Okay Guys I Am Back. I AM So Sorry It Took So Long To Upoad This Chapter. I Stopped Writing Because Of School, And Then As Soon As School Ended I Had Just Lost My Muse. Thankful I Have Gotten It Back. I Hope You Like This Chapter. This Has Not Been Editied And There Is A Chance That You Will Find Mistakes As You Read And Again I Am Sorry. As Always Let Me Know What You Think, And I Hope You Like It. I Dont Own The Lost Boys Or Any Of The Places. I Do Own Sage, Her Friends, And Her Parents.
The woke up the next morning to a stream a sunlight coming in from my window. I could help but let out a sleepy groan as I crawled out of bed. I scramble around my room until I find something to wear. Once I am fully dressed I make my way down the stairs to make my breakfast. To my surprise I found my mother in the kitchen standing tall over the oven with a frying pan in hand. Before I get a chance to speak she notices me and says, "Good thing your up sweetheart I am making your favorite. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, and pancakes."
I look at her strangly and say, "I thought you were going to Zack's again."
"I am, but he worked late last night so I wont be leaving until noon," she states.
Not convinced that what she said was the truth I said, "What is this really about mom?"
"Well sweetheart I haven't been around lately for you and I wanted to change that. You know go back to the good old days," she repiled back softly.
"Mom it hasn't been that good old days sence I was seven years old. I remember you used to take me to yard sales and the swap meet, and by the end of the day we would end up at church," I paused for a moment and then continued, "Hey mom why did we end up at the church. I mean we're not religious."
With a smile on her face my mom repiled, "The free coffee and you loved the doughnuts."
A though popped into my head as I asked, "Mom isn't that where I met Bunny?"
My mom chuckled and answered, "No silly, you met Bunny when I took you to the play ground after."
Suddenly I remembered that day as if it was yesterday. I had been sitting on the ground in the sand box absent mindedly digging holes in the ground when suddenly a little girl with wild curly brown hair foot caught in one of my holes causing her to fall flat on her face. The girl let out a cry of pain as she held her ankle close. Not knowing what else to I quickly ran over to my mother and brought her to the still crying girl. Thinking fast my mother wrapped the girls ankle. While my mother was doing this the girl looked up at me and smiled. With a look of happiness on her face she through her arm out at me and said, "My name is Bunny and thank you for getting me help."
I smiled and repiled, "Your welcome Bunny. My name is Sage."
My mother slowly helped Bunny to her feet and helped her find her my mom. As we where about to leave Bunny grabbed my hand and pulled me into a huge and whispered, "From this day on you and I are going to be the best of friends.'
I left the park that day knowing deep down inside that Bunny was right and we were going to be the best of friends, and she was right from that day on we have always been the very best of friends. Snapping out of my own little flash back I looked at my mom and asked "So why did we stop going?"
While she was plating the food she repiled, "Well you two grew up."
Out of the blue I asked her, "Mom why did your love die. I mean if you chose eternity for love how do you know that it will last?"
"Oh come on Sage grow up! Your almost seventeen year old, stop living in a fairy tale! You know that love is not eternal. It dies just like everything else. Why you hate me for something he chose is beyond me. He didn't just leave you he left me too," she snapped at me.
"At least he didn't make me leave my everything and move me to this god awful city," I yelled.
"I don't see what is so god awful about it Sage. You got that no good boy you have been seeing. I swear that boy has no decency. His god damn bike is still parked in the middle of my lawn," she said.
"Its still there," I questioned.
She rolled her eyes and said, "Go look for yourself if you don't believe me, but I think I am going to take off to Zack's after all."
Panicked I said, " No mom I am so sorry, I love you please don't leave."
"Sage it's okay, but I am going to take off. I will see you tonight," she said.
I looked her in the eyes and asked, "But what if you don't?"
"Sage what have I told you about talking like that. Do I have to get on the phone and try to find that doctor again," she questioned.
Thinking quickly I answered, "No mom I will be fine. I just don't want you to leave mad at me, because in this day and age you never know what could happen. I mean what if you walked out that door and you never came home, or what if I just never came home?"
She looked at me and repiled, "Sage your right, but this conversation is making me uncomfortable. So please stop with all this morbid thinking. You and I we will have years and year together."
With one last look at me she quietly left. As I watched her leave I screamed, "You know this could be goodbye mom!"
Letting out a sigh of rage I made my way over to the living room. With many thoughts running through my head I flopped down on to the couch. As I laied on the couch I started thinking of all the reason to stay, but sadly I came up with none. I kept thinking that the longer I stay the more she would turn me into her. She would fill my head with her poisonous lies about love being dead, and no such things as fairy tales. Maybe I shouldn't grow up. Yea that sounds nice, never growing up. At night fall I will return the bike to David, and ask Bunny how to feed without killing. I guess I will become Alice and fall down that rabbit hole. I will become one of the damned, but first I have to know. I guess it is time to make that important phone call I never though I would, or ever wanted to make.
My legs felt as if they were moving on their own as I ever so slowly made my way into my mom's room. I quickly opened the closet and found the thing I was looking for. Reaching up I grabbed my mother old worn out tie died shoe box, and set it on the floor. For I few second I stood frozen just staring at the box not wanting to learn the secrets that it held. Once I regained my strength I ripped the lid off the box and found the many objects held inside. Moving the objects around I found her phonebook and picked it up. I was about to open the phonebook when I found the biggest betrayal my mother has ever kept from me. Tossing the phonebook to the floor I picked up a letter with my name on it written in my fathers hand writing. I opened the letter with shacking hands. I took a deep breath as I read,
Dear Sage,
I know you may never see this letter. I mean we both know how your mother is, and knowing her I hope she doesn't read what it meant for your eyes only, but I am hoping you do get a chance to read it. I just hope it isn't right before your wedding. It saddens my to write this, but your mother has always hated me. She has hated me sence the day and I do hate to say this, but sence the day that we got freaky in that ditch. Or what ever term you kids are using these days. Nine mouths after that night you came along. Your mother never did get over it. She never wanted kids. She wanted her free life style, and I am sure you know that life style is very well. I was the man who tied her down and for that she hated me. Sage, please don't get me wrong. Your mother dose love you in her own little way. We diced that if anything where to ever happen that it would be best for you to live with her. I hope that one day you and I will be able to rebuild our broken relationship, but know I didn't leave because of you. I just couldn't live with you mother any more. She has no love, and that is because she doesn't understand what love is. I know it is hard to live with her, but where I was weak you are strong. I know you can do it Sage you are stronger than I ever was. I had to get out, and I hope that one day that you will to. I just only hope that went you do you don't hurt her like I did. I have one more thing to tell you Sage, and that is don't you ever believe that love is not there It is all around you. All you have to do is follow your heart and you will find it.
Love Always, Dad
P.s. I set up a phone line that I will always keep current. If you ever need me or just want to talk. Call me at (702) 123-4567.
I set the letter down as tears clowned my eyes. I couldn't believe this. Not thinking every clearly I picked up the letter and carried it to the phone. I never took my eyes off the number as I picked up the phone and numbly punched the numbers in. the phone ringed a couple of times until a voice I knew all to well picked up and said, "Hello."
Taking a deep breath I repiled, "Hi dad its me, Sage."
It was quiet on the other line until my dad repiled, "Sage sweetie is it really you."
"Yes dad its me. I found your letter in a shoe box at the top of mom's closet," I repiled.
My dad chuckled as he said, "That's your mom for you. She was always putting thing in that shoe box that she never wanted anyone to find."
Smiling a little I asked, "Dad is it true that you left us for a stripper named Candy."
My dad let out a sigh as he said, "Is that what your mother told you."
Holding back tears I answered, "Yes that's what she told me."
He took a deep breath and repiled, "No Sage I did not leave you for a stripper named Candy, but I did find some one. Her name is Cindy and she is a Candy Striper, and I have something else to tell you."
"What is it dad," I asked.
"Sage your going to be an older sister," he explained.
"Oh, well I am happy for you" I said suddenly sad.
Knowing by the change in my voice my dad said, "Sage this baby isn't going to replace you. That could never happen. You will always be my little girl. No matter what happens."
After my dad said that I relaxed a little. We spent two hour on the phone talking about that good old days and what has been going on sence he left. I told him about David, and he told me more about Cindy. As I was about to get off the phone with my dad I asked him, "Dad can love be eternal?"
My dad was quiet for a few mintues then he repiled, "If it fits it fits."
Seconds later my dad and I said goodbye and hung up. Looking out the window I though I can't believe it is already dusk. Turning my head to the lawn I looked at the bike. Without thinking I grabbed my jacket and head out the door. I stood in front of the bike as I though "I am falling". I slowly got onto the bike and headed to the cave.
Well What Did You Guys Think. Oh and Before I Forget I Have Written An Origal Story On A Different Website. So If You Like This And Want To Read The Orginal Story I Wrote PM Me And I Will Give You A Link. Thank You So Much For Taking The Time To Read This.