw with a noogie.
Tessai saw what was happening and walked strait up to the little boy, and picked him up by the back of his shirt, dangling him in the air.
"Trying to skip out on your chores again, Jinta?" his tone scolding. The kid huffed and looked away, though he did seem a little scared. She would have been too. the guy was massive, not to mention strength to the form. "Get finishing your chores, the bosses daughter has just arrived, so her new room had better be cleaned up."
"Don't worry Tessai, I have it all ready for her" the girl gave small smile and wiped her tears.
"Where is the boss?"
"He's inside in the basement." she said. "Should I go get him?"
"Yes, let him know that Kagome has arrived and getting setteled in." Tessai then turned back to Kagome after setting Jinta back to the ground to finish his chores. "Come, I'll show you to your room. Hopefully it is to your liking."
He showed her to her own room, the outside of the building was very deceptive to the actual interior size, as her room was well sized, maybe larger than her old room. The walls were cream with dark cherry wood lining the doors and windows. There was a work desk by the window, also cherry wood, and a mahogany dresser with a vanity on top. Her bed was also more traditional, a futon that was raised off the ground crisp white sheets and a dark navy blue and red plaid pattern blanket folded neatly at the foot matching the pillow. The window by the bed at a nice view of the neighborhood and a portion of the high schools field.
Kagome briefly thanked Tessai before he left her to her own devices to unpack and settle in. She was left with her thoughts as she put her clothing in their proper drawers, various nicknacks, books, and small room decorations, like a lamp and alarm clock.
It wasn't long before she had nothing else left to do but think about her situation. Her mother was right, being away from the shrine would help her to move on. She didn't like it, but she would. A new start, new places, and new people (hopefully not as annoying as some of her other friends). She had a feeling that moving to Karakura Town was going to be unlike anything she had ever experienced, and hopefully it was for the better.
"Ah, Kagome, how are you dear?" A mans voice draggeed her out of her thoughts and into her current surroundings. Looking up she found her father, a curious man dressed in green with a stripped green hat. He always loved wearing that hat. She frowned for a second when she realized she didn't sense him at all when he approached. She was going to need to work on that, no sense in letting any of her skills dull just because she was in a different era.
Kagome then smiled brightly and launched herself at her father and hugged him tightly. She had missed him very much. He chuckled at her reaction. "So good then." He hugged her back just as earnestly.
"I missed you, Papa" she said into his green hoari, muffled. She should be furious with this man she called father, for leaving and not having contact for the past 9-10 years to let her know he was alright. However, the second she looked into the same blue eyes of her own, she couldn't help but think he looked and smelled the same, and that it didn't mater. He still smelled of sweets, honeysuckles, and a spice that she could not place or name, was calming, and it felt like home. He had his reasons, everyone does to protect their loved ones.
"And I you, my little blue bird." he replied, hugger her tighter.
So this is the newly rewritten chapter 2. I know its not very long, but I needed to update. I'm trying to write the chapters a head of time and then post them at certain times, but my job has been sucking the fun and life out of me. Please be patient with me, and please do review if you would, its greatly appreciated.