Hey everyone this is my first story on FANFIC so I hope you like it ! ! !
"Bella where is Emmett?" I said
"He is in the yard flirting with all the girls where else" Bella said
Well see my brother sister and I are triplets, we live in an orphanage with a bunch of other kids we were left here when we were only about 4 ½ now we are 17 we turn 18 on September 13 that's in a little bit more over a month. I can't wait to finally be considered an adult and be able to move out of this place. My brother sister and I have been waiting for this day since the day we got here.
"Bella I don't like the way everyone looks at us, I mean yeah we may stair off into space and see weird things but we are not freaks!" I'm just really frustrated I don't usually scream. Well I do but in excitement not anger.
"Alice be patient we are almost 18 we will be out of her in no time." she said
At that moment Emmett decided to come in the room and I don't know what took over me, I jumped into Emmett's arms and started to cry. I love my brother and sister they always protect me and make me feel better.
"Ally what's wrong?" Emmet said.
"I just h…a…te how th…ey look at us especially me, I space of more than both of you." I said
"Ally you know we both love you and we will protect you from those dumb asses I wont let them hurt you, you know that right?" he said, like the awesome loveable brother he is.
You see my brother may be huge, muscular and he may be able to scare you till you pee your pants but he is also the nicest person you will ever meet he's like a big teddy bear.
"Yes I know that Emmett but your Hot and everyone knows you can kick there ass so they never dare mess with you, but I'm short weak and I cry easily and they love to make fun of me" he held me as I cried into his shoulder.
"Alice honey they make fun of me as well, but they key is to make them think that your not scared of them and they will back off not completely but you won't get picked on as much as before" said Bella trying to cheer me up. Yeah it didn't work.
"Thanks Bella I know you may think that but I just need some time to think, I'm going for a walk".
So I walk in the room and Ally is crying. I hate how much she's affected by all of these idiots at the orphanage. We have been here for over 12 years we were never liked by anyone, we were the weird triplets that would stare of into space in the middle of class or when someone was talking to us. I hated all of the name calling everyone ignoring us pushing us in the hall, but I always had to be the anchor the strong one out of all three of us. Now Alice is all upset and I have no idea what to do.
"Bella what am I suppose to do? I just can't stand seeing her like this." I said
"Emmet we can't really do anything but let her vent. We can't help it that we see things that happen or have happened and we most definitely can't change what people do or say to us." Bella said in a sad tone.
"I hate seeing both of you acting and feeling this down I know that you hide all the pain you are feeling well so that Alice won't feel worse but I know you well enough that I can tell what you are feeling and thinking"
"Emmett I can't take it anymore! I hate living her I hate all of the things they say about all of us they make me feel like trash I hate all of them!" as she said this she started to cry it breaks my heart every time I see them cry but we will be out of here soon.
"Bella I love you and Alice so much and I'm going to get you both out of her as soon as possible, I promise you that." I will get them both out of here as soon as we turn 18.
"Bella I will-" I was quieted by Alice's scream.
"Bella what was that?" I said freaking out, what I didn't notice was that Bella had already run out the door and into the woods next the orphanage.
"Bella, Alice!"I was shouting at the top of my lungs. When I finally found them I saw the worst thing I could have ever imagined. My poor little Alice was unconscious in the mouth of this scary looking man with read eyes and blood running down his mouth while sweet little Bella was in shock watching what was happening."