A/N: I guess it's kind of weird that anonymous came and Cammie didn't mention it, but it's because she doesn't trust anyone else. She saw Mrs. Baxter that night, which made her think she couldn't trust her friends anymore.

Thanks for the reviews! I owe you guys. Anyways, I expect you will review this chapter. I will be posting the next chapter later this day, but I will set a review system next chapter, as I will finish the story. Of course, I will write a sequel. I think anonymous will be revealed in the beginning of the next story. Whenever he decides to make an appearance. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Friday, June 17, 2010

12:28 p.m.

CIMMIM Chatroom

thechameleon, voguegirl, and maddog have logged on.


thechameleon- Classified.

voguegirl- Well, well. Look who decided to show up again. *cough* nerddd *cough*

maddog- Hello Cameron. How are you doing? Erm...hey, Mace.

thechameleon: Hehe. I'll leave you two to chat. :)

voguegirl: Oh no, Cameron Morgan! You're staying here!

maddog: Mace-y!

thechameleon: Awkward turtle!

maddog: Cammie, I really need to talk-

thechameleon: To Macey? Of course!

maddog: No...with you.

voguegirl: Preston. I-

maddog: Macey, please. It's not about relationships or anything.

voguegirl: Preston Winters! I can't believe we're finally talking and you decide you like Cammie better than me! No offense, Cam.

maddog: Macey, I really don't think-

voguegirl: *laughs* I know that! You never think, do you? Boys! *scoffs*

thechameleon: Preston, whatever you want to say, just say it.

maddog: I can't risk others knowing.

thechameleon: Spit it out!

maddog: Macey can't know! She'll just laugh at me!

voguegirl: *rolls eyes* Like I care about you.

maddog: *looks surprised* Macey! Please!

voguegirl: Alright! But Cam's probably going to tell me anyways.

voguegirl has logged off.

maddog: Sorry about that.

thechameleon: *glares* You have no idea how much you hurt her, do you?

maddog: W-what? I thought Macey didn't care about me!

thechameleon: Lie. Look, Preston, please tell her how you feel. Or you can talk to me about it. I'll tell her.

maddog: Cammie! Bigger things are happening. Macey isn't as important as you!

thechameleon: Excuse me?

maddog: I'm sorry. She is important to me, but not to everyone else. I think you're going to have to go to Blackthorne to figure it out.

thechameleon: How the heck did you find out about Blackthorne?

maddog: It's the detention facility for boys, right? Macey mentioned that Zach, Grant, and Jonas came from there. Also, Zach's user name is blackthorneboy, so it's kind of know, personally, I don't like you hanging out with mentally crazy boys.

thechameleon: Preston! I like Zach, and Grant is my brother.

maddog: How did you know?

thechameleon: You knew?

maddog: Look, Cammie, I've already said too much. But-

thechameleon: What about Macey?

maddog: She's important to me, but I can't date her, Cammie.

thechameleon: Why? She needs you! You probably dumped the most beautiful and talented girl in the world!

maddog: She's beautiful, but obviously not as talented as you.

thechameleon: Preston! How dare you?

maddog: I want to make it clear that I'm not attracted to you in any way. Tell Macey that. And tell her that...ice blue is my favorite color.

thechameleon: What is that supposed to mean?

maddog: Please. Stop asking questions.

thechameleon: Fine. But I would like to hear about how you got on this website in the first place.

maddog: Your Aunt Abby told me to talk to Macey through this.

thechameleon: Really? I highly doubt that.

maddog: I want you to take this situation seriously. You're going to get hurt if you don't. Your skills are high, but the real test still hasn't started yet.

thechameleon: What's that supposed to mean?

maddog has logged off.

blackthorneboy, britishbombshell, and voguegirl have logged on.


blackthorneboy- Cammie, sweetheart, will you please talk to me?

britishbombshell- Geesh, Cammie, you're being really vague about everything. Stop avoiding us!

voguegirl- Are you done playing with your boy toy?

blackthorneboy, britishbombshell, and voguegirl: CAMERON ANN MORGAN!

thechameleon: Macey! I wasn't...

blackthorneboy: What's Macey talking about?

voguegirl: Please, Cammie. I was wondering what you've been doing. Obviously, you've been talking to Preston!

thechameleon: Macey! He doesn't like me like that! And plus, I like Zach! You know that!

blackthorneboy: Ditto to that.

britishbombshell: From this conversation, I gathered the following info:

Cammie really likes Zachy!

Macey really likes Preston. ;) Always knew you liked that kid.

Liz and Jonas are on a date. (Because they still didn't log on, and I asked them to)

Zach is very mad at Preston.

voguegirl: What? I DO NOT!

blackthorneboy: I believe my Gallagher Girl. I am so not mad!

thechameleon: Bex! Okay, Macey. Preston wanted to tell you that he is not attracted to me in any way, and his favorite color is ice blue.

voguegirl: He did? No freaking way.

thechameleon: What does it mean?

voguegirl: Well...we had these codes, see? And we would talk about all the security guards and all the other people. If we thought they were flirting, then we would whisper that to each other. Like, each person is named for the color of their eyes. So, Cammie's likes the color green.

thechameleon: *squeals* So Preston does like you! Wait...but he said his favorite. Does that mean...

britishbombshell: Oh my gosh! Macey! You have to tell him you love him back!

voguegirl: *shakes head* It's too late.

thechameleon: No it's not! It's never too late! He just told you, for goodness sake, Mace!

blackthorneboy: ...bleck. Girl talk.

lovetoread and icanhack have logged on.


lovetoread- *blushing* Sorry I'm late!

icanhack- Today was amazing.

voguegirl: Ooh. Looks like Romeo and Juliet are back. The perfect couple.

lovetoread: Please, Macey. If I was Juliet, I would die.

icanhack: Yeah, Macey. You don't want us to die, do you?

voguegirl: *sighs* Geniuses...

lovetoread and icanhack: Thanks.

thechameleon: Where's Gran-

blackthorneboy: NOWHERE!


blackthorneboy: Nowhere really...just doing his thing.

britishbombshell: I detect a lie...

voguegirl: Gosh, Zach, it's just Grant! What d you have to hide?

icanhack: Grant is er...hanging with Mr. Baxter...

thechameleon: Really...do tell why.

britishbombshell: Oh, daddy. He's probably just threatening him again. :)

lovetoread: Yeah. I mean, it's just your parents, right?

icanhack: BTW, What's up with Macey's status?

voguegirl: Oh, nothing. That's settled now.

lovetoread: Hmm...interesting conversation. I think I'll start at the top.

blackthorneboy: No!

lovetoread: Why not Zac- oh hey! Preston came!

blackthorneboy: Ugh. He is just looking for trouble.

New chat room started by icanhack.


thechameleon- Classified.

blackthorneboy- Cammie, sweetheart, will you please talk to me?

britishbombshell- Geesh, Cammie, you're being really vague about everything. Stop avoiding us!

voguegirl- Are you done playing with your boy toy?

lovetoread- *blushing* Sorry I'm late!

icanhack- Today was amazing.

voguegirl: Ew! My status has to be changed pronto...


voguegirl- :) I think I found my favorite color.

thechameleon: Aww! That's adorable!

voguegirl: *blushes* :)

britishbombshell: I swear. If that kid hurts you, I'll kill him.

lovetoread: And I will be there to restrain Bex for you, Mace.

thechameleon: And I will be there to scream at him for you, Mace.

voguegirl: Whoa, whoa! We're not going to get together anytime soon.

icanhack: Why not, Macey? I'll be there for you. If you need to talk to me about something, ask away. After all, I am a guy.

blackthorneboy: Since Cammie is probably going to force me to, I'll help you...

thechameleon: Zach! Be nice!

voguegirl and blackthorneboy: *laughs* When have we ever acted nice to each other?

thechameleon: Humph! Be that way, guys!

britishbombshell: *sighs*

lovetoread: What?

britishbombshell: It's just that...I wish we could just stay like this forever. Young and innocent kids.

icanhack: Yeah. I don't want to go back to Blackthorne.

blackthorneboy: Actually...

icanhack: Shush!

thechameleon: Wait a second...Preston told me to go to Blackthorne.

blackthorneboy: *sighs* Well...you see, at the end of the year, I kind of broke into D. Steve's office, and...

icanhack: You guys are coming to Blackthorne. *sighs*

britishbombshell: Are you unhappy about that?

lovetoread: Why the sigh?

icanhack: Blackthorne will be tough for Liz. I think Cammie should be fine, except...

thechameleon: What?

icanhack: The boys are all going to act...strange towards you.

thechameleon: Why? What about Macey? She's famous!

blackthorneboy: Yeah, in the civilian world. But in the spy world, well...you're famous, Cammie.

thechameleon: Me? Why?

icanhack: Well, your father was pretty famous, and so is Mr. Solomon.

thechameleon: Umm...what does Mr. Solomon have to do with me?

blackthorneboy: Joe Solomon changed Blackthorne into a spy school, Cam. He is famous in the CIA, and well...he's trying to protect you.

thechameleon: From?

icanhack and blackthorneboy: Classified.

britishbombshell: *laughs* Um...what? You can't tell us?

voguegirl: Haha. Yeah, really?

lovetoread: Boys, Cam is in danger! You have to help!

thechameleon: Guys, I really think you should tell me who anonymous is.

blackthorneboy: We don't know. You have to figure that out.

thechameleon: You don't know?

icanhack: Cammie, I know you don't exactly trust us anymore...

blackthorneboy: But...be careful.

thechameleon: Guys! I know Grant knows something. He is my brother...

icanhack: I'm sorry Cammie.

blackthorneboy and icanhack have logged off.

lovetoread: What was that all about?

thechameleon: Well, you know, I heard some things about Blackthorne from Zach. And I sort of knew about Mr. Solomon going to Blackthorne, but that's it.

britishbombshell: So, what are our torturing plans for the boys?

voguegirl: I like your thinking, Bex.

lovetoread: List of supplies:

truth serum





voguegirl: the special CIMMIM devices that Liz made a while ago

eyeshadow (in as many colors as possible)

lipgloss (girly flavors)

blush (as many shades as possible

lipstick and lip liner (as many colors)

nail polish (many colors)



every type of makeup we can get

clothes, clothes, and more clothes


britishbombshell: Pizza




a dart gun

bulletproof vests

arrows and a bow


thechameleon: bubbles




water balloons


more pizza

lovetoread: Umm...what exactly are your plans?

voguegirl: Well, we give them makeovers and take pictures...

britishbombshell: We stab them and use them as targets...the pizza is just to eat or throw at them.

thechameleon: Then we need pie, too. Well, we can make them uncomfortable with my supplies...

lovetoread: :) I'm liking our plan. So, how about this. First, we lure them into a room and seal all exits. We go through Bex's torture plan first. Then, we'll tie them to chairs. And we'll use Cammie's plan to make them all uncomfortable...After that, we'll use Macey's plan, since the water balloons will make their clothes wet. Then, when they're exhausted, we'll give them truth serum. After they recover, we do it all again!

britishbombshell, thechameleon, and voguegirl: Love it!

lovetoread: We'll get our supplies tomorrow, and carry our plan out...when?

thechameleon: I like the idea of doing it at Blackthorne!

voguegirl: Sounds good. We'll go into their room!

britishbombshell: And let the torture begin!

lovetoread: Alright! I'll gather my supplies, and write out a plan. You guys get what's on your list.

thechameleon:Yes! Bye guys!

thechameleon, britishbombshell, voguegirl, and lovetoread have logged off.

A/N: Scary, huh? Don't worry. This story is going to stay fun and games. There will be no Circle or anything. That was a long chapter! :)


Bookworm97- Thanks for constantly reviewing my story! You rock! Thanks!

luv2read- :) Well, we'll see if they do.

GallagherBlackthorneZammie-Thanks! :)

Pieces Of My Heart- :) Thanks so much for reviewing!

Random39- And here's the update. Thanks for the review!

TeeHee13- I know. :) I really appreciate it.

Yaa (three times!)- Thank you so much!

purpleellie97- I will. There's going to be a sequel. :)

NiniC- You'll find out who he is soon!

MissPradaPrincess (2 times!)- Thanks for reviewing!

GallagherGirl459-Lol. :) Sorry I haven't reviewed yor story yet. I'm so busy! Gone the whole entire summer, and then going to NY. :)

EverySilverLiningHasACloud (2 times)-Oh my gosh! That was a long review! I posted that because I would feel bad if I didn't :) I just found a spot to fit it in. I mean, if Grant says it, then it's not as random. :)

Blank-Write a name! :) But thanks for the review. :)

whatever-Thanks for the review!

classified-Thanks for reading the entire story then. :)

ilovezachgoode- I love Zach too! :) Anonymous will be revealed soon.

another blank- Write some kind of name! :) I appreciate your review though!

coolcolombien- Yeah, but if you read on, you would find out anyways. Thanks!

Chloe n alek forever- Thanks!

Oh my...that is a lot of reviewers. I love you guys! Review to find out who anonymous is!

I really do appreciate every single one of the reviews I get. I try to review people's story as often as I can, so I'm glad you guys care enough to review. Thank you so much!

Next chapter will be the last one! Then, I'll start the sequel, and a spin-off about Anonymous and he got the job to go after Cammie and everything. Sorry I write so many long A/Ns.

Then, if you want to be alerted when there's a sequel, either Author alert me or review and ask me to PM (or email for my anonymous reviewers) you when my sequel is up.

I'll post a list of all my reviewers at the end. So, if you're reading, and still haven't reviewed. Next chapter, I'm going to post the list. Review once, at least to make it on the list!