Well here it is. If there could be a drumroll played, it would be: The first chapter of my new Jacob Black story. It would have been out earlier but I've been going through a lot of bull lately. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy it.

Disclaimer: Never will I ever own Twilight. It is a sad reality that I must face.

I looked out the window as my mom drove down to the La Push reservation. Apparently it's for a new start since everyone made fun of me at my old school. Just because I was a little chubbier than most and I dye my hair weird colors doesn't mean I'm a target. I'm only moving in with my aunt Emily because the kids started getting violent. Whatever. I sighed for about the thirtieth time.

"Cheer up Jess. I'm doing this for your own good." My mom told me. I looked at her.

"It's gonna be the same here. I'm gonna get made fun of and then I'm gonna leave again. It's a never ending cycle!" I cried dramatically. What can I say? I'm a sucker for drama. She chuckled.

"You won't get picked on. You know Sam will have the boys around you all the time. Besides I hear a certain boy in La Push has been asking about you." She looked at me with a smirk. I looked at her confused. I had a crush on Jacob but he's pining over Bella.

"Who? I know for a fact that Jacob is in love with the leech lover." I told her with my arms crossed. Now she has me curious.

"Not Jacob. Paul." I looked at her like she was crazy. That was a shocker. Paul Walker was your typical hot man-whore. He was 6,7 with muscles everywhere and he fucked anything that was skinny, big boobed, legs that never fucking ended and wore pretty much nothing. I am nothing like that. I'm 5'4, chubby and have an attitude the size of the fucking universe. I wear skinnies, band tees or graphic tees, and converse or skater shoes. To hear that he's been asking about me is scary.

"You're lying. He doesn't even notice me." I told her. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe he does but you've never noticed. You just don't want to admit that you think Paul is attractive." She told me. I looked at her like she had 17 heads and a pig nose.

"Are you crazy? Have you seen how Paul looks? His muscles ripple every time he freaking moves!" I practically yelled. My mom smirked and looked behind me. I turned and saw the whole pack standing outside Sam's house. I turned to my mom.

"We're here Jess." I glared at her as she smirked. I got out of the car and was immediately picked up in a hug.

"SAM!" I yelled hugging him tightly. He spun me in a circle and I laughed.

"It's good to finally have a pixie here." He told me smiling. He led me over to the pack and I hugged them all. I got in front of Paul and looked up to see him smirking.

"So you stare at my muscles huh?" I blushed and looked away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob glare at Paul and Paul winked at him before picking me up bridal style and holding me close. Before I disappeared, I heard a loud growl then Embry and Quil trying to calm Jake down. Maybe me coming here is for the best and besides, things just got a whole lot more interesting.