Kuro-Din: Hi! Hi! I'm Kuro-Din! I'm AnonAzure's OC for this story!

Aki-Dono: And I'm Aki-Dono! Shoot My Tongue's OC for this story!

Kuro-Din: Anyway, we'll be hosting this story along with some of the characters that we'll be using for this story! Our number one partner in crime is… -Drum Roll- Erika-Sen! YAY!

Erika: Hi everyone!

Kuro-Din: Now, time for the individual disclaimers! AnonAzure nor Shoot My Tongue owns Durarara or any of its characters! If they did, expect a lot and I mean A LOT of ShiZaya scene! KYAA~! Now Aki-Dono your turn!

Aki-Dono: Seriously people! WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH YOU! Why the hell do we even put in disclaimers when it is obviously pointless and useless? It's obvious that fanfiction is made by fans who love original fiction of other people. It's not like a lawyer is stalking the site looking for sue-able teens who barely have any money to buy their own car! But noooooo… People would make these little things petty and try to be cute with disclaimers just to get the readers smiling and shit! And then—

Kuro-Din: Ok, we'll save the rest of her random ranting for another time… Erika-Sen got anything to say?

Erika: ShiZaya… -Drools-

Kuro-Din: Ok… Everybody's insane so now to save you from our insanities… Please enjoy the story!

-A ShiZaya Fanfiction-

Enemies and Lovers

And the yaoi crazed ninja fangirls


Chapter 01: "Trip to Japan"…

In Venice, Italy a concert of a famous duo was being held. The roads were jammed packed; different colored light illuminated the sky like fireworks during the New Year. The screams and shouts for more could be heard from a hundred yards away from the stage itself. The sounds that came from the stage that accompanied the voices of the heavenly duo shook the earth. But nobody really cared, as long as the show goes on.

It has been a whole two days of nothing but these routine. Not only for the reason that the duo's voices were not only a match made in heaven in the eyes of their supporters. But because the duo themselves had made all these possible.

Psyche and Tsugaru.

The most well-known singers that currently had the western world by storm, but it wasn't just their looks, songs or voices that made them famous. But they were also a well known openly gay couple that are all love-dovey all the time and even during their concerts. Which, in a way many would think, is probably the reason why 95% of their fanbase are squealing women; the other 5% just hasn't appreciated how hot they can be when their in action yet. It was understandable.

The concert had just ended, but the screams and squeals of fan still continued. The two singers had to spend another 3 hours just signing autographs. They didn't mind, they were the reason they made it after all they were just returning the favor in their way. After the autograph signing and the picture taking, they were finally allowed to return to the hotel they were currently staying in.

Tired after two whole days of performing, the man with blond hair groaned heavily as he plopped down the couch at their V.I.P. hotel room after their latest concert.. Their hotel room comes with a great view, a small kitchen, a comfortable living room, a bathroom with a tub, oh and let's not forget the king-sized bed. Oh plus it was completely sound proof. For reasons that many who has known them well long enough, to know what the room has to be in a certain condition for 'personal uses'.

"Tsu-Chan! I'm so tired!"

The smaller raven-haired man with pinkish eyes whined as he plopped himself unceremoniously on top of the blond man who groaned at the impact.

"I know Psche… I'm tired too…"

The blue eyed blond man replied to the smaller boy. He smiled as he ruffled the raven's hair and leaned down enough to kiss the smaller man's forehead, who giggled at this gesture. Then Psyche rolled over and is now facing his lover and kissed him on the lips lovingly. His tongue then licked the blonde's lower lips, and Tsugaru welcomed the object and soon, their tongues were locked in passionate heat. Teeth clacked against one another and moans and small gasps were shared as their breath and fluids mixed. Small hands fisted against blond hair to get a better angle and Tsuagru pulled the smaller man closer to him, his hands holding Psyche possessively on his waist. Desire pooled down at the pit of their stomach and a tight bulge soon stood against their groins. They both pulled away to catch their breaths, Psyche's pink eyes were half-lidded and glassy as his gaze met Tsuagru's. Soon, another passionate session erupted, and moans and gasps from Psyche became much more louder as Tsugaru traced small circles on his hips, then his hand reached for the other man's ass, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. Tsugaru then abandoned Psyche's mouth and his lips expertly trailed kisses down the pink-eyed man's jaw, then to his ear. The smaller male gasped as he felt his lobe licked by the blue-eyed man, Tsugaru then returned to the boy's mouth, muffling more moans from the male. Psyche almost knocked themselves over the couch when his hips jerked forward, his action caused friction against their bodies, making him want to delve in deeper to the other. Another pause for them to collect their breaths, and they went back to kissing and touching. They were about to take things to the bedroom and—


"Aw man!" whined Psyche as their heated make-up session was interrupted by the small device. Sometimes he wonders why the thing was even invented. Tsugaru, knowing his lover hated it when there are interruptions, simply smiled at him as he reassured him that their loving seductive activities will continue once the phone call was dealt with.


"Hi! Hi! Tsuga-Nii" the blond man sighed as he only knew one person that would greet anyone in such a way.


"Hey I'm here too… Don't forget me…"

"Fine, Kuro… Aki… What are you doing calling me?"

"Nee, Nee is Psyche-Nii-san there?"

"You're an idiot Kuro! Of course he is! This is Tsugu-Nii we're talking to…Wherever he goes, big brother is sure to follow"

"Oh right…"

Another tired sigh escaped from the blond man's lips. Seeing this, his pink-eyed lover asked him who was calling.

"Oh, it's your little sisters… Kuro and Aki…"

As soon as he heard the name of the caller he immediately stood up and leaped off Tsugaru's lap snatching the little device away from his lover. He placed the phone by his ear and had a very annoyed look that marred well with his features.

"Oi you two…"

"Big brother!" "Psyche-Nii!"

"What are you two up to now? Not to mention, where the heck are you two? I haven't seen you guys since the second half of the second day concert?"

"I think we should tell him Kuro… Well… it is inevitable, and we can only hope for a short and painless death."

"Tell me what exactly? And if you two have been arrested again for climbing some tall structure I am not bailing you out again…"

"Actually, Psyche-Nii-san…"


The two girls shouted from the other line. As soon as the raven-haired man heard this, there was—


And once it had registered in his brain—


"We move fast big brother… After living with us for so long you haven't figured out that much? How disappointing…"

"Shut it Aki. What happened to you two that you'd be crazy enough… Nevermind, I'm more interested in the reason why you two have decided to go to Japan! ON YOUR OWN!"

"Because… We're here to meet our pen pal Karisawa, Erika-Chan Psyche-Nii!"

"That's right we've been planning this trip for a long time brother dearest…Not even you can stop us now…"

"And besides… Tsu-Nii and Psyche Nii-san will be here in one week anyway…"

"So see you then big brother, we have to go now our train is almost at our stop…"


The two girls said before the line went dead. Psyche stood still and slowly looked at his partner with a very, very pissed look plus the aura he was emitting was purely not the bubbly, happy, cheerful Psyche he was known to be.


"Ah… Y-Yes Psyche?"

"Are we scheduled to leave for our tour in Japan next week?"


Then a *cough*evil*cough* smile. Not good.

"Tsu-Chan…" Definitely not good.


"We ARE going to Japan first thing tomorrow morning, because if anything idiotic happens to those two all hell will break lose…" as he said this he unknowingly crushed his partners phone in one hand. "Right, Tsu-Chan?" he said and looked at his lover again with the same psychotic smile. Tsugaru almost pitied his lover's sisters, but then again he should be used to it by now, but he pities himself more since he's currently on the receiving end of Psyche's wrath.

"R-Right… I'll go tell our manager to prepare the plane tickets to Japan for tomorrow…"

"Thank you Tsu-Chan… And when I get my hands on those two they will never see the light f day ever again as I shall throw them in a cell until that cell rots then throw then in another cell then let that cell rot…"

Tsuguru sighed as he continued to watch his lover planning the demise of his little sisters while he called their manager. He knew this twisted scary side of Psyche only comes out in very rare occurrences, however they do come out more often when it comes to his sisters. But the blue-eyed man knew well that the other was just worried for them, it was just that they had a strange relationship as siblings. Now all he needs to worry about is how to get a new phone and he hoped that Psyche hasn't crushed his phone's memory card as well.



"Man, how long will those two take before they get here?"

The girl with the hat she was known well to wear said before sighing. She stood at the waiting area at the train station with three of her friends. She had been waiting till she gets to see her two best friends in the world. She looked at her watch again that now read 3:26 P.M., and then she sighed again, as she has not yet spotted her friends.

"Hey, Erika… Why are we here anyway?"

Her dear friend and manga enthusiast friend Walker Yamasaki asked while still keeping his eyes glued to the current manga he was reading. The bigger man who wore a bonnet grunted as he stood up from his crouching position to stretch his legs. He looked over to the only girl of their group and asked—

"Yeah... We've been here for an hour and a half already… And I'm getting hungry…"

"Sorry, but my two pen pals were suppose to be here at two— Something must've happened to them… Oh I hope they're okay…" she said apologetically as she walked in front of them bowing a bit with her hands in held over her head in a praying pose.

"Hey who are they anyway? How'd you meet them?"

Asked the driver of their group whom was just bored and hoping that his van wasn't in any trouble as they stayed in the waiting area long enough in his opinion. Although waiting came along with being the driver of the group, he hated waiting outside of his van, since he can't guard it from any possible danger that might damage it. But since their only female member begged them that she wanted to introduce them to her friends, not to mention that she did her puppy-pout that successfully made them all agree to her request.

"Oh we meet two years ago at the same camp, we got along since our first day together that we became friends instantly…"

She was cut off as she heard another train nearing the platform. She turned to look at the opening doors looking pass the crowds hoping to spot the particular clothing her friends had told her they'd be wearing. She turned to look at her companions to ask them for their help in searching for her mysterious friend.

"Hey here comes the next train, guys, please keep a look out for two girls with black hair and one wearing a black and red stripped scarf and violet on the other… Their always together so they should be easy to spot…"

As soon as she said that she was tackled to the ground from the back by two hooded unidentified people. The boys that were about to attack the unknown people. But the stopped when they noticed at the scarves they wore were the exact match that Erika, who was currently trying to breathe, described for them to keep a look out for. The manga enthusiastic female struggled and tried to breathe as much as she possibly could, while she shouted in a strained and wheezing voice for her attackers to 'get off her'. But she knew well enough who would be reckless tackle her like this.



The two yelled practically almost damaging her to the point that may end up Erika being deaf. They got off slowly at the hat wearing girl and stood up helping the otaku stand up as well. Erika dusted herself before she looked up at the two. They stared at each other, making the 3 guys look at them weirdly and confused.

"Ah… Hey…"

"KYAAAAAAAAA~!" all three of them screamed simultaneously at each other. With their hands gripping each other's and jumping gleefully, while still screaming.

"Kuro! Aki! I've been waiting forever to see you guys!"

"Us too! Us too! Erika-Sen!" the girl said who wore the violet and black stripped scarf.

"Oh Erika-Chan, we've missed you so much!" the owner of the red and black stripped scarf continued.

"Oh right!" the female manga reader all of a sudden as she pushed the two girls in front of her friends. "Alright Dotachin, Yamasaki and Saburo, meet the Ciled sisters. This girl wearing the violet stripped scarf is Kuro-Din…"

"Hi! Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Kuro-Din Ciled! But you can call me Kuro!" the girl said in a rather loud voice that would practically pass as shouting than talking. She was a little enthusiastic(By little, they meant her enthusiasm is just as big as Tokyo Tower) but she seemed nice and all.

"And this is her younger sister by a year, wearing the red scarf Aki-Dono…"

"Hello, nice to meet you… I'm Aki-Dono Ciled…" the other girl said in a less deafening tone, almost sleepy yet, they could feel sugar bouncing off her voice.

"Hi I'm Walker Yamasaki… Call me Yamasaki" the male manga enthusiast of the group said as he shook both the girls' hands.

"I'm Kyohei Kodota, nice to meet you… You can call me Kodota" the taller man said and only bowed slightly to them. Which they followed the gesture and did the same to the bonnet wearing man.

"And I'm Saburo Togusa… Call me Togusa…" the boy with shoulder length hair said before shaking the violet-eye colored girl then the red-eye colored girl next.

"Ok now that's done…" she stopped as she looked at her watch that read 3:47 P.M. "Oh crap it's almost 4! Come on Kuro, Aki I've got something really interesting to show you! Togusa can you drive us to the center of Ikebukoro? Then you guys can go eat something! Please!"

As she said this she did her puppy pout again isolating the driver of their group. The boy turned to the other boys for help, who in turn only offered him looks of sympathy. He sighed in defeat and agreed. 3 minutes later after getting through the jam packed crowd the all boarded the old green van. Being the awesome driver that Saburo Togusa was, in his and friends opinion, he was able t reach their destination in less than 10 minutes. The girls got off the van along with Erika and they bid the boys goodbye and a promise that they'd all eat dinner together.

"So, so, what were you going to show as Erika-Chan?" Kuro said her eyes sparkling brightly, energized and excited to see the little 'surprise'.

"Yeah, what is it? I'm so excited!" Aki said with equally sparkling eyes as her older sister, though she managed to suppress her excitement a little.

"Wait for it…"

Then when the hands of her watch indicated that it was 4:00 in the noon, a loud crashing sound was heard and huge smoke had appeared from nowhere. The two foreign girls had ducked in instinct while their pure Japanese friend just stood looking at the direction where the smoke had the most possibility came from. The two other girls stood up with dumbfounded expressions not knowing what to make of, of the sudden event.

"What was that Erika-Chan?"

"Yeah, that was scary…"

"It's actually a pretty normal occurrence here in 'Bukoro… And since you guys sent that picture of your brother and his lover I knew that you guys just have to see this… Here he comes…"

As Erika said this she turned to a certain direction where a silhouette of a man slowly formed from the smoke. The two girls turned to where their friend was looking and then—

"Ah, Shizu-Chan is violent as always…" A man with the same jet-black hair as their brother emerged from the sea of smoke. And like their singing brother he wore a coat with a furred hood. But the difference was the man had red blood eyes and his jacket was black opposite to their brother's white one. The man stopped at his tracks as he looked around, spotting the girl he knew and two others that he didn't, he made his way to the female manga reader.

"Greetings Krisawa-Chan… Pleasant day today isn't it?" the man said with a wide grin on his face. He turned t look at the two strangers who were beside the girl he knew.

"And who are these two?"


"Oops… We'll save introductions later ladies, for now I must bid you farewell…" And with that the man disappeared.

"That was Izaya Orihara, the psychopathic informer of Ikebukoro…" Erika said smiling at the shocked expression that was currently plastered on her friends' faces. The two girls stared at the direction where the man had disappeared, still doubtful of what they have seen.

"That guy…"

"…Looked like Psyche-Nii…"

Then they heared another shout of 'Izaya' which they now figured out as their brother's-look-alike name, they turned at the direction where the voice was heard only to be greeted by a blond man in a bartender's outfit with light violet shades, a cigarette in between his lips, oh and the soda dispenser that he was currently holding up above his head.

"-!" He shouted once more before proceeding to the same direction where the other man had disappeared to.

"And Aki... That guy just now…"

"… Looked like Tsuga-Nii… Man… they're hot…"

"And that was Shizuo Heiwajima the local strong, short-tempered but kind man… See now why I wanted to get you guys to come as soon as possible? Those two are opposite of you brother Psyche-san and Tsuguru-san… They hate each other, their trying to kill one anther… Not to mention that every time Izaya-san is around, Shizuo-kun always goes after him…"

She smiled a knowing smile, knowing that her two pen pals friends had already figured out what she had meant by saying that.

"-GASP- It's a love-hate relationship situation!" the older Ciled sister said making a shocked pose. Kuro turned to Aki who looked deep in thought, as if processing the events that transpired, her crimson gaze darted from the spot where Izaya and Shizuo appeared and to where they both disappeared. After several moments, Aki spoke up.

"That's right… But then, there's another reason you called for us right Erika-Chan?" the red-eyed girl said as her turned to her local friend.

"That's right Aki…" the manga enthusiast then stood straight, feet apart and hands on her waist, she looked at the two in front of her and pointed at them in a proud manner.

"In the name of the Y.U.I., I ask you as my colleagues to help me make them realize their feelings for one another! Do you as Y.U. I. members accept?"

The two girls looked at Erika then turned to each other before smirking at one another. The turned to face the manga reader and made a salute to her and said in unison—

"As members of the Y.U.I. we accept thy request!"

"Then we begin at dawn!"

The girls were saying something that only they understood, and since they were in their own little world they hadn't notice the three boys staring at them. All three of them wondering—

"Those two and Erika get along well… Something weird is about to happen…"

"Are you kidding me? Something weird is bound to happen, now that Erika found people she can get along with and her creepy fantasies."



(A/N: Aki calls Psyche 'big brother' while Kuro calls him 'Psyche-Nii-san' and both of them call Tsuguru 'Tsugu-Nii; Aki calls Erika 'Erika-Chan' while Kuro calls her 'Erika-Sen' short for Erika-Sempai in her own way…)

Kuro-Din: Hi! Hi! Hope you guys enjoyed that!

Aki-Dono: We worked hard for this so please let us know your opinion. On another note… Author's notes should be put at the end of chapters… simply to avoid disruptions…

Erika: That's right! Just press that blue linked button that says 'Review this Story' it'll be worth it we promise!

Kuro-Din, Aki-Dono and Erika: SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER!