After that extremely awkward-to- write smut chapter, here's a little angsty one :))
I wanted to write fluff but I couldn't think of a good storyline as of now.
I'll update as soon as I can think of another story, haha :D
Thanks for all the nice reviews!
There were a number of reasons why Sam Evans wanted Quinn Fabray. First, she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and although he used to go to an all-boy's school, he knew that no one else could compare to her. Second, she was beyond complex – he saw more to her than just the girl in the cheerleading uniform. And lastly, she was intense, and as much at it had scared him, no person had ever made me feel so sure and yet so vulnerable all at the same time.
"Everybody, let us welcome a new face to the class, Sam Evans," the teacher introduced him on his first day in McKinley.
"I'm Sam. Sam I am. And I don't like Green Eggs and Ham," he said, quoting the work of Dr. Seuss.
The class gave him a deadpanned response but he shook it off and made his way to the empty table near the back of the classroom. He let his bag fall to the side of the chair and took out my book, ready to listen to today's lecture.
"What a loser," the guy to his left spoke. He was big and wore a varsity jacket – a football player. A jock.
"Dude, you have like the biggest lips since Angelina Jolie," the guy in front of the jock voiced out. He was also a jock and he was friends with the other one. "Must be useful when you have all those balls stuffed in your mouth."
They laughed. Not wanting to seem like a coward on his first day, Sam turned towards them. "We'll I've never had balls in my mouth but seeing that you guys must have a good grasp on what its like…I won't even continue that but I'm really glad this school tolerates homosexuality. You two make a cute couple."
The two were surprised at his reply and weren't quick enough with a snarky comeback. Satisfied, Sam sat back straight and faced forward. If those two were the bullies in this school, then maybe, I might be able to survive it here, Sam thought to himself. He cracked open the new lecture book to whatever page the class was in already. The person on his left moved and leaned towards him.
"Don't mind Karofsky and Azimio. They're jerks," the blonde girl whispered. She had a soft, welcoming smile and those eyes…it mesmerized him.
"I'm sure not everyone's like them anyway," he replied, staring directly into those beautiful eyes.
"They're not," she assured. "I'm Quinn."
"Welcome to McKinley, Sam."
Those eyes. He thought about her and her eyes the whole period until the school bell broke him from his reverie. He didn't see her for the rest of the day. That was their only class together. It was until after school that he saw her again. He was out in the field for the football try-out and she was practicing their routines – she was the head cheerleader. Inspired by her presence and his desire to show-off just in case she would watch, he got through the try-out with high-praise from the new coach.
It was through Jacob Ben Israel that he found out that Quinn had a boyfriend – Finn Hudson. How ironic, Sam said to himself. Not only did he want Finn's quarterback position, he also wanted Finn's girlfriend. He never liked Finn. In class, he always slacked off. After school, he would rather hang out with Puck and the other football players. In the locker room, he never failed to brag about Quinn. For months, Sam kept quiet in the background, just waiting for his chance.
School was over for the day and Sam was out in the field, throwing the pigskin around with Mike Chang, the running back of the football team because of his speed and agility. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Cheerios make their way to their side of the field, getting ready for practice. There she was, leading the whole group. Coach Beiste wasn't in yet and most of the team was still in the locker room. He purposely threw the football a little too high for Mike to catch. The ball went in her direction and rolled to her feet like he planned.
"Hey," he said a little bit breathlessly, not because he was tired from the jog towards her, but because she greeted him with a smile.
"Want this back?" she juggled the ball in her hands. "You gotta work for it," she smiled, teasingly.
"What do I have to do to get it back?" Sam played along.
She bit her lip and looked up, pretending to think of what she wanted Sam to do.
Just before she could speak, two arms wrapped around her waist. She turned around and faced the tall boy and he bent down to press his lips against hers. When she pulled away, he placed a hand on the back of her nape and pulled her in for a deep kiss.
"Not here, Finn," she pushed him off, a little bit annoyed – at least Sam thought she was.
"What 'chu got there, babe?" Finn took the football out of her hands. "Hey Evans, heads up," he threw the ball to Sam, who stood there awkwardly when Finn tried to make-out with Quinn again.
Tired of seeing them together, Sam ran back to where the rest of the team was and concentrated on practice.
Sam was alone in the shower room. It felt refreshing to have water run down his sore body and wash the dirt off. It was an afternoon of running, catching the ball, and painfully getting tackled to the ground. It didn't matter, though. Sam loved football.
His day was finally over and he was ready to head home. Just as he turned the knob to stop the water from pouring, he heard the door open and some boys enter the room. He grabbed his towel, not minding them as he dried off in the cubicle, until he heard familiar voices.
"So Hudson, any progress with Fabray yet?" the voice was unmistakably that of Puck.
"No, man. She won't even let me touch her when we're making out," Finn replied, frustrated.
"How the hell do you survive that?"
"Easy," Finn replied. "Santana Lopez."
The two boys laughed and high-fived each other. They changed out of their football uniforms and into clean clothes.
"I knew it! I knew you guys were hooking up the whole summer," Puck was proud of his friend. "What was it like?"
"Which time?" Finn asked cockily. "You know, Santana…"
"True," Puck agreed.
Sam heard the door open and close again as the Puck and Finn left the locker room. He was alone once again and he finally stepped out of the shower cubicle. He quickly put on some jeans and a shirt. He didn't even bother to tie the laces of his shoes. As soon as he was decently clothed, he ran to his Jeep and sat down to think. Sam won't lie, he was ecstatic. After months of waiting for her, he now had his chance. But as he took more time to think, he felt bad for Quinn. This would break her heart.
After a week of avoiding her (mainly because he knew that the minute he would look into her eyes, he wouldn't make the right decision), Sam made up his mind to keep it as a secret. It wasn't his business to tell her Finn was cheating on her.
I didn't want to go to Matt Rutherford's party. It was the week before championships and I knew that she would be here, and worse, he would be here with her. Unfortunately, when she asked me in school whether I was going or not, the way she asked me gave me vibes that she wanted me to go. I didn't have a reason why I couldn't make it anyway. My evening was completely free. And so, I find myself sipping on another can of beer, standing in the balcony of the bar Matt rented for the night. Inside, it was packed with high school students drinking and dancing to the music. My head was getting light from the alcohol.
I heard giggling and instinctively, I looked down. It was Finn and Santana making their way to his car. How can he fool around with her when Quinn's just right inside?
"Hey, loner," Quinn's voice startled me and I spilled a little beer on my shirt. "I'm sorry!" she laughed her glorious laugh. "I didn't mean to startle you."
She wasn't in her usual Cheerios uniform. She was in a little black dress that clung deliciously to her body. I moved away from the balcony as I saw her walking towards me. I don't know why I was somewhat helping Finn get away with his cheating. I guess it's because no matter how much I wanted Quinn to be mine, I wanted her to be happy more.
"You spilled a little on your shirt," she reached out and dab my chest with a napkin.
She was so close and I felt my body leaning towards her. The alcohol swirled in my head and my body was lighter than ever. I looked down at her and she met my eyes and smiled. I can't help it anymore. I wanted Quinn and the alcohol gave me the courage to lean forward and press my lips against hers.
Much to my dismay, however, after a split second, she pushed me off of her.
"Sam, I can't do this."
"I like you, Quinn," I told her. I cupped the side of her face and she didn't push me away this time.
"I'm with Finn," she said.
"He doesn't love you!" I hated hearing his name. "Why are you even with him? He's a douchebag who only cares about himself!"
I must've struck a nerve because she took a step back and looked like she was offended. "Don't talk that way about him. You don't know him."
"Oh, but I do," I reply.
"Who do you think you are!"
"I'm someone who, even though have only known you for a few months, cares about you more than he ever did!" I didn't know where all these words were coming from. "He's cheating on you!"
"Go to hell, Sam," she said, spitefully before running away. She had tears streaming down her eyes and this was exactly what I didn't want. I wanted to follow after her but I lost her among the people inside the club. Even if I told her the truth, she didn't believe me.
Quinn requested to be transferred out of the only class we had together. She was careful that we would never have to cross paths in the hall. The only time I would see her is from a distance, when we're both on opposite sides of the field and now, as she's cheering for the football team in the championship game. She was still with Finn and didn't tell him about what happened and what I had said the week before. A clear indication of that was that Finn hasn't tried to beat me up yet.
Our team was losing to the opponent but in the last few seconds of the game, we were able to pull the impossible and win by just a few points. I tried to join in the elation of the team over our win but Quinn's eyes met with mine. Her glare was cold.
She will never be mine.
Later in the evening, Sam crashed on his couch to watch re-runs of old Superbowl matches. He was gonna bask in the sadness of blowing his shot with Quinn Fabray. The depression got the better of him and he munched down on an extra large bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. For a second, he pitied himself. His parents were out of the state and once again, he was all alone in his house
Ding dong
The doorbell rang and Sam reluctantly got up to get the door. Outside, Quinn was standing on his porch sobbing violently. How she knew where he lived and why she was there, Sam had no clue.
"Is it okay if I come in?" she said in fragments.
Sam led her inside the living room and she sat down on the couch. He got her a glass of water and she thanked him. He wanted to ask her why she was crying but he knew that all she needed right now was his presence.
"You were right about Finn all along," she spoke. "I feel so stupid."
"You're not. Finn's the stupid one for cheating on you," Sam brushed away the strands of hair that covered her face. "What happened?"
"After the game, we were alone in his house…Finn said we should celebrate since it the team's first championship win…" Sam had a feeling where this was going and didn't want to know but continued to listen even if it hurt him. "I told him I didn't want to and he kept saying how I never show him that I loved him…"
Quinn covered her face with both her hands and Sam saw her wrists purple with bruises.
"Did he hurt you?" he was starting to feel anger as he examined the bruises on her arm. "Did he…force himself on you?"
Quinn wiped the tears from her eyes. "He tried…I pushed him off then I saw lipstick stains on the collar of his uniform...I knew they weren't mine…" she began crying into her palms.
Sam got up, grabbed his car key from the table and threw a jacket on. Quinn quickly stood up and grabbed Sam's arm. "Where are you going?" she asked, worried.
"I'm going over to Hudson's place and beat him up," he was serious.
"No, Sam," Quinn wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "I don't want you to."
"Don't try to protect him Quinn. He hurt you and I won't let him get away with that!"
"If you wanna get back at him then stay here…"
"How will that help?"
"Violence is not that answer, Sam. Believe me, I want to hurt him even more than you do but that won't solve anything," Quinn said, looking into his eyes. He was weak at the sight of them. "If you want to get back at him then stay here and promise me you won't get into a fight with him. I don't want you hurt."
Sam felt the sincerity in her voice and it overshadowed the anger in his heart.
"I care about you, Sam."
"I love you, Quinn."
(January 8, 2011)