I stand, still, and silent, stake in hand, and my hair, tied back, I look back to the house, in time to see it burst into flames, a scream escapes my mouth, Keller, my sister is in there, along with Iliana, the third wild power, I fight the urge to run in there and save them, and instead focus myself on the, battle, that at the moment we are losing, running forward I jump on a vampire, staking him through the back, I climb of him, and pull my stake out, wiping it on my combats, I jump, as a vampire comes sliding forward, face first, and look over at Quinn, who, is smiling, I laugh and turn around, throwing my stake at the first, thing I see, which happens to be a vampires head, he dies within seconds, suddenly I am thrown forward, I scream and flip myself over, as so not to land on my face, I groan and look up, in time to see a knife coming down, I roll to the side, and lash my foot out, it connects with the vampires leg, and he falls, I roll and end up straddling him, I plunge his own knife into his chest, and realise my mistake, it's not wooden, shit shit shit that's all that runs through my head, I fumble for my own stake, and finally grab it, I plunge that one through his chest, and cut hi laughter, probably not his life short.

I look once again at the house, and see a black paw emerge from the smoke, I smile as the rest of the body with Iliana on top emerges, coughing and spluttering, Iliana climbs of and Keller shifts, she smiles, and runs over to Galen, when I look back up and around, I see we have a few vampires left to finish of, and there surrounding us, so as usual I prepare to fight, but despite the fact that were outnumbered, I smile, I do love a good fight…

Okay so there's the update everyone wanted! Thanks for the reviews!