Ask the Tsubasa Cast : The Return

Eternal: I am back, sorry, I've seen to many other stories that never got reported or told they were breaking rules. So~~~ without further ado I present Ask the Tsubasa Cast.

Kurogane: NO! Hell no! Why people? Why do you let her do this, for the love of God help!

C!Syao: Oh shut it. It's not that bad. So please send your dares once more and the show can continue.

Fai: Hyuu~ tormenting Kurggy, tormenting Kurggy!

Kurogane: -Draws Ginryu.- Die mage! –Chases him.-

Yuuko: Thankfully, I am Co-Hosting with Eternal so my dares are requested to be put at a minimal. So~ see the button that says 'Review'? Click it!