I was alone. Maybe it was the first time since I became a vampire. I was somewhere in the forest. The luscious trees around swayed gently in the wind, and the cool ground (that felt warm to me) was silent beneath me. There was no movement, only peace. The animals around me had fled; this was the only thing I disliked about being a vampire. I was an animal rights activist, yet I couldn't come near one. I thought that I might be able to force one to come to me, but imposing my will on an animal was exactly what my mind was set against. Killing them savagely was bad enough.

I had kept my fears and feelings to myself, waiting until I was alone to finish most of my thoughts so that Edward wouldn't overhear them. I knew that I was far enough away from my friends and family in this part of the forest to fully think of my furry before I went back to them.

I was still a newborn, so I had to keep in control. So I only slowly returned to the thoughts that had almost made me spring and growl. I knew that I could easily stop the Volturi from coming at all; I could make them want to be true and honest and good. But even though I liked being a vampire, I couldn't forget why I had become one. Alistair had feared them so much that he had bitten me. It made by blood curl – figuratively of course. I didn't want to let them get off so easily. They would not just have an involuntary but easy change of heart. They would learn what they had done, and they would pay for it.

My rage was growing and growing – animals in a greater perimeter than ever before had left, panicking when they felt the surges of anger running through my system. I wanted to fight them. I wanted to make them regret everything they had done in their miserable little lives – existences, my bad. I thought for a while before I commanded. When the Volturi are supposed to be here, there will be a fight. They will come and provoke us and they will learn what they did wrong. I hoped that it would work. I wasn't sure what would happen, but I hoped I would be satisfied.