I can't get over the great reviews! thank you all so much, they really make my day :) I hope you enjoy this chapter, the next one will be up soon! also just to clarify, Teddy is a 7th year and Vic is a 6th
Unexpected Encounters
"Do you think it's a little crazy that we're in the sixth year?" Shannon asked me as we ate our breakfast Friday morning. I popped a piece of toast in my mouth and mulled over the thought .
"I suppose." I said. "Sometimes I feel like we've been here forever and I can't wait to be a seventh year and be the top of the school. And then sometimes I feel like we just got here. Remember when we first met?" Shannon giggled.
"Of course! That boat ride across the lake was hysterical, Krista Mars was so terrified! Do you remember how she nearly broke into tears and you and I had to calm her down?"
"Oh, you did not do an ounce of calming down!" I said with a laugh. "You were laughing at her so hard and making her cry more!" It was true. Shannon laughed at Krista's hysterics while I tried to assure that not only would be survive the trip across the lake, but Hogwarts would be the best years of our lives.
"Well it was funny," Shannon justified, smirking and drinking her tea. "Of course I knew she wouldn't be in Gryffindor. Hufflepuff suits her." We both glanced at the Hufflepuff table where Krista was sitting with a group of her own friends. Funny how being sorted into different houses can completely change your life. Or at least your group of friends. "So have you gotten any more information out of Reid about the ball?"
"They're just waiting on McGonagall's approval, its set for the middle of April. And being as it's already the middle of February, we'll need to start looking for gowns." I said, my face lighting up with the prospect of shopping. "We can check out Witch Wear when we go to Hogsmeade tomorrow! They usually don't have that big of a selection, but their catalogue has everything." It was true, nearly all of my aunts had their bridesmaids gowns ordered from there and since I was the first (and of course the cutest) child around, I was nearly always the flower girl.
"Well you would know, my little shopaholic." Shannon said, laughing.
"Like you don't benefit from being the same size as me," I pointed out, teasing her. Without me, Shannon's wardrobe would consist soley of trainers, jeans and old tee shirts. Much as I love the girl, she has a limited fashion sense. She calls it "other priorities." I've tried to explain there is no higher priority than looking at least halfway decent, but it falls on deaf ears.
"I never said I was complaining!"
As I looked out the window of the library on top the fresh snow covering the grounds I once again found myself grateful that Dad had convinced Mum that Hogwarts would be a more practical education for my siblings and I. My mum was nervous that I would be reminded of the war too much, but my dad smartly pointed out that there were reminders everywhere outside of school. He was right. But wasn't the plaques or the memorial services or the history lessons that reminded me of it, though. It was the hand on the clock at The Burrow that once belonged to my Uncle Fred, it was the picture of Teddy and his parents, the only one he had of them all together. Those were the real reminders of the war because those were the reminders that hit me at the heart.
"You okay?" I heard a male voice say. I looked away from the window and saw Nathan Hammels, looking at me, concerned. I didn't realize a few tears had slipped down my face and I quickly brushed them off, trying not to look embarrassed.
"I'm fine, just thinking too much." I said, giving him a small smile. Nathan grinned.
"Mind if I sit at your table then? I'm being stalked by the team."
"Sure," I said, motioning to the empty seat across from me. He took out his Charms book and I went back to reading my Herbology one. Nathan was in Gryffindor and a seventh year and happened to be one of Teddy's best mates. He played Seeker and was captain of the house team this year. He was good-looking in the sense that he had a nice smile and fit build, but lost points in my book because of his association with Teddy. That, and the fact that he and Julianne had a tendency to wind up in the same bed once they had too many firewhiskeys.
We worked for another hour, occasionally talking but mostly getting our work done. N.E.W.T.s are no joke. A familiar voice broke my concentration, however and raised my annoyance level.
"Aw, am I interrupting a study date?" Teddy stood by our table, his mocking smile plastered on his stupid face. I scowled at him and Nathan chuckled.
"Surprised you know what studying looks like," He said. "Not sure I ever see you do much of it."
"Brains and wit!" Teddy laughed, pulling a seat up next to Nathan. Lovely.
"If you don't have work to do, why are you in the library?" I asked, noticing he had no books with him. "Finally decided to learn how to read?"
"Sorry Vic, we already made a 'dumb Teddy' joke today, better luck next time." Teddy said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and stood up, waving my wand so my parchment, quills and books went neatly into my bag.
"Thanks for keeping me company, Nathan." I said, before turning to leave. Merlin, why did Teddy have to be so bloody annoying? I walked down the hall, mentally ticking off the reasons why he annoyed me so much and how wonderful it will be next year when he's not around to cause me such irritation. By the time I got back to the common room, I had cheered myself up with thoughts of a Teddy-free Hogwarts. I walked through the portrait and saw Professor Longbottom standing there, something that was a little odd.
"Victoire," he said, sounding relived to see me.
"Professor?" I asked, uncertain. He walked toward me, his expression grave. My mind started racing, someone was hurt, Dom, Louis, Fred or James or maybe one of my family members not at Hogwarts, maybe it was my mum-
"Shannon Shears' grandfather passed away this morning." My heart sank. Shannon's grandfather had been sick for a while, but I knew this news would still hit her pretty hard. "Her mother had already come to get her, she should be back in school on Monday."
"I'll write her," I said, my voice cracking. Merlin, I was an emotional mess today.
"That's a true friend," Professor Longbottom said, smiling. I nodded and excused myself to my dormitory. Daniella and Dee were sitting on their respective beds, having a gossip. They looked at me quizzically, but I didn't say anything. I was never in the mood for those two but especially not today. I put my schoolbag down and only took my quill and parchment downstairs. Taking a seat near the fireplace, I put the quill to the parchment and froze. What in the world was I supposed to say?
A half hour later, the only thing I had on the parchment was Dear Shannon. Professor Longbottom was wrong, I was a terrible friend. Why couldn't I come up with something sincere and genuine to say to my closest friend? I sighed in frustration when I felt someone plop down in the seat next to me on the couch.
"Forget how to spell your name?" I looked up into the smirking face of Teddy Lupin. Damnit. "I'll help you, it's c-o-n-c-i-t-"
"Shove it, Lupin." I said, a bit harsher than our normal banter of hatred. He raised a single eyebrow inquisitively. "Shannon's granddad died and I don't know what to write," I explained, even though he didn't deserve an explanation. Teddy's expression immediately went from annoying to sympathetic.
"Need any help?" Now it was my turn to raise one eyebrow (he wasn't the only one who Uncle Charlie had taught that trick to). "Come off it Vic, you know I'm a halfway decent writer." Unfortunately, that part was true. Teddy used to write funny stories for the Potter kids all of the time and they were (however much it pains me to admit it) pretty hysterical.
"But if you write it, it won't sound like me and I'll sound even more insincere than if I don't send a letter at all." I reasoned but Teddy shook his head.
"Honestly, the fact you are writing her a letter at all is sincere. Just say that you are sorry, you know she and her grandfather were close and…" Teddy scratched his chin, which was in need of a proper shave. "And that you miss her already and are there for her and her family with anything they need." I contemplated the advice he gave. It wasn't half bad actually.
"I'll have to admit, I'm a little shocked." I said, actually giving him a small smile. "Thanks, Teddy. You actually managed to go five minutes without being irritating."
"And double points because I'm helpful," Teddy said, but I has spoken too soon. He got up from his seat, tugged the ribbon out of my hair and ran up the stairs to his dormitory.
The next morning I woke up, excited for a minute that it was a Hogsmeade trip, but then felt gloomy when I remembered Shannon was not here. I debated staying in the castle and finishing up some work, but then decided against it. We only got to leave the castle every so often and I wasn't going to spend it inside while everyone else was having a good time. Maybe I could drag Dominique into looking at ballgowns with me.
I dressed in warm tan corduroys, a deep red sweater and my navy pea coat. Paired with my Gryffindor gloves, scarf and hat, I was ready to grab some breakfast before heading out. I made my way down the stairs and ran smack into Julianne.
"Vic! I was just going to come find you," She said, upon realizing it was me.
"Really?" I asked. "Why?"
"Well, I heard about Shannon, that's awful." She said, her face in an uncharacteristic frown. "So I wanted to see if you wanted to shop with me in Hogsmeade." I smiled and immediately accepted, the day looking much brighter. Julianne was a fun girl to hang around with and I had never been to Hogsmeade with her before. We ate breakfast then made our way to the Entrance Hall.
"Who are we waiting for?" I asked. Julianne gave me an apprehensive smile.
"Nathan, Lyle, Adam and…Teddy." I groaned and Julianne looked at me pleadingly.
"Oh come on Victoire, it'll be fun! I always hand out with the guys on Hogsmeade trips and Lucy Rivers is doing detention for skipping Charms so I need a female companion!"
"Alright, alright, just don't be surprised if Teddy or I end up hexing each other." Even though he did help me write a decent letter to Shannon last night, I was still thoroughly annoyed that he stole my ribbon and that he was just so bloody arrogant.
"I don't understand it—have you two fought your entire life?" She asked. Everyone knew Teddy was basically a Potter which meant he was basically a Weasley.
"Pretty much." I answered. "Our personalities just don't click. Teddy is pigheaded and annoying and a prat-"
"-While you are bratty, snobby and obsessed with looking perfect." A voice sounded behind me and I spun around to see a smirking Teddy looking at me. "Not that you ever achieve it."
"You can contort your hair to a thousand different colors and you will still look like an idiot." I coolly said to him.
This was going to be a fun day.