Chapter 3:Hermes and Polydeuces
Disclaimer: The author does not have ownership over Persona 3 Portable or any of its characters, locations and such; they belong to Atlus. This fanfiction, however, does belong to her. If she did own Persona 3 Portable, Shinjiro x Hamuko would be canon, Hamuko's Persona would be Eurydice instead of Orpheus and you would have the choice to have them both live and play them together as one character.
Warning: Violence, sexual themes and other things that would warrant a warning. Spoilers from the game are to be expected. There are also major differences from the actual storyline, such as the fact that both Minato and Hamuko exist here and Death is sealed inside them on March 1999 instead of May 1999.
Pairings (Complete?):
(Major) Hamuko x Shinjiro, Hamuko x Ryoji x Minato, Hamuko x Aigis x Minato;
(Minor) Hamuko x Ken, Hamuko x Akihiko, Hamuko x Minato, Hamuko x Hidetoshi, Hamuko x Akinari, Hamuko x Bebe, Yukari x Minato, Fuuka x Minato, Mitsuru x Minato, Chihiro x Minato, Chidori x Junpei, Toriumi x Minato, Hamuko x Theodore, Elizabeth x Minato;
(Crack) Koromaru x Shinji's Cooking, Akihiko x Beef Bowls, Hamuko x Food x Minato, Minato x Sleeping
(NEVER Gonna Happen) Akihiko x Shinjiro, Orobas x Shinjiro, Fuuka x Shinjiro, Hamuko x Nozomi, Theodore x Igor, Elizabeth x Igor, Takaya x Shin (Hamuko x Shin is more likely to happen in my very honest opinion)
Author's Notes: Third chapter; doing this while waiting for food at my grandparents. Hopefully, I've uploaded this by Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone! If not, than belated Happy Holidays! Oh, and I think I listed all the pairings with the main characters that will be shown in this fanfic. A lot of Minato and Hamuko pairings but I guess that's to be expected especially with the game and all. Don't worry – they aren't cheating! Mostly crushes and all that; I thought I'd just list them in case people wonder what would be here. Oh, and notice how Aigis and Ryoji are paired to both Arisatos? Haha. There was originally Maiko x Minato there too, but when I read the whole file over, I wanted to shoot myself in the head… without using an Evoker, so I removed that.
Update would have been faster if I wasn't so forgetful. I had to consult KyKiske7's Persona 3 Portable – 100% Walkthrough on YouTube to see what happens on what dates. I chose this because it was very clear and I think he maxes out all the Social Links with Hamuko, so I wanted to see that too. Forgive me if I place a Social Link event a day it would have been impossible to do on.
Oh, and I would have finished even sooner if I wasn't stuck reading Lightning on the Wave's Sacrifice Series. It's an HPDM slash with a Slytherin!Harry who has Lord level powers… It's awesome. I've also been working on a drawing for Dante Week's art contest, playing Persona 3 Portable for my fifth play through and…
If you read all the out-of-character notes, by the way: say 'It's not Lupus', tell me which Crack Pairing listed you want to see and tell me who's YouTube walkthrough I'm watching in your comment and I might make one-shots with a pairing of choice for the first three who does this.
Also, this may or may not be the last update that will have dates and times. Going through the walkthroughs to see what happened on what date and what time is kind of annoying, so Chapter onwards might have a different writing style which will highlight major points… so on and so forth.
[April 7, 2009 – 8:30 Tuesday
Gekkoukan High: Main Hallway]
The ride on Anehazuru had been… awkward, if you had to look for the most accurate word that would sum up the entire trip to school. No one talked and Yukari felt like the unwanted third wheel, as if she shouldn't be there to intrude on their intimate private time. Not that it was intimate to the two; they always held hands – wasn't that natural for siblings? But the two Arisatos being so close to each other made Yukari feel so alienated which was why she was happy when they were at their stop and hurried over to the school.
The girl had been greeted by familiar faces left and right while Hamuko and Minato just walked behind silently – waiting to be shown to their classroom or to be left to fend for themselves; whichever Yukari chose to do. And they were sure that the girl would do the latter with what had happened between the three of them last night and this morning. Which was why they were surprised when Yukari turned around with a small smile on her face. "Welcome to Gekkoukan High! You're gonna like it here… I think," she said, trying to sound as cheerful as she could but faltered when some of the other students passing by gave her weird looks. That wasn't the thing that fazed her though as she looked at the two holding hands again. "You… might not want to do that, you know? Unless you want rumors spreading around about you," she muttered.
The two just blinked.
"There's nothing wrong with what we're doing, so there's no need to worry," Hamuko chirped in reply and looked at her brother who just nodded.
There was a sigh. "Hey… I'm just saying," she shrugged and slumped over; dealing with these two took a lot out of her – and they've only known each other for less than a day! "Well, you should check what class you're in and go to your homeroom teacher first," she continued, letting out another sigh before pointing out what was there and where to find them; well, she just pointed out where the faculty office is – wait, what? What kind of school tour was that?
If that was the entire tour, asking anything else wouldn't probably do them of much good so they just watched her leave after telling her that "Yes, we'll be okay."
Yukari didn't get too far though before she stopped again and turned back. "About last night… Don't tell anyone what you saw, okay?" and with that, she ran off.
The two just took a glance at each for a moment before Hamuko suddenly struck a pose, with one hand pointing up in the air, the other on her hip and one leg raised up – something you would probably see during a 'magical girl transformation' scene… or something like that. One eye was closed as she winked and there was a mischievous smile on her face as she openly declared that it was "Time to start the Awesome Adventures of the Arisato Association!"
The outburst received mixed reactions from the other people in the hallway; female students were giggling and gossiping, male students were whispering about the cute weirdo and an old man was grumbling about youth today. On Minato's face, though, was a look that seemed to be a mixture of amusement and embarrassment as he quickly pulled his little sister into the hallway towards the Faculty Office. They didn't even get to see what class they were in! …Oh well, they'd probably know it through their homeroom teacher anyway.
[April 7, 2009 – 8:42 Tuesday
Gekkoukan High: Faculty Office Hallway]
'Well… it's less crowded in here, at least,' Minato thought after dragging his sister through the double doors so that they could get out of that embarrassing situation. It was less crowded in this hallway as if students were avoiding it and, aside from the two of them, there were only three others here. One was a mature looking girl with wavy long locks, waiting around in front of another room while muttering to herself. The other two was a weird man with a Bushido helmet on his head and a foreign looking student, both who were conversing very passionately (not to mention loudly) about samurais.
There was another blink, a long pause and Minato started to draw Hamuko away before she could join the conversation on samurais as well, dragging her into the Faculty office.
[April 7, 2009 – 8:44 Tuesday
Gekkoukan High: Faculty Office]
Deeming them safe from any further embarrassment, Minato stopped pulling at his sister's hand when they were met with a woman clad in a pink blazer. There was a surprised look on her face but that was quickly replaced with a small smile. There was a twinkle in her eye as she greeted them; "You two must be the new students; Arisato Minato and Arisato Hamuko – 11th grade," she said with a nod, looking down at a folder she had been holding. There was a mumble of something about living in a lot of different places and her eyes widened.
They had a feeling they knew what it was; it was always the same after all. Apologies and pity – muttered or otherwise; and they were used to it that it didn't mean anything anymore. Now, there were apologies about not reading this before they had arrived and Hamuko waved it away with a smile on her face.
"It's quite alright ma'm," she said, trying to reassure her and the teacher just smiled back.
Then, she finally introduced herself. "I'm Ms. Toriumi, your homeroom and Composition teacher. Welcome to our school."
And, the two knew how to act. Both bowed their heads and replied, "We're pleased to meet you."
Pleased with their attitudes, Ms. Toriumi finally led the way to the School Auditorium for a much… 'awaited' Welcoming Ceremony.
[April 7, 2009 – 16:35 Tuesday
Classroom 2-F]
Gossip ran like wild fire among the students of Gekkoukan High – although that was to be expected, really. The juicy kind was quick to fly around no matter what school you were in after all. But, even as the gossip was about the new students who turned out to be twins instead of lovers… as most people had assumed at first, the two Arisatos just ignored them with great ease. This was apparent during the Opening Ceremony, people left and right whispering about them but they acted as if they weren't hearing anything.
Instead, they had focused on their classes which were over soon enough and the two were getting ready to pack their bags. But it seemed they weren't let go of that easily as one of their classmates went over with a huge grin on his face. "…'Sup, dude?" a voice called out, startling the two of them, having been absorbed in just grabbing their things and placing them into their bags as neatly as possible. They quickly turned to look and see who it was; a guy wearing a blue baseball cap with a goatee on his chin.
He laughed, apparently at the expressions on their faces. The look on Hamuko's face was friendly surprise – the one on Minato's was not.
This was the guy named Junpei who, according to Yukari, was the poster boy for perverts. If that was true, he wasn't going anywhere near his sister. So, Minato stood up and gave him a warning look and asked, "What do you want?"
Junpei raised his hands up defensively, although the lopsided grin was still on his face. "Hey, hey, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm not trying to hit on your girlfriend," he said, cheerfully as he gave Hamuko a small wink. "She's a cutie and all but I just wanted to check on the new kids in class. I know just how tough it is bein' the new kid," he continued on with the friendly tone of voice.
But then, a loud and exaggerated sigh interrupted as Yukari walked up to them. "At it again, huh? Honestly, is there any girl you wouldn't hit on?" she said, with a voice full of disdain when the guy cut in, looking a bit offended.
"Hey, hey, hey! I wouldn't hit on a girl that's taken, no matter how hot they are! That's against a man's code of honor," he said, a bit riled up as his grin became a bit toothy.
"Taken?" the pink wearing girl looked confused, looking at Junpei as if he had grown a second head. "Hamuko and Minato are siblings – twins… Were you sleeping again, Stupei?" she sighed, giving him a flat glare. But then again, Yukari thought that they were a couple too with the way they acted around each other – not to mention the fact that they looked nothing alike.
But, Junpei seemed to rejoice at the revelation. "Hamuko's not taken? Sweet!"
"I'm right here you know?" Hamuko cut in with a pout, not liking the fact that the two talked about her as if she wasn't there.
Yukari turned to Minato, glad to ignore Junpei and hope Hamuko played along. The archer thought that Hamuko really wasn't the brightest bulb there was, but she should be a whole lot smarter than Stupei. She smiled at Minato, "Some coincidence that we'd be in the same homeroom, huh?" she spoke, definitely a lot friendlier towards the Arisato than to the other boy.
Junpei snickered, nudging Hamuko and whispering something to her. "Watch out, Yuka-tan is trying to steal your brother away from you," he grinned from ear-to-ear and Hamuko giggled in reply. Minato didn't hear what was said but the nearness to the other boy was enough to make Minato nervous, so that he only replied to Yukari's musing with a stiff nod.
Yukari heard though. Yes, she did. And a quick, angry stamp was set on Junpei's foot as she huffed. "Don't do anything funny, Stupei. I have to go to the archery club today," she said, giving the two Arisatos a wave and just plain ignoring the other boy as she walked out of the classroom.
A few moments of silence rang in the air, as if they were waiting until the archer was indeed a good distance away. Then, Junpei broke into a singsong voice, "Someone's in looovveee~" he laughed, to which Hamuko giggled along with. Of course, Minato not having heard what the guy had whispered to his sister promptly sent a glare at him thinking that he meant Junpei was in love with Hamuko. But, after making a few kissy faces, Junpei grinned at the two again. "I seriously didn't come here to hit on Hamuko or anything. If you ever have a problem, you can tell your ol' pal Junpei about it!" he declared with great confidence, shoving a thumb into his chest.
Another giggle. "We'll remember that, Junpei-kun."
[April 7, 2009 – 23:05 Tuesday
Iwatodai Dorm: Lounge]
'Water… Where are the cups?' Minato sighed, searching quietly around the cupboards for a mug as he left the pitcher of cold water on the counter. It was near midnight and he had to get out of bed for a drink, although he would have gotten here sooner if Hamuko wasn't blocking his way.
Then, there were footsteps and a head of white hair passed by from the stairs, towards the entrance. "I'm going out for a bit," he announced and Minato thought it was addressed to him. "Have you seen the newspapers lately?"
'Is he even allowed to go out this late?' Minato thought, not moving to his spot as he poured himself a glass of water. 'What's he talking about? Newspapers?'
"I know," came another voice and Minato almost jumped. The seniors were still up at this hour, really? "People who had no problems before are suddenly developing acute cases of Apathy Syndrome… I've seen it in the news quite often lately. They say it's due to stress, but…"
There was a snort; "Yeah, right. It has to be THEM. Otherwise, it's not worth my time…"
'Them? Is someone spreading this… Apathy Syndrome?'
A chuckle came from the student council President; "You have a one-track mind… Will you be okay on your own?"
"Don't worry. I'm just getting a little practice."
'Shouldn't be the police investigating this? And what did he mean by practice?'
And out the door he went, obvious by the creak of the door as it opened followed by a soft slam.
"This isn't a game Akihiko…"
[April 8, 2009 – 17:12 Wednesday
Iwatodai Dorm: Lounge]
After another day of school wherein they had gone through a comfortable routine of listening in class, taking down notes and whispering the answers to Junpei both Hamuko and Minato trudged through into the dormitory lounge. They looked forward to a night free of homework and everything seemed to be going along smoothly like yesterday. Yukari was reading magazines in her usual spot at the cou- oh, wait, there were no magazines, not to mention there was an unfamiliar man sitting in Mitsuru's usual place.
The man had long, wavy brown hair and wore spectacles, a brown jacket with a black turtleneck on the inside. He had a scholarly, sophisticated air about him and a fatherly impression. Smiling as he regarded the two, he greeted; "So, this is our new guests… Good evening. My name is Shuji Ikutsuki. I'm the Chairman of the Board for your school" he started off quite formally, until a chuckle broke out from his lips. "Ikutsuki… Hard to say, isn't it? That's why I don't like introducing myself. Even I get tongue-tied sometimes."
Now, Minato didn't know what to make of this man but Hamuko certainly liked him. And the two both bowed respectfully, introducing themselves in return.
Ikutsuki, as he had introduced himself, quickly waved the formalities off with a friendly laugh. But then, he returned to his more professional tone; "I apologize about the confusion regarding your accommodations. However, it may take a while longer before you receive the proper room assignment," he said, with a certain glint in his eyes. Hamuko couldn't figure out what that meant, never being good at reading expressions but Minato had his… doubts about this man. Whatever he felt off though, he didn't voice out – since, well, everyone must have had their own secret or two; it was best not to pry. "Is there anything you'd like to ask?"
"What are you doing here, sir, if we may ask?" Minato broke out politely, trying not to sound accusing or too nosy.
"To welcome you, of course," he replied with great ease. And, cue another chuckle. "Do you have another question?
A shake of the head. "No, that's all really," Minato replied again, earning a pout from Hamuko.
"Then, I hope you have a successful school year," he smiled with a nod, pushing himself off the chair and on to his feet. "Now, if you'll excuse me… You must be tired from all the excitement. You should go to bed early. As they say, 'The early bird catches-'," he continued, the 'lame pun' senses tingling in Yukari. But, he never got to finish as Hamuko did it for him.
"The bookworm!" the female Arisato giggled, earning a blink, a smile and then a chuckle from the man.
"I see I've got a fellow comedian in here," he nodded.
The look on both Minato's and Yukari's faces were aghast with horror.
"Don't tell me; Hamuko just changed her name to Ikutsuki Junior," she groaned, slapping herself on the forehead as if to massage away an oncoming headache.
[April 8, 2009 – Hidden Hour
Minako was having the a very nice dream; not like the nightmare she had lately. She was in Chaplin's Chocolate Factory with her brother. Chaplin had given them the factory and they were running through the gumdrop forest, happily content by the sweets surrounding her. They had done this after swimming in the river of chocolate and had washed off the gooey sweet with a shower of milk and even wrestled with some gummy bears.
Everything was perfect, when she became overly conscious as if there was watching her. She looked up and gaped as a giant eye in the cotton candy filled sky was watching them like a hawk. It was followed by a voice. "Mistress… Master… Mistress Hamuko, Master Minato," it whispered, pulling her from her this wonderland like a siren call.
Of course, this was Hamuko and she resisted, grabbing unto licorice vines to try and ground herself. Her head snapped to the side when she noticed Minato was already floating upwards, like a human captured in an alien's tractor beam. "No! Don't go into the light, Minato-nii!" she yelled, flailing and failing to continue resisting as she was pulled along as well, the licorice tearing from where they hanged.
The next thing she knew, they were soaring over black and white checkered styled floor and a blue door opened up, letting them in.
Silent as they landed upright on their feet and was placed delicately into a velvet chair . "Welcome to the Velvet Room. My name is Igor; I am delighted to make your acquaintance," the source of the voice before smiled eerily at her. Hamuko, of course, couldn't help but stare. The man, Igor, had blood shot eyes that seemed to pop out of his head and a head – or, well half a head of white hair. His nose was big and long, one that would put Pinocchio to shame and he had pointy ears. He wore a formal suit and gloved hands, looking very much like a deranged butler from hell. "This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter… Only those who have signed the contract can enter this place…" he continued, pointing at… something.
It was a desk, right in front of her, something she hadn't noticed before and Hamuko looked around dazedly to observe the room… Although, now that she looked at it, it seemed to be a room built inside the elevator. The grills on the far side opposite her showed that they were going up and up and up and up, continually ascending at what should be dizzying speeds. The room was rather plain, with two velvet chairs and a velvet desk in between them. At least it rang true to its name.
But, there were only two chairs, one for her and one for Igor. She turned around, expecting more grills there, only to see Minato and the blue door they had gone through. Her brother was silent throughout the whole ordeal, watching the exchange pensively with a blank look on his face. He stood behind her, on her right – reminding her like some sort of knight guarding his king, er, queen.
Her attention snapped back to the strange man when he started to talk again, though, and what was fuzzy became even more confusing. "Henceforth, you shall be welcome here in the Velvet Room. You are destined to hone your unique ability, and you will require my help to do so," he smiled, showing a mouthful of teeth as he did so, and his bloodshot eyes were fixed eerily on Hamuko. "I only ask one thing in return… that you abide by the contract and assume responsibility for the choices you make."
Hamuko didn't know what to say, but there was an answer dangling at the tip of her tongue. Glancing back at Minato who gave her a curt nod, she replied with what she felt was the correct thing to say; "I understand."
And it seemed that pleased their otherworldly host. He took something from his pocket and held it out; "Hold on to this…" he said, handing a key to her as if it was a delicate item.
When she held it in her hand, there was the same tugging from before – the one which had called her from her wonderland. It was saying that it is time to go and it was pulling at them again. But, it stopped when Igor seemed to have a few more words to say. "There are still more residents of this room, who unfortunately could not be present for your arrival. But I'll make sure all are properly introduced. Another time, perhaps?" he smiled then bowed. There was that tugging again. "'Til we meet again…" he finally said.
The next thing she knew, she was back in her wonderland.
This time, it felt rather… empty.