Neither Highlander or the Stargate franchise is mine.

I've had this idea kicking around for a while.

"So it's really true? There really were a bunch of megalomaniac aliens who once took entire tribes and transplanted them to other planets?" Cassandra asked as soon as she sat down in front of Duncan.

"Yes, although their power in the galaxy at large is broken now, thanks to that Cheyenne Mountain unit. Apparently they were driven off Earth almost five thousand years ago. Before even your time, I take it?"
Duncan asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Hmph! Only one immortal is that old!" Cassandra spat out with as much venom as she could muster. "How do you suppose he managed to infiltrate their ranks? I imagine he must have outdone them in looting and pillaging. He'd fit right in with megalomaniac aliens with god complexes."

Duncan sighed. Cassandra had been carrying that chip on her shoulder for the past three thousand years. "If it really bothers you that much, why don't you go join him? Keep an eye on him, maybe?"

"I WILL NOT BE THAT MAN'S SLAVE!" Cassandra shouted vehemently. The mere suggestion of being with him for any extended period sent her temper right into orbit.

"Actually," the subject of their discussion finally cut in. He'd been sitting next to Duncan with an affable smile on his face despite Cassandra's efforts to ignore him.

"It's not a slave I'm currently on the lookout for."

"You will regret this." Cassandra ground out through clenched teeth. The tiara was so heavy it was starting to make her neck ache. And she was weighted down with so many baubles, she was sure she'd end up with a permanent spinal injury. Immortal healing powers notwithstanding.

"Oh come now, my queen," Methos beamed. "Smile for the subjects."