To Skulduggery-
No Love for anyone, cept you.
No one made my heart beat like you, and then you left.
No emotion Lay in my eyes, none that I let anyone see of course.
Emotions a funny thing they let people have power over you, they let people control you,
That's why I never showed anyone, my emotions, only you.
Then you went and left, god it killed me when you were dragged through that portal, I cried when you left, did you know that? Probably not.
I curled up in my bed and cried for you to come back, you didn't though and for a year you left me and everyone else.
You never loved me though you always loved that Cain girl, it killed me you know? To see you to laughing, together, joking about, well I'm sorry, I won't come between you anymore; you won't have to deal with me anymore, By the time you read this I'll be gone.
Goodbye Skulduggery I Love You.
~China Sorrows x.
The Next Day China Sorrows Killed herself cos no one knew how much she loved him till of course they found the letter clutched in her limp, Lifeless hands.
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