"Jun were exactly are we going". "You shall see young Pilika," stated Jun. She looked to the rest of the young adults. "There are two limos outside. One labeled girls and one labeled boys go in your appropriate limo. We're leaving immediately.""What about our clothes, Jun?" Tamara asked. Jun smirked. "Don't you worry I have that completely under control." Diana glared at Jun suspiciously after a couple of minutes of glaring and not seeing any weakness she gave up. Everyone got into their limos with no complaints.

The girl's limo

Diana sat by the window and was knocked out within 5 seconds. Anna was at the other window just staring out it, probly thinking of torture methods for Yohs training. Tamara sat in-between them two staring at her feet. Jun sat across from them doing work on her laptop. Daizey sat next to her searching through her backpack like a crazy person for heaven knows what. Pilika on the other hand was all over the place pressing every button in sight. She came across a control with a very large red button in the dead center. Being the curious girl she was she pressed it and covered her ears and shut her eyes tight. Once she realized that nothing blew up she continued to press buttons. Little did she know that that button shot a T.V right in front of Tamaras face. She squeaked when she realized what was on the screen. The boys. Her eyes shot straight to Yoh then Trey and they watered. Pilika pressed another button and it zoomed in on trey. Tamaras face was a tomato in a second. "P-P-P-PILIKA! STOP IT!" Pilika looked up to see a red, teary eyed Tamara. "Tammy what's the matter?" Tamara pointed a shaky finger at the screen. Pilika looked. "Well, well, well I didn't know you liked my brother that much. "She giggled. Tamara looked at her with disbelief. "You did this take it away this is… spying and spying is very wrong!" Pilika looked at her brother again. "He's just eating Tams." Jun just giggled. "Tamara we are not spying I put this in here for a reason. So don't worry." Tamara looked at her dumbfounded. "Yes they don't know were doing it but it is better that way." She took the remote from Pilika and gave it to Tamara, who dropped it. She just stared at it. Pilika getting impatient of Tamara just staring at the remote in her hand, tackled her.

"Ahhhhh P-P-Pilika! Get off of me!" Everyone in the limo, minus Diana, was now staring.

"J-J-Just give me the damn remote!" yelled Pilika while wrestling for the remote.


"Then stop biting me and give me the freaking remote" Pilika tried.


Genesis (Diana's guardian ghost) grabbed the remote from them and flew back to Diana.

Both girls got up and looked at the T.V. The T.V. showed Ren shirtless looking out the window in a dreamy look. Tamara gagged. Pilika's face turned the color of blood. She quickly snapped the T.V. back in the slot that it came out of in the ceiling. They both looked at Diana who cleared her throat. Diana glared at both of them with death clearly visible in her eyes. They gulped.

"I am NOT the person who is easily awakened. So shut the hell up already! Gawd, okay your girl problems can wait, have a little courtesy! I hate being woken up! And so help me if I am woken up again I will rip one your throats out. I don't care who it is!" she sat back down and threw the remote to Jun, and she was out like a light, again.

Daizey stared at her cousin in amazement. 'Hm wow she really knows how to shut them up. She used Pilikas weakness and an angry face on Tammy which always works. Hm maybe my cuz can be smart.' Diana snores. 'Or maybe not. Ugh crazy tomboy, over eating, always hibernating cousin. She shall be the death of me.'

Genesis head bonked both of the girls which knocked them both out.

"That should shut those crazy freaks up" said the stylish ghost. She flew back to Diana.

Jun looked at all the girls smiled and went back to her computer.

The boy's limo

Yoh was talking to Morty about god knows what. Ryu was on Facebook off his laptop. Joco was pressing every button possible. Ren was looking out the window lost in deep thought. Trey was eating a very large bag of chips very slowly while looking at the floor. Soon enough Joco realized that trey was eating …wait slowly? Trey never eats slowly! Wait, only when he's depressed. "Hey… uh trey what's up dude is you okay?"

Trey looked up at Joco with his coal black eyes glazed over. "I-I-talked to Tamara."

Joco looked really confused. "But don't you like her dude that's great right that's a good thing?" Joco looked at the other guys for some answers. Ryu jumped up to say something but hit his head on the ceiling. "Ow" he mumbled and sat back down. "You talked to her that's great!", he said while rubbing his head.

Trey buried his face in his hands and whispered something.

"Huh, I didn't hear you?"Joco said leaning closer to hear.

Trey whispered again.

"WHAT?" Joco was now in his face really trying to hear his seemingly mute friend.

"I CONFESED TO TAMARA AND SHE TOLD ME SHE STILL LOVES YOH!" Treys eyes were puffy and red from the nonstop crying. He held his face in his hands and cried more. He sobbed so hard that it echoed around the limo. Ren rolled his eyes at the display of weakness. Joco had fallen on the floor when trey yelled and was way to shocked to get up. He had never seen his friend like this. Joco tried to think of a joke to brighten the mood but one didn't seem to pop up.

Yoh sat next to his friend and continually tried to sooth him. The rest of the ride was dead silent minus the sobs of trey.

AN: Hey guys tell me what you think the next chapter is coming up soon and defiantly expect romance and fighting ! stay tuned review!