Disclaimer: I don't own The Spy Games or Gallagher Girls!
Cammie's POV
"It's going to be a big, big day! Rise and shine, Cammie!" Ella, my manager, said brightly, while I had a slight case of déjà vu, having heard this twice before. I'm starting to think that Ella has a bad judgment of what consists of a 'big, big day'.
"Ughhhh!" I muttered, "5 more minutes!"
"Up now! Cameron!"
I grumbled to myself and got ready for training for the games.
"Oh, no no no!" Ella smiled, "We're getting you ready for your interviews tomorrow!"
I trudged downstairs and started eating.
Ella looked down at her clipboard, "Okay, you will spend 2 hours with Mr. Solomon, and um…3 hours with Julianne, Macey, and Liz. Tomorrow's going to be a big, big day!" She said again, as I hid rolling my eyes at her.
So, the torture began.
"Cammie, I'll be talking with you about what you're going to say. Zach wants to go for um…humble?" Mr. Solomon informed me.
"I don't know! You plan it!" I snarled to him.
"Cameron, please! You want them to like you! You'll need sponsors!"
"How about…girly? Just giggle a lot and twirl around, bat your eyelashes…"
"I'll try." And I really did try! After that, we went thought the same conversation about 15 more times until our time was up.
"Cammie! Just pretend you're talking to your friend."
"Like who?"
"Well, who's your best friend from home?"
"Just pretend you're talking to Josh, then!"
"But he already knows everything about me!"
Mr. Solomon sighed, and shook his head. "Hopefully we'll think of something."
I walked towards my next session with Julianne, Macey, and Liz.
Macey twirled me around as soon as I stepped into the room.
"Mace! What are you doing?"
"We're going to make you fantabulous, of course!"
Liz got to work on my hair, Macey used the special color-changing eye shadow on me again, and Julianne measured me to make sure I would fit my interview dress.
When they were finally done with pulling and painfully twisting my hair, I turned and looked at myself. Wow. I looked amazing!
Macey barked, "Cam! Close your eyes!"
Finally, Macey adding the finishing touches to my makeup. I gaped. She spent like an hour doing my makeup, but it looked like I barely had any on!
"Don't worry; you just need some more solar energy! The eye shadow only changes color with enough power! And it's solar powered!" Liz said soothingly to me.
Julianne walked into the room with a dress. It looked like a normal dress. Lavender with a few layers of red, orange, and yellow. It was amazing, but really? This was what I had to wear when impressing the people of Cavan? (They named it that after they took over.)
"Straighten your back!" I gasped and turned around. Madame Dabney?
"Close your mouth, Cammie!"
"Madame Dabney! You're okay!" Madame Dabney had been taken hostage because she worked at Gallagher, and was a former CIA spy. I can't believe she really worked underground for all those years during her career! (Read the books. It explains what Madame Dabney did during her career)
"Yes, Cammie, but fix your posture, lift your head a little higher, and- yes! Just like that!" she murmured as I straightened my back, put a smile on my face, and lifted my chin up a tiny bit.
Julianne helped me slip into the dress, and I twirled for them all.
"Oh, Cammie, that's not all." Julianne smiled. She held up a pair of really, really tall stilettos. Oh. My. Gosh. They had like twelve inch heels!
I struggled and slipped them on. For the rest of the time, I practiced walking around, and I got the hang of it… pretty much.
(time skip~ interview time!)
As a member of District 12, and the girl tribute, I went second to last. Zach was last, of course.
"Cameron Ann Morgan!" A voice boomed.
Julianne walked over to me, where I was panicking, "Just pretend you're talking to a friend! Isn't that what Mr. Soloman said?"
"But…my friend already knows everything about me!"
"Alright then. Am I considered your friend?"
"I… guess." I replied.
"Good, just pretend you're talking to me. Tell me about yourself, okay?"
"Knock 'em dead!"
I walked onto the stage with perfect posture and poise, and sat down elegantly, just like Madame Dabney taught me.
Edward Townsend, my former CoveOps teacher while Mr. Solomon was still running from the CIA, smiled sadly at me. It wasn't as if he was nice or anything. He really was mean, but hey, at least he cared that I might die. I can't believe the Circle is forcing him to do interviews. That is really funny.
"Welcome, Cammie!" Townsend spoke in a bright, clear voice.
"So, our audience here has a lot of questions for you. What were you thinking when you took the place of Elizabeth Sutton as the District 12 tribute?"
I glanced into the crowd where I saw Julianne, and replied confidently, "Well, I was thinking that she's my sister, you know? We all have to take care of each other, and I had to be there to take her place. I didn't want her to die."
"Sist-oh, I know what you mean." Townsend replied. The crowd applauded. Wow, Mr. Townsend really commanded the crowd well.
"How do you feel about the games? You are going to be one of the first tributes to enter it. Are you excited? Nervous?"
"I'm neither. I have strong feelings about the Spy Games. I should have an advantage, but it doesn't matter. I think it's very sad that 23 kids are about to die. It's really just…sad! And cruel!"
"Right…so, you are pretty popular right now, you know? If I could bet, I would bet on you."
"Well…thanks Mr. Townsend. I appreciate that I am going to have many sponsors."
"Now, Cammie, you're known as the girl on fire. How do you feel about that? Oh…wow, look at your dress! It's amazing!"
Now was the time. I smiled sweetly, stood up, and twirled, making my dress spin out. The crowd gasped. Was I that good? I snuck a glance at the TV screen. Oh, my gosh!
My dress was changing colors and my eye shadow changed to match with it. Suddenly, it burst into flames! I knew that Liz had probably designed it, but I still was a little scared of the fire.
Townsend recovered quickly and went on to my next question, "Cammie that is a lovely dress! Your designer must have worked really hard on it!"
I smiled and nodded. He asked a few more questions, and then I was done. People everywhere were standing up, applauding, and whistling, all that stuff.
"Zachary Goode!"
Zach smiled at me, and then walked on stage. Townsend asked pretty much the same questions, but then, I heard one that really got my attention.
"So, do you have a girlfriend back home?"
"Me? No." Zach responded.
"Come on, there's got to be someone you like then."
"Really? Then you just have to go out, win the Spy Games, go back home, and she won't be able to resist you, right?"
"Well, that's not going to work."
"Because she came here with me."
There was a silence, and then Townsend replied, "Cameron Morgan?"
"Yeah. You could call it love at first sight, but…" Zach had started to say, in softer voice than I had ever heard him use before.
"Oh wow, I'm really sorry about Cammie and you having to fight against each other."
I looked up at the TV screen, and it was on me. I was really embarrassed. I looked downwards and blushed. A lot. Soon, Zach's time was up, and we went back to our rooms in silence. As soon as the elevator made it to the 12th floor, (each district got its own) I picked up a vase and smashed it into Zach's hands.
He looked up in surprise, "What was that for?"
I was mad now, "You had no right to say those things about me! How could you?"
Ella walked over, "What is going on here?"
Mr. Solomon scolded me, "Ms. Morgan! Zach was helping you by getting you more sponsors! If it seems like you guys are in love, then the people of Cavan will all support you!
I groaned, so that's why he said it, "Oopsy daisy. Zach! I'm so sorry!"
He smiled weakly at me then looked down to his bleeding hands, "It's okay, Cammie."
"Oh my gosh! The Spy Games start tomorrow! This is all my fault!"
"Hey, Gallagher Girl, relax!"
"Sorry, sorry! Sorry!"
If you guys are enjoying the story, make sure you thank...
PennyNickel-Thanks for fixing all my errors! You're an amazing beta!
cool435-Haha! You don't know where I am, but I know where you are...;)
Bunniez-Wait...you want her to die? Well I'm sort of following the plot of The Hunger Games, so Cammie and Zach will have to stay alive. Sorry...
Percabeth616-Well, I did as fast as I could. :)
GallagherGirl459-Thanks! And thanks for updating your story too! You know, you're an awesome reviewer! You reviewed like all my stories! :)
xJETx- I know, right? And really, was Mockingjay that bad? I don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is.
clarinetto14-Thanks you! You're another awesome reviewer! :)
Silverwaters7-Well, hello friend! You get the prize for the first review. :)
Drop Topping-Well, I LOVE REVIEWS TOO! So thanks for reviewing!
Wow! Thanks so much for your amazing reviews! I hope I get more this time! Anyways, sorry for not updating. I was on vacation, so I couldn't because
1. I was really busy
2. Umm I didn't have a laptop, but I wrote some on my iPhone
3. Does anyone update during vacation?
4. Everyone else updated their stories, so you had plenty to read! :) Thanks for reading my excuses! Haha...