Here's the next bit. DEAR GOD I am so sorry :( I am the worst hope this makes up for it. Enjoy…
My eyes snapped open. Beside me Jade was screaming.
"Jade! Jade!" I turned and saw her thrashing about, crying at nothing.
"Jade! Answer me! What. Is. Wrong?" I gripped her by her shoulders and shook viciously. For a moment it was almost like she wasn't seeing me, she was looking at me but not at me. Through me, at some unseen terror behind me. Then her eyes lost their cloudiness and focused.
"Oh my God." She gasped.
"I thought you were dead. There were all these bodies and there was all these people that I knew…so limp. And there was all this blood and you, you were there. You're hair was all red and you were just staring at me with these blank eyes. Then there was that girl, Tanith. And the Detective was dead. And that tailor guy then this blonde boy and all these other people. A guy with no eyes, and some beautiful woman with black hair and the bluest eyes ever. Oh God it was awful. I could feel all the death. There were all these flames and rubble and nothing, there was nothing. And, and-ˮ
I pulled her shaking body in for a hug. "It's fine, it was just a dream Jade it's fine…"
She pushed away from me, "No, no it wasn't a dream. It was real. I could feel it. I could taste it almost. It was like I was stood there watching all this going on around me. It was real."
Although I knew it could only have been a dream, the look in her eyes told me she wasn't lying. She was so sure. "Ok." That was all I said.
She waited a moment before speaking, "So what are we going to do."
"We need to move. There's something not right here. We wasted too much time anyway, we have to get out of this place. You heard what the guy said "Only two of us are getting out" and I'm making sure as hell it's us." I hissed in pain as I pushed myself up on my bad arm and let myself fall back down.
"Let me look," Jade tried to grab my arm, but I pulled away. "Seriously Chel, let me see."
Reluctantly I let her take my arm. She pulled away the crude bandage we'd tied round earlier. She hissed through her teeth seeing it, "Jeeze Chel." I looked. It was definitely worse. The mark now twisted up the entire space of my arm, from the wrist to the elbow. It seemed to be pulsating like a heartbeat, in time with my own, etching itself onto my arm forever unless the job was done. The job I'd promised to do. "Why did he give you this?" Jade all but growled. I shrugged. I'd decided not to tell her, I was hoping I could bargain for her safety. I mean if this guy wanted Darquesse so much, then I was willing to guess he would do pretty much anything I wanted if I would get her for him. Even save Jade.
When she realised I wasn't going to tell her anymore she wound the cloth round it again and pulled me up. Smiling she said, "Time to go. What with needing to escape a maze of death, doesn't leave much time for a heart to heart." She picked up my backpack and started down the dusty track, when we heard a noise coming from the trees behind us. Jade shifted instantly and I curled the dancing shadows closer to me. As the noise got closer we tensed, preparing ourselves for the worst. It was all I could here, filling my head. I was sure that when the danger did come I would be too frozen to even move, and when the hackles of Jade's coat shot up I gulped back a scream. Then out of the tree line came… a blonde boy with pretty awesome hair.