Title: A Free 12 Red Roses Bouquet
Rating: G
Paring: Harry/Ginny
Words: 121
A/N: Well, I broke my head thinking something for this week's prompt in hpgw100...Not really, but I messed up :S I kind of thought the prompt was Valentine's Day, don't ask me why. But I already wrote it so I may as well publish it. There is this version and the cut one. I like this one better. I'll upload the cut version too.
"…WWN wishes all the lovesick fools a very happy, commercial and corny Valentine's Day!"
When Harry arrived home, a 12 Red Roses Bouquet in his left hand and a big smile in his face, he found his better half laughing hysterically at the radio. Hiding the bouquet and sending her a grin, he asked Ginny what was so funny. Apparently, there had been a contest in WWN. Send the cheesiest phrase you could think of and you'll win yourself a free bouquet for your love.
"But the worst one was from someone nicknamed The Thunder Boy! Hair red as the bricks of our love nest? Thanks God you're not that cheap"
"Harry, are you alright? You look a little pale."
A/N: I hardly doubt Ginny is too much into V's Day. Criticism is appreciated. Tear it to pieces!