Chapter 6: Growing up
I'm sitting in my room looking through old photo albums of my family through the past years, and I came across pictures from the past year. I look to see just how much Jasper and Bella had grown. Jasper had grown through his actions. He really has changed so much. I'm so proud of him. Bella really has grown a lot. She isn't that tiny little baby that Jasper brought me last year. She loves to talk and imitate what everyone is saying. She is so adorable. Everyone else has really come along way since last year as well. It didn't take Emmett to step up as big brother and he is so good with Bella and he was very understanding and patient with Jasper. Alice it off with Jasper right from the start. She is also his mate. Carlisle wasn't happy with that at first, but he eventually excepted that. Rosalie my feisty daughter was very cautious at first with Jasper. She knew his pain and so sat down with him in private and they talked for awhile. She was the one that besides Alice got Jasper to open up about his past. They both shared their pasts with each other and so they have a mutual understanding between each other. Edward like Emmett clicked with Jasper. He doesn't mind what happened in the past with Jasper. He knows that everyone makes poor choices and that they deserve a second chance. Also, Edward is Bella's mate. Now before you go getting all excited and think that it's gross, yes they are mates, but Edward sits with Bella and plays with her, plays the piano for her, and does things like that with her. So keep your heads out of the gutters.
"Mom, we're home" Rosalie calls out. While I was up looking at old photos, my daughters were out getting a few things for Bella. "Momma, momma." That would be Bella that is now calling for me. I guess I should go see them. "Hi my darling. I heard you and Rose calling me." I picked Bella up out of Rose's arms. "Momma, momma. I wove you." That instantly put a smile on all our faces, hearing Bella say that and then giving me a hug just melted my ice cold heart. " Mom I have to show you what we got for Bella." My dear little Alice loves to shop and gets so excited when she comes home so she can show me what all she got. It's a girls thing, what can I say. I sat Bella on my lap and we both watched Rose and Alice show us what all they bought.
As Alice and Rose are showing the things that they got for Bella, the phone starts to ring. I looked at my girls with a curious look because we never get phone calls to the house phone unless its a member of the family. I pick up the phone and say hello, but the voice on the other end is what shocks me the most, it is Aro Volutri. When he calls, he usually calls Carlisle's cell.
Esme's conversation is in Italics.
Aro's conversation is in Bold.
"Hello Aro, how are you on this fine day?" "Good my dear Esme. I was calling to see if it would be fine if we could have a family gathering. It has been so long." "I don't see why that would not work. When were you thinking?" There was a short pause on the phone. "Um, how about in a week?" "That is fine. I will inform Carlisle." "Yes please do. I tried to call that boy, but he did not pick up his phone when both his mother and I tried to call." That sounded like Carlisle. "Alright I will tell him. Thank you for calling us, and we can't wait to see you all." "Thank you dear, and we'll be seeing you. Bye." "Bye."
After I hung up the phone, I turned around to see surprised faces on my girls, though of course Alice is the first to talk, "is grandpa and grandma coming to visit along with uncle Caius and uncle Marcus?" I let out a small laugh and nodded my head. Both Rose and Alice are very excited. They love it when their uncles and grandparents come to visit. "Momma, Wowa, Awice?" I looked down at my little joy and saw that she was looking up at us with a questioning expression. It just accrued to me that Jasper and Bella have never met their grandparents and uncles. Oh, we didn't even tell Aro and the others of having Jasper and Bella. This should be interesting.
In the week leading up to Carlisle's family coming to visit from Italy, my children started a new year of school. In the first three days, Jasper, Emmett and Edward some how found a way to get three days of detention. I don't know why they always find some way to get into trouble. Grant it, they were sticking up for their sisters, so Carlisle didn't see the right in punishing them.
We were sitting down watching Gnomeo and Juliet with the children when someone knocked on the front door. Carlisle gave Bella to me and went to see who was at the door. As Carlisle answered the door, he was very excited, and then remembered who was coming today. When he finally came back into the living room and following him were his parents and uncles, Jasper got into a defensive crouch in front of Bella and I. I was shocked to the reaction of my son towards his grandparents. Then something in Aro made him very upset, and then Jasper quickly looked at the Bella and quickly took off up stairs. Carlisle looked at his father and asked "What was that all about?" Aro looked at his son and then told his two brothers Caius and Marcus to go and search for him, and that he will join them in a minute. They went out to search for him and Aro looked at Carlisle and I and said "that boy was part of an army in the south about a century ago. We went to defuse the army, and saw him. He ran and got away from us, but now we found him and he will not escape us again" Aro explained to us. I looked at Carlisle with a frightening expression. Carlisle said to his father "Father, he is not dangerous. He was turned by the leader of that army all those years ago. He couldn't return home and didn't know where to go. So he stayed with the army. He is part of our family." Aro looked at us like we were crazy. Then he looked at Bella who was in my arms. He knew that she was born to two vampires, and that it is very rare and dangerous to have such a young vampire running around. I held onto Bella tighter, and Carlisle knew it too. "She is part of this family too. She is Jasper's sister. Her parents did not want her, and so he took her and they have been on the run ever since last year when he came to us. We have adopted the two of them. Please father accept them. They are no danger to anyone. You know what it was like finding a young man running scared and had no place to go." Carlisle explained to his father. Aro looked at his son. He remembered what it was like to find Carlisle all those years ago scared and he took him in. Aro nodding his head and said "I do remember finding a scared and defenseless boy scared of his own shadow and had no place to go. So I will let Jasper and Bella stay part of this family. I would be happy to have another small child in this family again. Plus Emmett and Edward have a new brother I'm guessing are very fond of." We both smiled and nodded our heads. Just then Caius and Marcus came back with Jasper. I can tell Jasper gave them a run for their money. "Sir, I admit to everything and I accept the consequences for my actions, but can I say goodbye to my family first?" Carlisle knew that I was saddened by that, and then Aro stood up and walked over to Jasper. "No need to say goodbye child. You are part of this family and we wish for you to stay that way." Aro was standing there with a smile on his face. I was so happy to have my son safe. Jasper was looking at Carlisle and I worried that this is some sick joke. I just gave him a warm smile and waved him over to me. "Jasper, you may be wondering why the Volutri are here at the house. Aro and Sulpicia are my mother and father, well adopted mother and father. Caius and Marcus are my uncles. They are here for a family gathering. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before." Carlisle was telling this to our son. Sulpicia came over to Jasper and saw that he was still processing this information that Carlisle had just given to him. So she knelt down in front of him and told him that he has nothing to worry about. That she was very excited to have a new grandson. Also that she was happy to see that someone could give Caius a run for his money when it came to hunting. Jasper nodded his head and knew that everything would be okay, but for the rest of the evening, he stayed glued to Carlisle's hip.
Later in the evening, it was clearly late, and my children had to go to bed. I looked around at my children and Alice was asleep on Caius and Rose was asleep on Emmett's shoulder. Emmett was sitting on the couch with Rose asleep. Edward was asleep on the opposite corner of the same couch as Emmett and Rose. Then Jasper was asleep resting his head on Carlisle's shoulder. Bella was also asleep in my arms. "Maybe we should get them to bed." Carlisle said to me. I nodded my head and everyone had someone to help up to bed. The boys were woken up except for Jasper. He didn't want to get wake up. So Carlisle carried him to bed.
After we got the kids into bed, we all went back down stairs to talk more. We had a lot of fun, and that was how we spent the rest of the evening.
I hope that you all enjoyed this newest chapter. It was well overdue and I thank all the people that have waited very, very patiently for this update. The truth behind why it took me so long to update was because I am very focused in school with being in my fourth year of college and I am changing my major and I had a lot to do. So thank you all again for wanting me to update so bad and kept on reading and reviewing my story. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks again.