Please read Authors Note ;

~Authors note: ok this is the first story I have written. So I'm still learning I don't mind constructive criticism. It started out as a short back-story for a plot line I had in my head, a NejixTenten plot line to be more exact. That story takes place when they are in high school but the farthest this one goes is middle school. If you like to read this be my guest, (it would bring me much joy if you did though) I have already finished it so it wont take long to post. BUT the last chapter will be a short recap of this story for those only interested in the sequel a NejixTenten(which was this story before I got carried away with it) I am currently working on that but wont post till its finished. Its title is Belonging.

Any who, please review and leave me your thoughts, even if they are "I read the first paragraph and it bored me so I'm not reading the rest" lol

~Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Tenten always knew she was different from the other kids but tried not to pay any mind but for a six year old girl it was hard not to let the other kids bother you. Tenten has been an orphan for as long as she could remember and the girls at school never let her forget it.

Tenten feel to the ground with extra force after a girl with bleach blond hair pushed her down.

"Look at you Tenten! You're never going to be worth anything! You don't have any parents or family. You're not needed and you're a waste of space!" yelled the girl.

After kicking some dirt in Tenten's face the girl and her three followers walked off heading back to the playground. Instead of getting up Tenten just sat there hugging her knees. She tried to be strong but the tears came anyway. Trying to hide her tears Tenten hid her face in her legs. She just wanted to melt into the ground and disappear forever. 'Why am I even here? I'm not needed anyway.' Tenten thought to herself. Soon a hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Tenten are you ok? Is Leiko bothering you again?" said a very concerned Rock Lee.

"Yea, I'm ok Lee. Don't worry about it I will be fine." Tenten replied doing her best to dry up her tears and put on a happy face. Unfortunately for her, Lee saw right through her attempts at fooling him.

(Authors note: Look Lee wasn't always, well, crazy. Lol)

"Tenten you can't let those girls bother you like they do! They don't know anything about you!" stated Lee pulling Tenten into a tight hug "And I am sorry I didn't get out of class early enough to prevent this."

"No Lee this is not your fault! If only I were different-" Tenten began.

"Tenten!" interrupted Lee pulling her out of his hug to look her in the eyes "Don't say that! I like you just the way you are and you shouldn't change to please other people. You should always just be yourself!"

"Thanks Lee."

"Now we should be getting back, we can't be late for dinner again; Lady Ayumi would be worried." Lee said, helping Tenten to her feet.

"OK, let's get back," she said with a smile on her face. Lee always made Tenten feel better even when he wasn't trying. The two of them grew up together at Lady Ayumi's Orphanage and had always been there for each other. And they knew they would be close for many years to come and nothing could tear them apart.

As the years went by kids came and went through the orphanage. Tenten and Lee were now thirteen years old and were still closer than most siblings. A few couples had come to meet both Lee and Tenten but they had both refused to leave without the other despite Lady Ayumi's protests. It was a Saturday afternoon and Tenten and Lee were expecting a visit from their friend Gai. Gai was a former orphan at the orphanage Lee and Tenten are from so he visited and helped out from time to time. When Tenten and Lee had first met Gai a few years ago they instantly grew close to him, as he did to them. Gai had once thought of adopting them both but he was simply too young (he is 26 years old) and hoped for Lee and Tenten to find loving parents, as he did so many years ago. Because he was so close to Lee and Tenten he took every opportunity he had to visit them.

"HELLO MY YOUTHFUL FRIENDS! How are you both on this beautiful day?" shouted Gai as he looked at the two bored looking kids playing checkers on the floor.

"GAI!GAI! DO YOU LIKE MY NEW HAIR STYLE?" shouted a very excited Lee as he shot up off the floor and started jumping up and down.

"Why who is that handsome young man over there with that dazzling new hair cut! Now where have I seen such a hair style before?" questioned Gai.

"Very funny Gai" Tenten stated sarcasticly. "Lee has been jumping off the walls for days now excited to show you his new way to be more like his idol, you." stated Tenten who was putting the checkers back in the box so she could put them away properly.

"Lee, you are so full of youthful passion I am honored to see your growing into a strapping young man!" said Gai pulling Lee into a hug while a sunset appeared behind them while the two continued talking about random things of youth.

While most people found this weird, Tenten found it somewhat comforting to see the ones she cares for so happy to see each other. Yes she was not going to deny that is was not a bit weird even by her standards, but she was growing use to such actions.

Soon the sunset moment came to an end and Gai and Lee parted and stopped crying tears of happiness and Tenten smiled and asked,

"So Gai what are we going to do tonight?"

"I am so very glad you asked Tenten my dear! I thought I would treat you both to some sweets. Who's up for some ice cream?" said Gai striking his good guy pose and smiling so big your heard his signature *ping*.

"REALLY!" both Tenten and Lee shouted.

"Well of course, I have already okayed it with Lady Ayumi so lets head out!" yelled Gai.

When they arrived at the ice cream shop, Tenten was in awe. She had never seen so many different flavors of ice cream in her life!

"Now pick whatever you like, it's on me!" shouted Gai putting his hands on both Lee and Tenten's shoulder.

"THANK YOU GAI!" shouted Lee throwing his hands up in excitement.

Tenten noticed as most the heads in the small shop turned to look at them because of the boys loud, very loud at that, entrance. Trying her best to ignore the judgmental looks she grabbed Gai and Lee's arms and dragged them up to the counter so they could all choose their ice cream. After they all finished browsing the ice cream selection they all ordered. Gai ordered something called a Rocky Road and Lee ordered a blue ice cream called Cotton Candy which probably had way more sugar in it than he needed, while Tenten stuck to something she knew she would like, chocolate. Soon they all sat at a table close to the door to eat there sweets and began to talk about random things. Sometime into the mindless chit chat Tenten's attention was drawn to a family that had just walked in the door. It was a family of four, a mother, a father, and two young children. Tenten practically froze up while her smile faded absentmindedly. This did not take the two guys she was with long to notice. Lee looked in the direction Tenten was looking and instantly knew the problem.

"Tenten?" asked Lee in a softer voice than his usual yells. But Tenten didn't respond.

"Tenten are you alright?" asked Gai as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hummm, yes? Did you say something?" Tenten asked as she turned her attention back to her table.

"Tenten you can't keep doing that every time you see-" Lee began.

"It's fine Lee, really it's ok. I will try not to do it again." interrupted Tenten as she put on her best fake smile.

"Tenten does this happen often?" asked Gai removing his hand from her shoulder.

"Oh no, don't worry about it Gai" began Tenten as she waved her had in dismissal.

"Don't lie Tenten! You do this all the time! Whenever you see a happy fam-"

"Please Lee! I don't want to talk about this anymore; can we please change the topic here?" pleaded Tenten as she tried to stay calm. She couldn't talk about this anymore, not in front of Gai. Lee was the only one she had ever talked to about it and those conversations usually ended in tears. She couldn't do this here, not with so many people around. She would not be seen as weak, not again.

"Am I missing something here?" asked Gai.

"No nothing at all. Can we just forget about it please?" asked Tenten as she shoved a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth trying to forget what was happening and began to stare down at her bowl of half eaten ice cream.

"Tenten, you can't hide from this forever! Why don't you just tell Gai?" asked Lee as he waited for Tenten to stop eating and answer him.

"I cant ok. I-I just can't do it…." she finally replied in a quiet voice once she swallowed her previous bite.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on here?" asked a very lost and utterly confused Gai.

"Yes I will Gai…" said Lee looking to Tenten for approval. She just nodded and hid her face with her bangs and averted her eyes back to her slowly melting ice cream. She did not have the energy to argue with Lee anymore, he would never let it go, it was too late for that now.

"Well you see Gai, ever since we were young we have been teased for being orphans, you were an orphan you must know how that is." began Lee as Gai nodded in understanding.

"Well Tenten has always had this group of girls that continually remind her of it at school and they tell her she is worthless because she has no family that wants her. I keep telling her not to listen to them but I know she takes it to heart despite what I say, that is just how Tenten is. Now because of this, every time Tenten sees a happy family she completely zones out." explained Lee.

"I see….is this true Tenten?" asked Gai looking over at Tenten.

At the time Tenten was doing her best to stay calm and not let a tear spill over. She couldn't talk to reply to Gai or her voice would give away her internal struggle so all she managed was to nod.

"I completely understand now, and Tenten you can't-" Gai's speech and thoughts were interrupted as he spotted a single tear hit the table. He had known Tenten for close to three years and had never once seen her cry even when physically hurt so this took Gai by surprise. "Tenten, are you going to be-"started Gai.

"I'm fine." said Tenten with an unsteady voice as she stood from the table. "I'm f-fine really. Umm I just need some air. You two finish your ice cream and I will meet you outside when your done ok." With that said, she turned around and went out the door of the ice cream shop.

Gai and Lee sat there for a moment in silence looking down and their half eaten ice cream.

"Um Gai, I'm sorry but I'm not especially hungry anymore." said Lee who was still looking down at his ice cream with a very sad look on his face.

"That is quite alright Lee, I am feeling the same way. We better go find Tenten and make sure she is alright." replied Gai.

With that they stood up and cleared their table and left the ice cream shop to go and find Tenten. When they stepped out of the shop they saw the busy streets filled with cars and people but there was no sign of Tenten. Down the sidewalk to the left Lee saw an alleyway.

"If I know Tenten she will be in there." said Lee pointing to the ally.

"Good idea Lee, lets go look for our youthful flower." said Gai as he and Lee walked toward the ally.

When they reached the ally they say Tenten leaning against a wall looking at the sky. Without a word Gai walked over and put his hand on her head careful not to tamper with the twin buns in her hair.

"Tenten everything will turn out ok in the end. I promise! You know you have always had Lee and always will and from now on if you ever need anything at all just give me a call alright." Gai said with a soft smile as he looked to Tenten.

Tenten turned her gaze to look at Gai and nodded her head. Gai then removed his hand from her head.

"Come on now, let's get going." He said never letting his smile diminish.

"Gai?" she asked.

"Yes what is it our youthful flower?" before he could register what was happening Tenten had clung to him in a hug and buried her face into his jacket.

"Thank you Gai," she said. Gai then reached his arms around Tenten and hugged her back and said,

"Anytime Tenten."

Over the next few weeks Lee and Tenten didn't see much of Gai. They would see him now and then in the halls of the orphanage but he always said he couldn't stay long or he just stopped in to talk to Lady Ayumi. Because of his sudden change in his visits Tenten couldn't help but feel that she had burdened him or upset him in some way. After all he hadn't come by to spend time with Lee or her like he did before the day Tenten broke down in the ice cream shop. Because of Gai's sudden absence, Lee has been sulking for days on end and Tenten couldn't help but blame herself.

"Um, Lee?" asked Tenten walking into Lee's room. He was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall between the different beds that belonged to his roommates.

"Yes Tenten?" replied Lee looking up at Tenten.

"Are you ok? You have been moping around here for days. What's up?" asked Tenten as she sat down next to Lee.

"Oh it's nothing Tenten, I have just been bored is all. Gai hasn't stopped in for a while so there isn't much to do around here." he told her.

"Yea well, welcome to the club. There has never been anything to do here. We just managed to entertain ourselves better as kids so it seems." said Tenten as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yea I guess that's true. Well at least school will start up again soon so that will give us something to do." stated Lee.

"Don't remind me." sighed Tenten

"Oh come on now Tenten, it is not that bad! Your way better at school work than I am! You are one of the top students in our class!" Lee said as he nudged Tenten in the arm.

"It's not the work part of school I don't like Lee. You know that," she said as she looked down at the ground.

"Come on now Tenten, try not to think about her. Who knows we could even be in the same class this year! Wouldn't that be great?" Lee said sending Tenten one of his winning smiles.

"Yes Lee, I would like that" she replied smiling back. "As long as I don't have to deal with Liko much, I will be just fine!" thought Tenten. And Lee was right, it would be great to be in the same class as Lee. Neither of them had any other friends at their school so they had always wanted to be in the same class.

"Um kids," said Lady Ayumi who was standing in the door way. Lady Ayumi was such a kind woman. She was in her mid forties but still had her stunning long black hair that went down to her mid back, although she normally kept it pulled back into a low ponytail to prevent the younger kids from tugging on it. She also had soft caring light brown eyes that Tenten had never seen tainted with anger. Lady Ayumi was a truly kind person and had a pure soul.

"Yes Lady Ayumi?" both Lee and Tenten replied.

"Could you both come with me to my office please?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes ma'm." they replied in unison and stood up to follow Lady Ayumi to her office.

On the walk to Lady Ayumi's office Tenten began to wonder why both she and Lee were asked to come. Usually if one of them were asked to come to her office it meant she had set up an adoption interview but never had they been called in together. This truly puzzled Tenten but she didn't have much time to think about it because it was a short walk to Lady Ayumi's office.

"Go ahead and take a seat kids." said Lady Ayumi as she gestured to the chairs in the front of her desk as she closed the door to her office. Tenten and Lee did as they were told and sat down and looked at each other in utter confusion. "Looks like Lee is as confused as I am. Well at least I'm not the only one." Tenten thought to herself. Soon Lady Ayumi took a seat in front of them behind her desk. Then she looked at them and gave them a warming smile.

"I have some good news for you both. I have found you both a foster home, and don't worry, I managed to find one where you will both be together!" she said to them with a smile that was so big it could light up the world.

Tenten just sat there completely at a loss for words as the thoughts ran through her head at one hundred miles per hour. "Lady Ayumi has never mentioned foster care as a possibility before, so why did it all of a sudden just happen? And who would want to provide a foster home for two teenage kids? We will most likely be stuck with them until we are of age and could live alone. This is just messed up!"

"Um, a foster home?" asked Lee totally not understanding what Lady Ayumi was saying. "Yep that's Lee for you, absolutely has no clue what is going on. Lucy him." thought Tenten.

"You see Lee, a foster home is where someone takes in children who are up for adoption and provides them with a home. This person will care for the child, or children in your case, and will take care of them much like I do but it will just be the two of you unlike the many that live here. Every month the foster parent or parents will receive some money to help care for you unlike if you were being adopted. You will live with this person until you are adopted or you become old enough to live on your own. Do you understand now dear?" asked Lady Ayumi.

"Yes I believe I do, but may I ask who-" started Lee.

Lee was interrupted by a knock at the door as Lady Hana poked her head in. Lady Hana was Lady Ayimi's assistant. She was more than likely in her mid twenty's and had golden blond hair and a smile that brought everyone joy. She had always been a very cheerful person from what Tenten had seen but she had only been working in the orphanage for a year, so Tenten didn't know her very well, but always managed to feel a little better after seeing Lady Hana's cheerful smile.

"Oh I'm sorry Lady Ayumi, am I interrupting?" asked Lady Hana.

"No dear that is fine. What did you need?" asked Lady Ayumi.

"Well I just came to tell you that Mr. and Mrs. Kyoto have arrived to meet little Rin." replied Lady Hana.

"Oh I see. well I will be out in a minute Hana." said Lady Ayumi as she then turned her attention back to Lee and Tenten. "I'm sorry kids we can talk more about this later ok. For now why don't you just go and start to gather your things together as you will be leaving in the morning." said Lady Ayumi.

"But Lady Ayumi don't we get a say in this? We haven't even met this person before how do we kno-" started Tenten.

"I'm sorry Tenten dear, but I simply don't have time to talk about this at the moment. I promise we will talk about this later, but right now I need to go meet with the Kyoto family about Rin."

Tenten looked at Lee with frantic eyes only to have Lee's eyes return the same look. Tenten felt lost and she didn't know what to do. Feeling defeated Tenten nodded and put down her head to hide her face with her bangs, an action she has found herself doing more than she wished lately. Seeing the distress Tenten and Lee were in, Lady Ayumi walked around her desk and pulled them both into a warm hug and said with a warming voice,

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be ok, I promise. You two can stay in here for a few minutes to have time to think but then you should go back to your rooms I will need my office in fifteen minutes. Everything will turn out ok in the end."

At that moment Tenten felt a little better. She knew she would always have Lee with her and Gai had told her she could always count on him as well so knowing this Tenten couldn't help but let a faint smile show on her lips. "Everything will be ok…" she thought and with that she knew she would indeed be ok in the end and things will turn out for the better somehow.

A/N: Thanks for reading and please Review! ;