Hey guys. Sorry my updates have been slow but I can't really find the time to write much but please bear with me. I'm glad people are enjoying this story so much though. It gives me a reason to keep writing this. I'm not really into Twilight anymore but I'm definitely going to continue this story.
Disclaimer- As usual, Twilight doesn't belong to me. Blah blah blah.
The past few weeks that Paul and I have been dating have been the happiest weeks of my life. Jacob still has his stupid remarks but I can always counter with a snide remark. So in the end my life is getting better.
"JESS!" I heard from downstairs. I took my ear buds out and put my lyric notebook down. I got up and went downstairs.
"Yeah?" I looked at Emily to see what she wanted. She smiled at me and went back to baking the muffins. I looked at her confused before I felt myself being lifted into the air. I squealed and held onto the arms that were holding me. I heard Paul's laugh from behind me and immediately smiled. He put me down and I turned and kissed him. I felt him smile.
"Why don't you guys go and get a room?" I heard Jacob say bitterly while walking by. I pulled away and looked at him smirking.
"We would but I wouldn't want you guys to hear how loud we could be. Besides I'm not a whore like your leech lover." He gave me a pissed off look and sat down at the table.
"I was thinking we could go for a walk on the beach and then chill there until the bonfire." Paul told me. I thought about it then nodded.
"That sounds like a great idea. I should get dressed though." I kissed his cheek then ran upstairs. I grabbed a pair of grey skinnies, a blue V-neck shirt, and my blue and black vans. I grabbed one of Paul's old hoodies and put it on. I ran downstairs and grabbed his hand.
"Ready?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled.
"I'll see you guys at the bonfire." I told her and waved. She waved back and I walked out with Paul.
Jacob's POV
I watched as Jess left with Paul. I clenched my fist until my knuckles turned white. I know I had no right to be angry but she's my fucking imprint. She will always be mine. Paul thinks that he won but she'll come back to me. I felt Emily place a hand over mine and I somewhat relaxed. I looked up at her.
"You can't be mad at her Jake. You brought this on yourself." She told me. I couldn't answer. I knew she was right. I love Bella but Jess makes me feel things that I don't feel with Bella. I can't let either one go.
"What should I do? I keep hurting Jess but I love Bella and I promised I would never give up on her." Emily smiled and me and sat next to me.
"I know you love Bella. While I don't approve of how you're fighting the imprint, I can see why you're doing it. But you have to think about Bella and Jess. Bella is in love with her boyfriend and happy with him. Jess is in love with you but happy with Paul. You have one girl's heart but you want the other. Your heart already knows who it wants. Your mind and soul just have to agree." I looked at her and sighed.
"I still don't know what to do." She put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed.
"You'll figure it out Jake. It doesn't matter how long it takes, you'll figure it out." She walked back over to the oven. I sat back and thought about what she told me. Jess or Bella? How could I choose, when I love both of them? I stared at the ceiling and decided to go to the beach, hoping to see Jess. I drove to the beach and started walking through the water. I heard Jess's familiar laugh and smiled. She has a loud laugh but it was cute. I looked over and saw her kissing Paul. I clenched my fist. I glared and made a decision. I'm going to stop fighting for Bella and start fighting for my imprint. I'm going to prove to Jess that I love her and we belong together.