Aki: Hello readers we are very glad that you've decided to continue reading our idiotic story that was decided based on a sudden impulse and random insanity while our creators have decided to do a little mini yaoi convention…
Kuro: Forget it Aki our creators are nothing but absolute idiots… Might as well get this story over with…
Erika: Why are you two complaining?
Kuro: We just realized that our creators are making this story just to satisfy their current ShiZaya craving.
Aki-: And their just using us to do their bidding…
Erika: But, at least you get to torture Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima while giving your brother his lovey-dovey private time with his long time lover right?
-A ShiZaya Fanfiction-
Enemies and Lovers
And the yaoi crazed ninja fangirls
"Are you kidding me? Something weird is bound to happen, now that Erika found people she can get along with and her creepy fantasies."
Chapter 02: "What destiny plans"…
"Where are they Jian?"
"Calm down Psyche… According to my resources, your sisters are in Ikebuoro, Japan. I promise they'll be fine. Now will you stop pacing… You might throw the balance of the plane off…"
Jian Ninia, Psyche and Tsugaru's manager who's as old as Aki, the youngest of his sisters. Their manager, despite her age was capable of many things, for she was also a member of the organization her sisters are in Y.U.I. - an organization that no normal person even knows what that stands for. Psyche still kept going back and forth, back and forth, up and down, up and down the plane's lane. His partner sat at the left side of the plane watching the clouds carelessly floating around the sky nearly the same color as the usual yukata he wears.
Although in all honesty he was currently frustrated, not only did they get up bright and early to be able to make their flight. He wasn't allowed to smoke his pipe while in the plane. Not only that it was forbidden in the plane, his manager also forbade him from smoking his pipe, because it would stress out his pink-eyed partner more than he already was. God, his lover's pacing was hurting his head.
Frustrated by his lover's footsteps, he pulled his partner as he passed by his seat and forcible sat his partner on his lap. The smaller man protested, but his frustration was quickly ignored and put to silence as the blond man placed his lips against the others'. Their manager simply stared at them in an awed expression; let's not forget that she was friends with the two currently missing sisters of her celebrity. She was still silently watching them as her hand phone rang.
"Hello Jian Ninia here…" she asked casually while regaining her composure. She spoke diligently with the person who was on the other side of the phone, completely ignoring the two people who were too busy in their make-out session.
"Oh, I see we'll arrive there shortly…" she said closing her phone calmly took her camera from her side bag and snapped a photo without the two noticing. She may be the luckiest fan of Psyche and Tsugaru ever. But at the same time she is a professional, so she knows when certain things are appropriate in certain times.
'This isn't probably the best time to tell him that the ones who called me were his sisters…'
She decided mentally before returning back to her work in preparing everything that is needed for their Japanese concert desperately trying to get her professional attitude than her fan girl one, just enough so that she wouldn't stare and ogle at her performers making out, like their make-up artist/clothes designer.
The pony-tailed teenager shouted, because if she as so much hears one more moan or begging from the two celebrities. She knows she and the other female occupant that accompanied them would have a nosebleed and no work would be done. Thankfully, the two complied with her request *cough*command*cough*, she rubbed her temples before refocusing back on her work, awaiting the plane to arrive at their destination.
Orihara, Izaya
The informant who gleefully stood on top of the highest building he could find to gaze below at his beloved humans. Oh, how he loved them and the way they reacted on situations that he would devise for his obra maestra of a plan. He sat down to rest his tried legs from running for more or less half the day. He wondered if running away from a certain debt collector for years, had gotten him the stamina that he had today. He was glad that after such a long run for his life, he was finally able to get rid of the blond haired man. Although, at the same time he felt a slight sting of loneliness in his chest, why had he felt it? The answer he knew well, after years of the same routine with the ex-bartender he had realized something.
He loves Shizuo Heiwajima.
Of course knowing that he is Orihara, Izaya the famous informant, plus having a stubborn plus prideful personality. He refuses to acknowledge the epiphany he had months ago. He sighed at the though and took out his phone, pressing his camera albums and opened a stolen shot of the blond haired man taken with a slanted birds-eye view. Before, when he stared at this picture, he imagined the man's death, his face pale from the no longer flowing blood, and the crimson metallic substance dyed in his hair, and his eyes forever drained of the life he knew. However, ever since his epiphany he started imagining the blond man beside him, smiling, laughing, gentle, caring, and even his face ever so near and lips touching and sharing a passionate kiss, then the blonde's hands would start snake around his waist, pulling him close as Izaya's hands would fist themselves against those coarse locks. After pulling away gasping for air, another clash of their mouths would come, with hands trailing down, and the monster's primal instincts would go on overdrive, tearing their clothes apart and…
He yelled as he slammed his phone shut and thrust it with a violent force back in his jacket pocket. He sighed once more, looking over the city's outline over the red and orange dyed horizon before deciding that it was time to head home.
The walk home so far was silent; thankfully he did not meet any enemies he knew he had. On the way home he had to pass through a park, he enjoyed that park, it was quiet and peaceful. However, something odd had been in front of him, there was a table in front of a bench where a woman in a dark violet hooded robe sat. On the table, there was a crystal ball, a deck of tarot cards and a sign that said "Let your fate be read".
It was odd but he wouldn't deny that he wasn't interested. After all, it was one of the things his oh-so-beloved humans are interested in. He was curious how accurate these so-called fortune tellers could tell far into the future. He approached the woman and smirked as he was skeptical of this fake black magic practice.
"Hello" the raven-haired man called out as the hooded lady only lifted her head slightly; eyes still unseen because of the hood. Now the informant had seen that the woman was also wearing a striped balck and violet scarf that hanged loosely around her neck. The woman only paused and looked at him for a bit before she asked him to take 3 cards from the tarot deck. The informant scoffed but did so anyway, he didn't open the cards only slid them over in front of the woman. He retreated his hands safely back in the pockets of his jacket as he watched the woman take the cards and slowly revealed them to him.
"The Tower, it symbolizes chaos which you bring… The Wheel of Fortune, it symbolizes the turning point of your feelings… The Lovers, the card the represents the strong relationship you have with someone… A lover perhaps or a love that is yet to be fulfilled?"
"Che… I don't believe in this you know…"
"Then why have you approached me?"
"I was simply curious of this charade that had my humans so interested in participating in, nothing more… Besides I don't even believe in fate or destiny or whatever you care to call it…"
"Is that because you believe that you control the destiny of the humans you love?"
"You stand before me at this moment, for you have a question that lingers in your heart, a doubt you want to reassure and a choice you wish will be the right choice that you choose… Yet, the fear in your heart is what holds you back…"
"Why you…"
"I do not lie. I will tell you the truth. You heart wishes for something you truly believe you cannot have, am I correct? However, you are also afraid of the change that will happen once you make a move. You are afraid that if you accept, you, yourself will experience the pain of what is to come. But remember, as long as you remain as you are now, you may regret not taking a step forward and accepting your feeling and letting them be heard for as long as you live…"
"… Whatever… Here." Izaya said as he took out his wallet and handed a fair amount of money to the hooded lady. Who just raised her hand to stop his movement, making the informant look at her in a confused manner.
"No need for your money. For it was not you who brought yourself here, but destiny. Nothing in this world is coincidence, everything is fated…"
"Your loss…" The raven said as he placed his money back in his wallet and his wallet back into his back pocket.
"Before you leave… I suggest you voice out your true feelings to the person you wish to voice it out to when the opportunity presents itself." He che'd before he turned and walked away whistling an unknown tune leaving the woman to watch him as his back began to retreat.
"Bye bye Orihara, Izaya-kun… I hope you will soon sound your feeling to Heiwajima, Shizuo..."
As he heard the woman mention both names he turned to look at the place where she sat. Only to find it empty, he stared at the spot, and started to wander if he had really spoken to a woman in a dark violet hooded robe, who apparently told him what to do, and of course he wouldn't admit that he ever so slightly, and deep down… way, way deep down he would like to believe what the mysterious woman had said.
Heiwajima, Shizuo
The known beast of Ikebukuro, at the same time it's protector. Yet, no one really cared since they focused more on his monstrous strength than his gentler side. He didn't mind that people feared him. He was used to it after all, besides he still had his friends that he knew would not desert him for his uncontrollable temper or his strength. He walked down the street reaching the overhead bridge where he caught sight of the flea informant earlier that day. He stood where he saw the raven and he had the urge to hunt him down and kill him. Yet, even he could not deny his exhausted body; he leaned over the rails of the bridge watching as the cars passed by below.
It was already the quarter hour before midnight. The city lights of the city made it illuminate through the sky, making the stars less visible than usual. But still the moon brightly shined through the night. He sighed as he watched people move around below him, he pulled out his cigarette from the back pocket of his pants and took out the last cigarette then crushed the now empty pack. He then began to search his pockets for his lighter and cursed when he realized that he lost it, probably during that afternoons' chase.
Damn flea… I'll definitely kill you.
He thought bitterly as he sighed in disappointment that he could not enjoy one of his cancer sticks. He took the cigarette in between his fingers and began to twirl it. He was shocked when a lighter was presented to him in front of his face. The debt collector turned to see the owner of the hand. As he reached the body he only found a girl who wore a hood like the one that little red riding hood wore, only the girl had a stripped red and black patterned scarf hanging in front of her hood. The girl's mouth showed a small smile but the girls' eyes were unseen because of the steampunk goggles with green lens on her face.
"Thanks." The blond man said as he took the lighter and lit his cigarette before reaching it back to the all red clothed girl. The girl however, shook her head with the smile still painted on her face.
"It's fine you can have it mister! In one condition though!" she said in a happy-happy voice. "Tell me a story! One about your experience for the day!" she said before playfully leaning on the railings beside the ex-bartender.
"Ok… Thanks for the lighter, and why do you want to hear a story about my day?"
"I like stories… But realistic ones that really happened, not those made up fairytales. I also want them to be told by the person who experienced them rather than one who merely knows of it," the girl grinned, showing off her teeth.
"You don't have to tell me your name or anyone's at all, all you have to do is tell me what happened to you today…"
"O—k… Um, I woke up this morning, had a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast and went to work. Do I have to tell you what I do for a living?"
"Nope." The girl's mouth twitched, but her grin was still large.
"Ok, so I went on with my job, until I saw an irritating person and went to chase him around half the day through half the city trying to kill him. But he still got away that moron of a flea… That's pretty much it and here I am…"
"How interesting… How long have you been after the flea?" She muttered something under her breath and her eyebrow twitched.
"Since my high school days…"
"And you have not yet killed him?"
"Che… That guy has plans for almost anything, he's a smart ass guy and an informant who's a mind manipulator and can make people do his biddings if he wanted them to…"
"Hm… Does he control you?"
"Hell no… I'll die first before he controls me…"
The girl pursed her lips and gave Shizuo a long stare, in which said blond could feel because of the intensity the air had and the way her neck craned on to reach his eyes. "Hm… Why have you not killed him yet?"
"I already told you, he has a scheme for everything… If only I could corner him…"
"I wonder… What would you do if you cornered a mouse?"
"What would you do if you cornered a mouse?" the girl repeated, her face twitched again.
"Let it go free? Why?"
"You would let a mouse go free but you would kill the flea if cornered? Why?"
"Because the mouse didn't do anything, while he tried to lead people to suicide… If he dies, it's what he deserves… And I'll be the one to watch him take his last breathe and finally shut up…"
"What if someone kills him before you?"
"I won't let that happen… I won't let that flea die…" The girl grinned at his answer, seemingly satisfied.
"Because I won't be satisfied until I kill him with my own hands…" Her grin faltered, then it came back twice larger.
"So you wish to only kill him and you alone to kill him? So would you go as far as saving him if he is in-between the line of life and death caused by another, for the only reason that you want to kill him?"
"… Alright, what's with the questions?" Shizuo eyed her suspiciously, in which she gave him a cryptic smile that infuriated him. Okay, this was getting annoying, but he has a don't-hit-girls policy to follow.
"Just a curious little girl searching for a nice story from a random stranger and if you ask me I say you're the possessive type… You say you hate this so-called flea person right?"
"So… Whatever relationship you possess with this person is really something special for you to want him to die by your hands and your hands alone…" The girl only smiled as the ex-bartender only stared at her. "Thanks for the story mister! But I have to go now…" she said as he turned from the blond man and started walking away. The debt collector massaged his fore head and temples slightly before hearing the girl's voice once more.
"Oh, and one more thing mister! The line between love and hate is hair thin… So may maybe, in a very small chance you may harbor feelings for Orihara, Izaya-san… Think about how you truly feel… Nee Heiwajima, Shizuo-san? Bye now!" she said her mouth still forming a smile as she turned once more and skipping until her back had disappeared from the ex-bartender's sight.
Once again he stared at where the girl's back had retreated and disappeared with his mouth wide open, making his cigarette slip out of his mouth. He face palmed before he looked down and sneered at his wasted cigarette that was only half done. He sighed heavily before turning to return to his home with his conversation with the strange girl still hanging in his mind.
"I'm back!" the girl wearing the red hood announced as she entered the hotel suite that the booked in. the two girl currently sitting together on the bed while staring at the laptop in front of them. The girl wearing the dark violet hooded robe didn't lift their heads as they were currently occupied on something on the laptop. While the other who wore a black dress and hat looked at the arrival and smiled at her.
"Welcome back Aki-Chan… How'd it go?"
"Just as planned… What about you Kuro?" she asked as her removed her hood and threw it uncaringly at the floor, then fixing her red and black striped scarf; she looked at the other awaiting an answer from her older sister that never came. Annoyed, she pulled on the hood of the other girl making the hood fall back revealing the other girl's black pony-tailed styled hair.
"Hey! Aki! It went according to plan ok! Now shush, I'm doing research."
"Research? On what?" the red-eyed girl asked her older sister as she sat beside their Japanese friend.
"How to make doujiinshis" Erika answered smiling brightly with stars in her eyes. "It would be a waste if we didn't make one, it'll be like a remembrance for our reunion and accomplishment once this mission is done!" she said enthusiastically.
The red-eyed girl agreed and took out her own laptop and got their spare laptop and gave it to Erika and the 3 started to plan for their doujinshi along with mini discussions of other applicable pairings and had their own little mini yaoi convention the whole night.
Suddenly, Aki squealed, surprising her companions who were concentrated on the research topic of how to make doujinshis.
"KYAAA! May favorite band is having a concert in Ikebokuro too! I have to kiss the lead!" she screamed. Kuro threw a pillow at her face that had a love-struck expression.
"Okay, you still haven't lost your love for men, but I don't mind. But please, don't scream…." Kuro said with an annoyed look directed at her sister, then Aki nodded still holding back her giddy self and went back to researching.
Eventually, they agreed that SasuNaru, VanVen, YurieWolfram, and 8059 are somewhat similar to ShiZaya and decided they are their OTP's.
"Finally… Wait until I get my hands on those two…"
"Calm down Psyche…"
"Good… They should be in the Grand 5 star hotel in Ikebukoro… Luckily that's also where we'll be staying… Now everyone behave and keep your hands to yourselves during the long ride to Ikebukoro. I'm looking at you Psyche and Tsugaru… I mean it! You might give Echa-Chan another nosebleed…" Jian pointed at the make-up artist who was looking at them with a giant grin on her face.
Tsugaru nodded while Psyche ignored her.
Jian sighed, being a manager sure is a handful…
Aki: How many pieces of chocolate did I eat again?
Kuro: I dunno, you were hogging them.
Erika: Hey! Why didn't you give me any?
Aki: You never asked.
Kuro: Oh well… Now that this is done… ShiZaya is on its way and lemons are and will be done by Aki.
Aki: I can't do lemons!
Kuro: Then how do you explain your story "The Emptiness", and your tolerance for that SoRoku story you showed me? You can do it! I know you can! You know you want to…
Aki: Hey! My lemons had cock-blocks… and I… and I… okay, I'll need assistance from that guy…
Erika: By guy… you mean… You know a guy that made lemons!
Kuro: She does, and it was hot…
Aki: I endured public humiliation because of that…
Kuro: LIES! Anyways, now this chapter is over…
Kuro, Aki: Erika: All hail ShiZaya and please Read and Review! Thank you!