Okay, so I said that this story was a co-write didn't I? THIS part of the story is the same thing from Alex's point of view. It's really quite interesting because Alex already knows about camp half-blood, and what it's like there, and pretty much grew up around monsters. Sorry about the lack of detail. I don't think Erin went over this... I did though (not allowed to add anything though). Sorry about gabbing on forever. ENJOY!

Alex's POV

I was spinning in my chair, bored as always. I'd been in this school for over a week and I still haven't been able to figure out who the demigod was... if Grover would just hurry his little goat behind up and get here, my life would be much easier.
It was first hour... technology. We'd been doing the same simple warm-up for as long as I've been here, so I easily finished it in about a half a minute. Still spinning as fast as I could I changed the song on my Ipod blindly, changing it from, 'Poker Face' to 'Just Dance'.
Slowing down I watched as a new girl walked in the room, Poor girl... Late. Mr. Smith hates students who are late. Even if they're new. I thought feeling bad for her.
She took a seat next to me, she was unlucky, she got stuck in the back will all the vandalism I've done to the area in two weeks, I think it looks like it's been that way for months at least. She quickly finished the warm-up, fingers typing furiously across her keyboard. I looked up at the ceiling, counting the cracks in it as best as i could while spinning, Wonder how long it'll be for that to cave in on me? I mused in my head.
She stopped typing, and was now staring at the ceiling, probably as bored as I was. I pulled my three sharpies out of my pocket, wishing that i could uncap at least my bow to polish it. I looked over and saw that the teacher had finally fallen asleep at his desk. Smiling as I watched the girl pulled out her fairly damaged book.
Shifting my weight ever so slightly in my chair, a loud squeaking noise erupted from my chair, appearing every half spin. I smiled and continued spinning, gaining speed every time the beat changed in the song.
The new girl glared over the top of her book and said deadly sweet, "Could you stop that?"
I smiled, Well... "I could," I smiled laughing to myself. She should really choose her words more carefully, you never know who's going to twist them.
She gritted her teeth and put down her book. It looked like she was about to get over here and try to kick my ass, like she could, until she froze in her footsteps. Her head turned slowly toward the window by the door, then got whipped in the shoulder by her blond ponytail as she twisted back around.
"Did you hear that?" she was quiet, and annoying. Those are always the strange ones. The only thing that was stranger was seeing a Harpie tap dance for the first talent show we ever had at camp. Harpies are surprisingly good dancers.
"Hear what?" I asked, I pulled my ear bud out. I heard the noise, I just felt like seeing how much she could see this the half-blood i was looking for? or just another mortal who could see through the mist.

"That sound! Do you see it at least?" She pointed to a creature I'd seen for the past two weeks, the monster had been trying to figure out if I was a half blood or not, I always stayed calm around it, it would just think that I was a regular mortal.

"Well duh, that's the principle. He visits our class a lot, he has to wake up Mr. Smith

almost everyday." I started to fiddle with my sharpies, the urge to pull of the caps and shoot the monster was over powering.
"How is that... monstrosity a principle!" Her voice grew higher, she seemed like she was trying to ignore him, think he was normal, trying to follow my example. I became more aware that the monster was cornering us between the wall and him... I looked at the girl next to me, her attempt at ignoring the monster forgotten.
I sighed and groaned, a strange combination, but I was then getting ready to pull the caps off of my sharpies... even in the room of witnesses. So... a thought nagged me, this must be the Demigod I'd been looking for. At least she finally showed up.
The girl grabbed on to my sleeve, sprinting with me behind her through the monsters deshaped legs, who was still smelling the air around us. I started to struggle in her grip, irritated about being manhandled.
"If you would just calm down!" I said through clenched teeth, "We would be able to get out of here easier!"

She pulled me outside the school, trying to look calm for passing teachers who looked at us suspiciously. Just outside the doors of the school I gave her a sharp order, "Describe the principle." when she hesitated I jerked her arm, "Now!"

"He... or she... it had horrifying horns, it was monstrous! How are you used to it?" she was hysterical.
"Because that monster has been hanging around the school for a while... mostly appearing in my classes, simple enough, he's brought friends around too... very hard to not shoot. Awful monsters... poisonous, pointy sharp horns, death grip, and it gets creative when it catches you. Once it squeezed a kid till his eyes popped out!" I smiled at my attempt to scare her, it worked. Well, not really. She was a pretty good actress.
"What! And there have been more than one of them around here! That is not right!" The girl seemed determined to forget about the monster.
"Well, your going to have to get used to it, trust me, I've... known about it my entire life." I shuddered, thinking about the awful year when I made a break for it. She looked confused, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Those monsters." I said slowly, "Are going to start chasing you till I can get you to camp."
"What camp?" She questioned.
"Camp half-blood, now come with me... Unless you want to be monster chow." I pulled on her arm, and this time she was less reluctant. I started to pull her down and away from the school building, that was when we both turned and looked behind us. Rule number one about being a half blood: When making an escape, do not, ever, ever, EVER look back. Because one: you will likely lose your nerve and freeze in place, two: you might've just lost your idea on how you were going to escape. And three? Well you'll probably crap your pants depending on who your running from.
What we saw was completely fear inducing. The principle/monster was exiting the school, starting to follow us, but what i also noticed. Was that it was calling for back up.
"Shit." I heard the other half blood swear, she grabbed my arm and started pulling me down the street. She could run fast, and speed was most certainly what we needed. Maybe I should ask my dad for a favor? I questioned in my mind, starting to sprint to catch up with the girl.

So I hope you enjoyed that. We left a hell of a cliff hanger didn't we? Well, you can find out what happens soon because we both tend to update quickly. FINGERS CROSSED! Please write a REVIEW, because I always love to hear what my readers have to say even if what you have to say isn't nice. Finally, I'd like to point out that there SHOULD be a poll up from me, so check it out!