This is my first fanfic so please let me know what you think. This first chapter is to get to know the character and her back story. The Next chapter I should Introduce David and the boys. I don't own the lost boy or any places in this story. The only one I do Own or have any right to Is Sage. Hope you like it and please review.

~ JJ~

The hot Vegas air nipped at my skin like always. I sat on my porch watching the sun disappear from the sky. It would be my last night here. For tomorrow morning my mother was moving us to Santa Carla the murder capital of the word. She calmed it was for I new start but I knew better. You see she has been looking for a way out of Vegas ever since my father ran away with a stripper named Candy, and I had just recently given it to her. I was expelled from school for fighting with a girl. It wasn't my flat she started it, and I know that's was everyone say right? This time it was true, she called me the daughter of a no good whore who didn't know how to keep her man happy, and well I hit her and made her bleed.

So now here I was packing up my whole life and leaving the only place I have ever called home. I have lived in this house in this state for my whole sixteen years of life. Not that I really care to be leaving I didn't have much friends any way, I mean no one wanted to be friends with someone who had a bad attitude like mine. My mom always told me that if I was just a little nicer to people I could be the queen bee of my school, with looks like mine I could have any friend I wanted or any guy. I had bright emerald green eyes with deep jet black hair that had a blue tint to it. I had just enough body fat so that I didn't look anorexic, and I had all the right curves. My breasts are just the right size and my butt isn't too big or small. My legs and are just the right length that if I so wanted to I could be a killer model. Some people have even asked why I chose to be a social outcast when I could have it all. My answer is simple; I don't want to have to be fake to get friends, would you? If people can't stand me attitude and all then I don't need them, But then again that is where my trouble lies.

If I didn't have this attitude of mine I would be looking at my house full of boxes about to be leaving my everything behind, maybe my dad wouldn't have left us, and my mom wouldn't be crying herself to sleep every night, but hey everything happens for a reason right. I slowly stood up and started to make my way into the house. I stood in the door way glaring at all the boxes. I didn't want to be leaving to go to this unknown place, but what chose did I have. With a beep sigh I made my way up the stairs into my mostly empty room. The only things left was a blow up mattress, my close for tomorrow, and my backpack full of books and cds for the car ride there. As I stood there memories of the past came rushing at me. The time my dad got me a puppy, and when that puppy died two months later. When I was six and had a bad dream and my dad came in to make it better and the mother daughter talk when said father ran out on us just three weeks ago. I let those memories and more flood over me. I was so lost in my own mind that I didn't hear my mother come in.

" Sage Amelia Strom are you listening to me," my mother stated putting her hand on my shoulder.

I jumped a little from the sudden touch, I looked at her and said," No mom I am sorry what did you say."

She sighed "I said can you help me finish putting the boxes in the car, so we can leave tomorrow morning," she asked.

"Of cores I would mom," I answered sarcastically and walked pasted her.

I went down stairs and stared to pick up the many boxes. Within the hour all the boxes were in the car ready to go in the morning. My mom opened her month to say something but I walked by her and shut the door. I slowly walked over to the air bed and laid down and fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a very long day.