Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine, no. What a shame. The title is from the song Welcome Home, by Radical Face.

This is unbetaed, so any mistakes are mine. Please tell me if you spot them. Yeah.

You're thirteen and you love him with the force of a nuclear bomb, you love him so much sometimes you get up in the morning and feel sick just by looking at the sky (cause the sky is his eyes and his eyes are the sky, and you go to your bathroom and throw up all the ramen you had for dinner with him yesterday), you love him so much you hate him for doing this to you because nobody but you should have that much power over your emotions, over you, but you love him so much you would die a hundred deaths for him in a heartbeat if you could, but you have to leave leave leave and find your bastard brother and get revenge so then you can come back to him and finally finally thank god it's about time be happy.

You're stronger than him now so you win and you leave but you miss him so much you almost go back eighty-seven times but no no no you have to kill Itachi, you have to, then you'll go back.

You only hope he'll welcome you with open arms.

You know he will.

And Sakura will cry and Kakashi-sensei will smile but you won't pay them much attention because you will be looking at him, all water-filled blue blue eyes and that blinding smile and he'll call you an idiot and probably punch you in the chest or something and you'll say tadaima smiling at his stupid blonde hair and his stupid orange clothes and he'll smile so big your heart will ache and say okaerinasai. don't you dare leave me again.

But he's stupid and can't stick to a damn plan so he goes after you and he finds you and you think no no no, you stupid idiot, it's not time yet so you threaten to kill him but you never would and you both know it, the entire fucking world knows it.

(You knew it was just a matter of time until he started chasing you, and you love him so damn much you don't even know how to feel about this)

Then Itachi dies and it's not supposed to be like this and everything you knew was wrong and fucking hell breaks fucking loose. You just want revenge revenge revenge from the people that broke you and your brother and made him look like a monster.

But you lose, you all lose, and all the Akatsuki is dead and Karin and Juugo and Suigetsu have been captured and he's right in front of you and you have to fight, but you don't want to fucking fight, you're tired and you're sore and you're broken, your soul is broken.

So you look at him and he is looking at you and crying so desperately you think no no no no no now i've broken him too, it's all my fault so you fall to your knees and scream scream scream until you're bleeding and you have no voice anymore.

And suddenly there are arms around you, arms you thought you would never touch, never ever feel again. And there, right there, in a battle field in the middle of this madness while he holds you and makes strangled noises and cries so pretty he leaves your hair wet, you find a little bit of comfort. And you hold him back like he his your life saver, and maybe he is. And you whisper tadaima and he says okaerinasai, don't you dare leave me again and you won't, you know you won't, the entire fucking world knows you won't.