So here I am with another update! I'm pretty much determined to complete this so I'm going to try and wrap it up soon I guess, but I have no clue. This should've been finished like two years ago, but alas, things happen.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed my story so far over the years and to whoever is reading it now. Please review so I can get to 100, that's my dream.

The song later on is not mine! Meghan Trainer and her people own it!

Vote my poll!

Thank you guys!

Anna POV

It has been a week since the camping trip and the guys have yet to tell me what all the howling was about. Was it a vampire? Was said vampire dead yet? All of these thoughts were running through my mind and have no answers to them.

Franco has kind of been ignoring me and was constantly on patrol lately and so was Paul. It was weird not being around my two favorite people all the time and it has gotten me worried. They used to always be around, and now its like they are just ditching me to be on patrol. I know they probably had a good reason, but they are leaving me in the dark about it.

Today I was with Seth, Brady, and Collin. They were the official goofballs of the pack and were totally hilarious. Today, instead of fooling around, they decided to take me to the Cullens. From what I've heard about them, they were weird ass vampires who supposedly drank animal blood. I'm not buying any of that. There is no way they don't kill humans.

Meeting the Cullens meant two things.

1.I was going to have to hang around with vampires

2. I was going to finally meet Bella Swan, now Cullen, and her fucked up family.

Oh joy.

I personally didn't know Bella so I really had no place to judge, but from everything I've heard about her she was nothing but a selfish bitch who dragged along two guys at once. Talk about hoe city right there.

Haha hoe city. I'm clever.

The point of this whole thing according to Seth was that I had to meet his "friends." Him and the Cullens were not friends. The leeches were just waiting to jump on him and suck his blood. They said that his blood smelt nasty, I just think that's their cover story for now until they pounce and kill poor Sethy.

"Seth," I whined, "do we have to go to the Cullens?"

Seth just sighed and then smiled, "Yes Anna, we have to go. They really want to meet you. You are the only new imprint who knows about what is going on."

I made a little whine in the back of my throat which made the guys laugh. This was not a laughing matter. I did not want to go and meet a bunch of bloodsuckers when I don't have to. Does Paul even know about this? He would not just send me into the lions den filled with vampires!

"Does Paul know about this?" I asked.

The guys just looked at one another. I guess they didn't expect me to ask the question. They should have been prepared.

"Um, not really." Brady replied rubbing the back of his neck.

They didn't tell Paul! Are they out of their minds! You don't just bring an imprint to a vampire's lair and expect their wolf to not freak out! These guys were complete and total idiots. When Paul finds out he will totally flip.

I smirked before saying, "Paul is so going to flip out. I'm not going anyways. You cant make me go."

The three boys just smiled evilly before cornering me. I could see my bat across the room just waiting to be of use. Those furry bastards did this on purpose when they knew I couldn't fight back!

"No!" I screamed.

I was not going down without a fight! I started thrashing as they tried to grab me. I was flailing my arms around and kicking my legs as they grabbed my torso.


Those fluffy jerks got me. Three freakishly large men against one small teenage girl. I never stood a chance.

Those bastards.

Collin held me over his shoulder while Brady took ahold of my hands and Seth my feet.

"Put me down." I seethed.

I could tell Collin was smirking by the tone of his voice when he said, "I don't think we will."

I screamed as loud as I could but it didn't go on for long. A giant hand was put over my mouth to muffle my screams.

"Shut up Anna, we don't want the other guys to hear." Brady scolded.

I responded by licking his hand. Ew. It tasted like dirt. Brady grimaced but still held his hand over my mouth.

Collin threw me into Seth's car and then climbed into the back to make sure I didn't jump out of the other door. Hey, I've only done that once, and now everyone can't trust me not to do it! How rude! Brady got into the passengers seat and then Seth took off down the road as the driver.

I was glaring out of the window the entire time to the house. I did not want to go in the first place so why should I pretend to be happy? Seth, Brady, and Collin knew just what to do to get under my skin, and this was it.

Damn overgrown puppies.

We were in the car for like ten minutes before Brady decided to turn on the radio. There was some weird pop song on that I didn't know the name of that Brady was humming along to.


The next song I did know. I was fully prepared to sing my heart out to it. I don't care if I was bad, this was my jam.

Yeah my momma she told me don't worry about your size,

She says boys like a little more booty to hold at night,

You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll,

So if that's what you're into then go ahead and move along.

I was singing along and then suddenly the guys all started to join in on the chorus! I didn't expect three burly guys to sing along to such a girly song.

Because you know I'm all about that bass, 'Bout that bass, no treble,

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble,

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble,

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass.

They were all actually pretty good. Like they practiced or something. I wouldn't put it past them honestly.

We just continued to sing along to the song until it finished. We then sang along and laughed to the radio the entire rest of the ways to the Cullens.

I should go on road-trips more often.

When we finally pulled up to the Cullens house, it was huge! This wasn't a house, it was a straight up mansion! The side of the house was all glass so you could see through and the parts that weren't glass were simply breathtaking. The house was gorgeous.

These leeches sure knew how to pick 'em.

We slowly got out of the car. There was no point in running now, I had no idea where anything was or how to get home. I just had to suck it up and meet the deranged vampire family.

Before we could even open the door a deranged midget vampire pulled us into the house. Well more like dragged. This was not comfortable.

"Hi Anna, I'm Alice and we are going to be best friends!" the midget exclaimed.

Um what? Best friends? Me and midget vamp? No way no how. Not going to happen. Never.

The only sound that could come out of my mouth was an um that sounded too questioning. I also awkwardly coughed. How did she think we would be best friends? She's a vampire and I just happen to be a tasty human for her to eat.

Alice pulled me further into the room and pushed me down on the couch next to a big burly guy and a guy who looked like he was in constant pain. They are going to eat me here. I don't stand a chance. I'll just have to set up a mental will.

Franco would get my money. Paul would get anything he wanted. Brady would get my bat. Leah got my clothes and shoes. Jacob would get my phone book to find Toni's number. Embry would get my left over paint from my room.

My thoughts were interrupted by a laugh. This psycho dude with bronze hair was laughing at me. I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything. Creeper alert. I knew vampires were deranged.

Psycho just laughed some more. This dude was a freak show. Why was he laughing at me? Does he not know that laughing at others is totally rude?

"No worries Anna," um how did he know my name? "I can read your mind. I'm Edward."

So this was the shady vampire dude that Bella "Bitch" Swan married and had an abomination with!

Edwin just glared at me. Guess he didn't like my little tirade about his wife and son. Maybe he shouldn't be reading my mind then.

"My name is Edward, not Edwin." he growled.

"Edwin, Edward, same difference." I replied back.

I looked around for a second. Where the hell was the rest of his psycho family?

Edwin sighed, "My wife and EJ will be here momentarily. But anyway, the big guy on your left is Emmett and the one who looks like he's in pain is Jasper. Jasper can feel your emotions and Alice can see the future. Jasper and Alice are together and so are Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie will be here with EJ and Bella in a few minutes."

So everyone was like together? That's kind of incest. They are posing as a family, that's really weird.

Another vampire sped in the room from what looked to be the kitchen. She had long brown hair and looked very motherly.

"Hello Anna, I'm Esme, Carlisle's wife." she stated.

Good to know. Not.

Another vampire with blonde hair slowly descended the stairs. I could only assume that it was Carlisle. I mean there weren't any others for him to be so… Lucky guess.

Carlisle smiled at me and introduced himself as Carlisle Cullen. He was the head vamp of their little coven or something and he got them all into the whole animal diet thing.

Alice kept yapping to me about how fabulous my hair was and how we would just have to go shopping together sometime for new clothes and such. The shopping part sounded fun but I'm not so sure about shopping with a blood crazy vampire who could slip up and eat me at any second.

The back door slowly opened. I could slightly see the figures of three more people. I would assume the three people were Bella, Rosalie, and EJ.

I turned my head to look at them. There was a gorgeous blonde woman who I immediately knew wasn't Bella. There was no way that Edwin could get a looker like her to love him. She could be a model. This was Rosalie.

I could see Edwin glare at me from his spot in the chair and I just smirked. I assume I was right. Haha.

Bella was brown haired girl who just looked plain. Nothing about her really stuck out. I had no idea why Edwin would chase after her and what Jacob even saw in her. She was nothing really to look at and from what I heard her personality wasn't too great either.

Cue another glare.

The last one was a boy who looked around my age which could only be EJ. He was kind of attractive you could say. He had Edwin's bronze hair and from what I could assume Bella's big brown eyes. He was tall, not as tall as the wolves, but tall compared to me and others.

They all introduced themselves and I said polite hello's even though I wanted to scream out how bitchy Bella was and how EJ was an abomination to this world. They all were. Vampires weren't supposed to be real. If they weren't real then the guys wouldn't have had to go through so much and have turned into wolves. Its all their fault.

Alice stopped talking to me to go over and chat a bit with Rosalie. I just watched the football game that Emmett had on the television which he was totally immersed into.

I didn't really know what to do. Was I supposed to chat with the vampires that ruined the guys' lives or just sit here and watch football.

Football it is.

Seth was over in the corner talking to Edwin. Collin and Brady were sitting in front of me on the floor talking about the game with Emmett.

I felt alone. It was really awkward. I had no idea what I was supposed to do in a house filled with vampires.

"Hey." a voice said.

I looked up to meet the eyes of EJ. He had really nice eyes. He was smiling at me. He had a nice smile too.

"Hi." I softly replied.

"I'm EJ." He said beaming.


"I know who you are silly. You're the imprint of Paul. Correct?" he asked.

I nodded in conformation. He just laughed and started asking me questions. The usual like how I was, how old I am, where I'm from. Just normal conversation that you'd expect with a normal person.

I almost forgot he was a hybrid.


He was actually pretty fun to talk to. We would just talk and exchange questions.

We were interrupted by the front door being thrown open. Everyone looked to the door. Paul and Franco were standing there. One seething with rage and the other with a sorrowful look on his face.

"Seth!" Paul shouted.

Seth was going to get it. Paul quickly grabbed him and dragged him out of the house. I could only assume that they were going to phase and maybe fight it out knowing Paul.

Franco just looked at me. He looked pretty sad actually. It looked like something bad had happened from his facial expression.

"Anna." he said.

"What's wrong Franco?" I asked.

He took a deep breath before answering, "Eric is dead."

I know guys I'm mean for leaving it at a cliff hanger but I just couldn't resist! We are finally getting to the good part of the story I'd say.

Can people please review? My dream is to get 100 reviews. If you guys can do that for me I will probably cry.

3 reviews?