Then the man in the wire-rim glasses looked away from the screen and straight into my eyes. "And do you intend to reinitiate contact with The Subject despite strict rules prohibiting such a relationship?"
There it was: the question I'd pondered for weeks.
There I was: Cammie the Chameleon – the Gallagher Girl who had risked the most sacred sisterhood in the history of espionage. For a boy.
"Ms Morgan," Polygraph Guy said, growing impatient, "are you going to reinitiate contact with The Subject?"
"Yes," I said softly.
Then everything went black.
-:End of Flashback:-
I could remember it like it was yesterday. That one word had been enough for me to be imprisoned somewhere. I didn't even know where I was! I could hear footsteps approaching, and fast. I wondered what time it was, it must have been about 11 o'clock. The door to my room – more like cell – opened, and in came my favourite guard. Six foot seven and about as wide as the door, Onion-nose had, you guessed it, an onion shaped nose. Every morning, he tried to come at a different time to confuse me, or to catch me out. And every morning, he tried to wheedle another tiny bit of information out of me. So far, he had my name, my age, my favourite kind of pasta, my favourite animal and my shoe size. What I absolutely refused to give him, was a reason as to why I was here – wherever here was. I wasn't completely sure myself, only that it had something to do with me saying that I wanted to keep in touch with Josh – the normal boy from the normal town where my school is. Or at least the school I used to go to.
"Morning, Morgan," Onion-nose called cheerfully.
"Morning, you," I replied, not really paying attention. That's another thing I should mention: while he is allowed to ask me as many questions as he wants, I'm not even allowed to ask his name. So I just call him whatever I want to (which usually tells him what kind of mood I'm in). There was something familiar about him, but I just couldn't place it. I was sure I'd seen him before, yet I couldn't remember where. He spent 43 minutes, 12 seconds in the room asking me more questions, and then left. I was on my own again.
I woke up from my doze with a start. I could hear voices from above me.
"Ouch! Watch where you're putting that! Bookworm, are you sure you don't want to wait here?"
"I'm coming down too! She's my friend just as much as she is yours!"
"Duchess, we need to hurry. We've got to get back for COW in 29 minutes and counting!"
"Ok, ok. Ready, Peacock?"
I could hardly breathe for excitement. It sounded like my friends. I was slightly wondering how they had found me, but I decided that I would ask them that later, after they had saved me. It sounded like they were going to break through the roof, but before they could, and alarm went off in the building. A nervous shiver went down my spine. If this was where they sent me after I messed up in the CIA HQ, what would they do to three spies-in-training who weren't supposed to be there? And that's when the roof caved in...