Since I was asked to turn this into a story, I will, but not a very long one. And I've kind of changed what happens in the scenes, cause I don't have the fourth book, so I don't remember the exact words, but I'm trying. Please don't sue me. And I'm starting at the part where Sabrina gets sprayed by puck's cocoon.
'She can't see the way your eyes light up when you smile
She'll never notice how you stop and stare whenever she walks by
And you can't see me wantin you the way you want her
But you are everything to me'
Prologue: He chose her
'Ahh!' comes a scream from the hotel room the Grimms are staying in. The blonde Grimm girl is frightened of the shower, it seems. And then there's a spraying noise, like when you spray your hair. No! It can't be! It's just not possible! I run to the door and fling it open, hoping I won't see what I think I'll see. No such luck. Puck's cocoon. And Sabrina, covered in green gunk, shrieking her head off. He's chosen her as his protector! That should have been me. 'How dare you!' I yell. 'My goodness gracious,' says Relda, 'What is going on?'
'This this just blew up on me! Sabrina cries as the cocoon continues to spray her with fumes. 'Make it stop!' 'What you've done is unforgivable!' I shout, 'You have stolen my right!' 'I didn't steal anything!' Sabrina cries, 'It followed me in here.' 'Moth, could you tell us what is happening?'Relda asks. 'During the larval stage, when a fairy is most vulnerable, he chooses the one person in the world he trusts the most to look after him. Once the choice is made, the cocoon marks the person with a special scent that the cocoon can easily follow. This is an honour that should have gone to me' I say, seething with anger.
'Well then, ' says Relda as the last of the gas fizzes out of the top of the cocoon, 'I suppose congratulations are in order.'
Sabrina looks disgusted, and screams again.
It's then that I black out.