Hey guys just a little authors Note: This Is A One Shot By The way guys. ! it's just a little conversation between Shanks and Dru-

Shanks and Dru sat next to eachother; they were currently in Drus room, on the floor with Banana Lattes, they were talking about the Schola, and the djamphir, Shanks spoke his voice was rough, from the of not having one of his best friends back, Graves, "Dru, what do you think of the, djamphir?" Dru sighed "There Stuck up snobs who need a good kick in the face," Shanks smiled his famous lopsided smile his Dark black fringe swooped over his eyes giving him a look of mysteriousness " To right!" "Calm Down shanks, One of them tried to grab my butt today," "He was lucky me or dibs weren't there or Graves..." He said graves name delicately and lightly, "we all miss him Shanks, I do, You do, Dibs Does," "Yeah, dibsy is taking it hard, Graves was one of the only people who stood up for him, next to me and you," "Yeah I suppose," Shanks stood up and looked down at Dru " See-Ya later Dru-girl," "Bye Shanks," And with that he walked out of the door back down to his dorm.