Disclaimer: I don't own the Star Wars universe and am not making any money off of this so please don't sue me!
You reached Anakin Skywalker otherwise known as the Hero with no Fear or the Chosen One. I am not avaible to take your call because I'm either arguing with my old master about somthing pointless, being a "bad influence" on my padawan or fighting separatists. I will get back to you as soon as possible but it might be awhile since I never check this thing anyway. Oh and if you calling to complain about the billionth lightsaber I lost... What did you say Obi-Wan; you found it? Oh good! Wait is this still-
Master I can't believe you lost your lightsaber AGAIN! What am I going to do with you...
Disappointed I am. Taught him better you should have Obi-Wan...
Skywalker this is Windu did you have anything to do with my missing speeder?
Anakin what did you do with Mace's speeder... He going to find out sometime you know! Oh and the things I tell you that we argue about are not pointless... they are usually very important things that you deem pointless!
Master why didn't you let me help steal Master Windu's speeder? That would have been fun! Your not a bad influence though... you just know how to have fun!
Oh Ani where are you it's been like three hours! Also why am I not mentioned in this recording? You would think after being married for two years I would at least get mentioned in this recording but NO!
In your room you are not. Suspicious I am. Where you could be I don't know.
I think there on to us Anakin; Master Yoda stopped by to see if I knew where you where. He looked very surprised that I didn't...
What's going on Skyguy? Why is everyone singing that song about kissing in a tree but replacing the names with yours and senator Amidalas? I am very confused by all this...I thought Jedi were forbidden to have any attachments!
Is Master Yoda's theory true? ARE you married to Padme?
Expose the truth I will. Expelled from the Jedi order you will be young Skywalker!
I was planning on asking you this later but with the current circumstances I think I'll ask now. Join the dark side! Sith are allowed to have all the attachments they want plus you can use force lightning... If you don't get all your limbs cut off and get burned by lava. You also wouldn't have to worry about that lame prophcy that says you'll bring the force into balence! Anyway please consider Joining the dark side and let me be your new master!
A/N: So there it is the first chapter of "Inbox Messages" I would love some feedback. What can I fix, what did you like? And if you want I can do a specific character... Hope yall enjoyed it :)