She stood tall and proud besides her Tanith Low and China Sorrows stood the wind whipped their hair China glowed as the tattoos on her body swirled, and Tanith had her sword in her hand, it was dripping from the rain that was pouring down Valkyrie Cain was standing with shadows whipping around her and flames were in her hands, lightening crackled in the gloomy sky, Fletcher Renn came up behind Valkyrie and whispered in her ear quietly "Keep safe out their, ok I don't want you dying," "Don't worry Fletcher I will," she replied he nodded and teleported to god knows were, Ghastly bespoke Skulduggery pleasant and Mr. bliss Joined them and they stood in front off an army of the most powerful Mages, necromancers and vampires in Ireland, it was a fight to The death seeming as most off the opposing army were evil gave the impression that the sanctuary would help them especially as they had an elder fighting but the only help they had given them was, The Torment and 50 cleavers, Valkyrie looked over at the other mages and nodded but before any off them could move Solomon Wreath appeared with the White Cleaver and 2 other Necromancers who Val Didn't recognise, he didn't speak but nodded, immediately Val knew that they were going to help fight, soon they were all in formation, but before anyone could throw a flame Dusk threw forward the body 0ff a young vampire, Calean, Valkyrie immediately untied him and told one off the cleavers to take him back to the tent were Kenspeckle grouse was working as soon as he was back and in formation Valkyrie Screamed an order and they charged too surely what would be their doom.