Why hello there my dear readers! Here is just a little one-shot about Sirius/Padfoot when he was living with his parents, enjoy!.

My nightmares haunt me, the words, the pain that I felt, its immense, it kills me inside, I never show it though, every summer, every Christmas, they kill me a little bit more, My name is Sirius Black, here is my story:

I walk through the door, of my bedroom, well the basement if I'm honest, I drop my bags o the floor, and lay down on the thin bed, I sigh and grab my wand holding it close to me, I know that by half eight tonight, I will have to use it, I hear heavy footsteps and flinch as the door is flung open, I see my father's face, twisted into unimaginable hate, he walks in, and shuts the door, the room is soundproof, so no one can here the screams of the eldest black, he speaks, his voice dripping with venom, traitor, filthy, nothing better than a filthy mudblood, a disgrace, a mistake at the last one, he raises his wand, yelling the crucio curse, it hits me, I see the red light then fall into excruciating pain, he has performed one of the unforgivable curses on his own son, and I wonder quietly to myself, why this is such a surprise, I feel the pain rain down on me, although if I did tell anyone, they wouldn't believe me, there would be no bruises nothing to show, except the emotional pain, it kills me, everytime, a little bit, everytime, the pain kills me, the fact that my "family" don't do anything to stop him, all my hope is lost until, the door bursts down, and in enters, James Potter, Remus Lupin And Peter Pettigrew, and then everything is thrown into hell...

Curses and charms are thrown everywhere and I lie there helpless, Peter, blocks the curses whilst, James and Remus send them, my father and my mother, send there own, but they are no match for peters shield , I see Regulus come through the door, I try to scream a warning but I can't, he smiles a horrible smile, and raises his wand, the rage overwhelms me, I stand up, and grab my wand, feeling surprisingly good, yet I know the pain will come later, Regulus starts of his crucio, but never gets the time to finish it, as I have already transformed and, am on top of him, he screams as I bite down on his neck, blood drips from his neck, his eyes role back into his head and I know that, I have murdered my brother, and it felt good...

I turn back, and pick up my wand, when I realise that my mother and father are looking at me, horror on their faces, they look at the golden child, I smile, and laugh, it is brittle and hoarse, I realise that blood is dripping from my head, James, and Remus have ears in their eyes, for they have witnessed the torture that there, friend goes through every year, Peter, walks up to me, ripping of his sleeve as he does, he places it over my head, wrapping it around as far as it will go, I smile, and hold it to my head, my parents run over to Regulus, holding him in their arms, tears stream down their face, I realise that if it was me they would be celebrating, not crying, falling deeper into a pit of dark sorrow "You, you killed Regulus, YOU ABOMINATION!," they raise their wands but before they can yell Avada Kedavra, I Yell my own, it splits and hits them, and that's when I break down, pain travels through my body, I scream as the pain burns like a fire, it runs over me, I look up and see their eyes filled with pain and fear, for their fellow Marauder, I cry out again, tears fill up my eyes they walk over and lift me up, and I know that with them hear it will all be ok...

Ok that was just a one-shot because I got bored :L so review tell me if its good or bad