I sat their huddled in a corner with Iliana, She had found her soulmate and, fortunately, he wasn't as soppy as Iliana, but he had gone on a mission with some off the other daybreakers, and I was left with sobbing Iliana, I held her close as bombs exploded outside, suddenly the wall behind was enveloped in flames, I grabbed Iliana and held her to my chest, trying to protect her as much as possible, our safe house had exploded into flames, she cried out as flames leaped towards us, I sprinted as fast as my legs would carry me, which seeming as I was a shapeshifter, a panther to be exact was quite fast, still the flames licked at my heels and burned at my legs and arms, the door in front of us exploded in flames, I couldn't help it, the scream I had been holding in came out, then I had an idea, "Iliana when I shift, I need you to get onto my back okay?" I said swiftly, she nodded, she watched in amazement as my body rippled and I shifted into panther form, she climbed on and she was light, she bent down and I ran, the flames whipped past us as if scared of my power, suddenly we were out in the fresh air and I shifted back into human form, I gulped in air, Iliana did the same, for the first time I looked up and saw that we were surround by daybreakers, bloody daybreakers, smiling Daybreakers, and then their stood my soulmate my prince in shining armour, Not my Loser in tinfoil, his golden hair shone in the rain which was pouring down, the ground shook as more and more bombs exploded, we gave eachother a quick hug, when I noticed for the first time that we were surrounded, by vampires, and by the look on their faces they weren't here to play, I shifted and got ready to fight again and again, to save the world and to save everything else whilst we were at it, for we were daybreakers and we never quitted.
Raised from the fire by Trades of Trickery