Author's note: I do not own shaman king!

Love or lust: Revised

Chapter 1: Dare

"FINALLY, lunch time. The greatest hour of my life!" Pilika screamed running out of class. It was 12:00 in the afternoon and Pilika was excited to finally be out of the jail they call, calculus. "Hey Pilika." Said a familiar voice. The mentioned turned around to see her two bestfriends, Tamara and Diana.

Tamara was wearing the traditional school uniform, a white elbow length shirt with a black tie (optional), and a blue plaid mini skirt. Diana, on the other hand, being the tomboy she is, wore the boys uniform. Navy blue pants, with the long sleeved white shirt (she did not wear the tie), and she held behind her the boys black jacket. "Hey Tamara, and Diana." Pilika said with a genuine smile, that was soon ruined by a loud obnoxious voice calling from behind.

"Hi Tamara, Pilika, and Diana!" They all turned around to see a upper class-men that they were familiar with tower over them and suffocate them in a huge hug. Pilika knew this girl a little to well and from her own personal experience, she truly hated her with all her heart.

The girl who stood before them had light brown hair, and stunning blue eyes. She wore a blue head band everywhere she went. She was sort of like that new kid who was new about a month ago, but you couldn't help but call them new kid. It was also said that she is queen of half of Russia and left so she could travel the world. The outgoing upper class-men was also cousins with Diana. Instead of being reasonable with people like Pilika always is, she truly hated this girl with every breath she breathed."Hi...Daizey" She replied, as she chocked on her name. She pushed the abnormally happy girl off of her, and turned around to walk away into the lunch room.

Seeming that Pilika was one of the most popular girls in the school, she had her own table for her and her friends, which had the best view in the cafeteria. Of what you ask? You mean who. Tao Ren. Charming-ish, really smart, super athletic, extremely arrogant, abnormally sexy and a total dreamboat. She had, had a crush on him since her ocean blue eyes landed on his pure gold ones. She knew that almost every single girl in this school loved, liked, or had a crush on this guy. Even Diana kind of liked him, and she was heartless!

After they sat down Daizey popped out of nowhere causing Tamara to yelp, Diana to fall (anime style), and Pilika to flinch. "Hey guys!" Daizeys' face was lit up with pure joy. Pilika ignored the obnoxiously childish girl, and set her gaze on Ren. Tamara tried to follow her gaze, but instead her eyes landed on Trey (Horo-horo) waving at her with the biggest goofy smile ever. She blushed furiously and looked away. When she did so, Treys' smile slowly morphed into a frown.

Daizey stopped talking and looked at Tamara. The girl grinned evilly, as a plan hatched in her brain. "I have an idea." The girl with the evil smile said. Diana got up off the floor, and tilted her head slightly at her cousin in confusion. "A game? Like what?" The tomboy asked, curiosity obvious on her face. Daizeys' sneer got wider, then she turned and narowed her eyes at Tamara. "Dare."

Review please and a big thanks to More2life for helping me revise my story. Thank you so much :))