A/N: asdfghjkl I have not updated in an age!
Here is a quick update!
He watched from the shadows, admiring the blonde-haired woman who stood leaning against the frame of the door, she was talking to the skeleton, damn him; he always got the girls, even with no skin!
He smirked as the woman turned around and walked towards him, she'd always known where he was, there was no secret you could keep from her, she reached her hand forward and grabbed his shirt, pulling him forward "What are you doing here Wreath?" she snarled, not relinquishing her grip "Well I was just admiring the view my dear." Wreath said smirking, she narrowed her eyes and sighed, "Piss off Wreath, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to be near you!" Wreath smirked even more, "You weren't saying that a few nights ago," he said whilst prising her fingers of his top, she gripped tighter, and he gave up "You always were tougher than me" she grinned, flexing her muscles underneath her leather outfit, she then turned and pulled him back into the shadows.
Taking his head in her hands, she pressed her lips to his, he moaned, he had been waiting for this.
Unknown to the two lovers, a scarred man collapsed to his knees, and sobbed into his hands, mourning the loss of his love.
A/N-This was darker than it was meant to be...oh well! Rubaline Shadows, Thank you for helping with the pairing and keeping me entertained :')