LEADER SMALLSTAR: small dark gray tabby tom with amber eyes.
DEPUTY SMOKETALON: Smokey colored tom with gray eyes.
MEDICINE CATFERNSPOTS: white tabby with brown and golden spots with chilling blue eyes.
SHADOWSTRIPE: Black tom with green eyes.
EELSTEP: Bluish-grayish tabby she-cat with dark green eyes.
SUNSPOTS: Flame pelted she-cast with dark yellow eyes.
TWISTEDFOOT: Gray tom with a twisted foot, black eyes.
ELKFOOT: Brown tabby she-cat with brown eyes.
SLITHERPAW: Gray tom with light blue eyes.
HAREPAW: Brown tabby tom with dark green eyes.
SUNPAW: Yellowy-redish tabby tom with amber eyes.
CHERRYPAW: Rust colored she-cat with unusual red eyes.
BUTTER: Yellow tabby with amber eyes, formerly a kittypet.
MOONGAZE: Gray tabby with beautiful blue eyes.
FAWNSTEP: White she-cat with green eyes.
MORNINGVIOLET: Red she-cat with gray eyes.
LIGHTNING: White tom with amber eyes. Formerly a kittypet.
THISTLEJAW: Gray tom with dark blue eyes.
SILVERSHINE: Beautiful silver tabby with gray spots, gray eyes.
Chapter One
Moongaze watched her kits, Harekit, and Twitchkit play carefully in the falling snow. The snow was already getting thick, so she called to them to come to the nursery. In less than a quarter moon, she knew that her daughter and son would become apprentices. To her surprise, Smallstar called the words that she knew since she was a kit "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Hightree for a Clan meeting." The elders- who didn't want to come out there den- shuffled slowly out of their cozy den to gather among the other cats, hoping to stop shivering. Harekit bounded over to the Hightree, following his graceful sister, Twitchkit. The kits took their place right under the tree, watching Smallstar come out of his den- an old rabbit hole- and carefully claw his way up the Hightree. Moongaze traveled to her kits and asked, "Have you two being keeping something from me?" Harekit responded with a flick of his tail to be quiet, so the meeting could start, but Twitchkit only looked at Moongaze with a questioning look.
"From this day forward, until Harekit has earned his warrior name, this apprentice will be called Harepaw. Shadowstripe, you are ready for another apprentice. You will begin Harepaw's training. Shadowstripe apparently did a good job mentoring Snowfoot. I expect you to pass on everything that your mentor, Sunspots taught you to this young apprentice." Shadowstripe happily touched noses with Harepaw, and sat next to him. The cats shouted his new name encouragingly.
"Today there is also another kit that is ready to get a mentor," Smallstar said proudly. Twitchkit put her chin up happily, waiting for her leader to address her. "Slitherpaw, your mentor will be Eelstep." The cats know addressed Slitherpaw with his new name. Smallstar jumped down from the tree and climbed into his den. Twitchkit looked at Moongaze; her eyes filled with sadness and sorrow. Moongaze walked to Smallstar's den, trying to control her anger. Why hadn't Smallstar made Twitchkit an apprentice?
"Smallstar?" Movement came from the back of the burrow, and Smallstar came to the front of the den. He gestured with his tail for Moongaze to come inside.
"I know why you are in here-" His words were cut off as Moongaze interrupted him.
"Why wasn't my daughter made an apprentice?" Moongaze hissed.
"Well, I don't think Twitchkit was cut out to be a warrior. She wouldn't make a difference, even with an extra warrior," Smallstar explained coolly.
"Don't accuse her of being no help, I do remember a certain other apprentice that wasn't the most helpful either," Moongaze replied in her daughter's defense. Smallstar's fur raised; he apparently remembered his apprenticeship.
"Well, er, it's not Twitchkit's sense of helpfulness, it's her sense of smell. It's-," he paused thinking of words, "Not the best." Smallstar's fur has begun to lie flat again.
"Twitchkit's sense of smell is not the best, I agree, but that is not a reason for her not to become an apprentice before her littermate. Twitchkit can still breathe through her mouth." Moongaze ended the conversation by stalking out of the leader's den. In the nursery that night, Twitchkit felt deadly alone. While her mother slept soundly, Twitchkit knew she was going to stay up all night, because of what Slitherpaw and Harepaw had said to her at sunhigh. "
"We were made apprentices before you because you are horrible hunter!" Harepaw had sneered. Twitchkit couldn't believe that even her own brother had turned on her. Dawn rose in the horizon and Twitchkit knew it was another worthless day of taunting ahead of her. Yawns filled the nursery, and Lilykit already was pouncing on Twitchkit when she knew she was awake. Twitchkit knew that this was just harmless kit playing, but she couldn't stop thinking that Lilykit would be made a 'paw before her. As quick as fresh kill running through ferns, Twitchkit had an idea. Maybe if I take on apprentice duties, cats would think he was an apprentice. Freshly fallen snow made Twitchkit believe that leafbare had arrived. Quickly and quietly he slinked to the medicine cat's den and gathered a jaw full of moss for the elder's den without waking up Fernspots. Good news, the elders, Moringviolet, Thistlejaw, Lightning, and Slivershine were already pacing around the clearing, trying to convince Smallstar that they were well enough to hunt. Twitchkit snuck into their den, and grabbed the spoiled moss and placed the new moss in place. Later that day, Slitherpaw went to the elder's den to clean their moss, and found that it was already clean. Slitherpaw went to eat some fresh kill with the other apprentices, Cherrypaw, Harepaw, and Sun paw.
"Did one of you guys change the elder's moss?" Slitherpaw asked anxiously. His denmates shook their heads and looked at Slitherpaw curiously. "Because I found that I was fresh!"
From the bushes Twitchkit heard him go on and on about the subject, she might not be able to smell well, but she had defiantly not lost his hearing. Moongaze waltzed out into the clearing and looked for Twitchkit. Twitchkit was crawling farther in the bushes, when sharp teeth grabbed her scruff on her neck.
"Twitchkit! Kits are supposed to stay in the nursery!" Smallstar saw Moongaze and set Twitchkit down next to her. "That's another reason for her not to be an apprentice," Smallstar muttered under his breath. Moongaze looked at her leader, trying to hold back what she had to say. Just as she carried Twitchkit back to the nursery, a strange, familiar sent filled her nose.
Kittypet!A golden tabby that reeked of kittypet walked into the camp. Warriors paced to the she-cat wondering axciously why she was there. From behind the kittypet, three kits appeared and the she-cat swiped her tail around them carefully. From where Moongaze was located, she couldn't hear what the cat had to say, but Smallstar called a Clan meeting.
"This kittypet, that claims that her name is Butter, has come here, to ThunderClan because they're twolegs abandoned her and her kits, Stone, Apple, and Mint.
Suddenly the Clan medicine cat, Fernspots spoke up, "Those would make great names! Applekit and Stonekit, and Mintkit!" She flicked her tail to tell Smallstar that she was done. After Smallstar finished speaking, he ordered Moongaze to find a spot for Butter and her kits in the nursery.
That night, Mintkit walked over to Twitchkit and asked him what a Clan was. Twitchkit opened her mouth in surprise, and Mintkit responded, "Wow! You sure got some teeth there!" Moongaze laughed, but Butter apparently didn't think it was funny, and she wrapped her tail around Mintkit and pulled him closer. What does she think I'll do with these teeth? Bite her? Twitchkit thought. The next morning, Twitchkit knew better to go out of the nursery, but she couldn't help it. Smallstar apparently wasn't up yet, and there was no movement in the camp. A cool breeze drifted into Twitchkit's face and her temptation to go and explore the forest was growing stronger by the minute. She checked both ways, and snuck out a hole in the clearing wall, that nobody but Twitchkit knew about. She took in her surroundings, and found a neat tree that she could sharpen her claws with. Suddenly, Twitchkit stopped in mid-scrape and felt that something was wrong. She watched the ferns sway back and forth until the reviled the deadly animal.
I do not own warriors, Erin Hunter does.
Please review, but only good reviews. Review if you want more! (On both chapters!)