Hey everybody hope you liked the last chapter!

Thanks for the reviews and keep em comin! Anything you think would be good in the story let me know I would love to hear them.

I mad this chapter at over 2000 words cause i know that thats the same thing that everybody has been telling me so i did it

if you have some ideas or there is onething you want to see in the story then tell me and i will try to put it in

3rd Person POV

It's another beautiful Summer Morning at Camp Half-Blood. The smell of freshly picked strawberries and wine grapes in the morning would make any campers stomach growl for hunger. If you are wondering about the why the camp is allowed to grow wine grapes, it's because Mr. D aka Dionysus was release from is punishment 450 years ago. Because he is allowed to drink wine again he decided to stay as the Director of the camp because he did actually like it.

The ENTIRE camp has been rebuilt since the war. Hades and Hestia were give there Thrones back so now there are 14 Olympians. So the cabin locations had to change. And of course all the cabins for the minor gods were made. The big house is now a Palace, since Mr. D has actually decided to stay camp became his domain. The Palace has a big war room in one wing and even a huge room for Chiron.

The Dining Pavilion is bigger because of the more tables that are there and there are far more campers than before.

Everyone was waking up, showering, and doing their normal morning routines before heading off to breakfast. But something was different about today. It was July 8th, the day that Percy Jackson, the great Son of Poseidon and Hero of Olympus, disappeared. This was the year of the meeting. Every Five years the Gods and Counselors have a meeting to try and find him. But something seems different about today. Maybe, just maybe they might find a lead that will bring back the great hero.

The Hunters were here because Artemis and Thalia had to attend the meeting. They have over 40 hunters now.

Everyone was starting to come out of their cabins. Behind there counselors.

After everyone settles in at the pavilion, gets there food, sacrifices it, and sits down to eat Chiron stands and pounds his hoof into the marble floor.

"Attention!" All the campers quieted down to listen. "Good, now Mr. D has some announcements to give."

"Thank you Chiron! First off I would like to wish everybody a wonderful day blah-blah-blah. And second immediately after breakfast I would like all the cabin counselors to the war room for the annual five year meeting with the Gods."

When Mr. D said that all of the Heroes of the Titan War looked down knowing what the meeting was about. Also the Poseidon cabin, minus Mark the counselor who Annabeth cheated on Percy with 500 years ago and was made immortal, looked sad because of their big brother that has disappeared.

After breakfast all the campers went to their normal activities, sword fighting, archery, canoeing, Greek, etc. All the Counselors walked into the war room and sat down at their spots waiting for the Gods and started talking amongst each other.

Annabeth leaned over to Thalia and whispered, "Something doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Thalia replied

"I mean that I feel like something is going to happen. Mr. D has been acting strange lately…well more than usual."

Clarisse then butted into the conversation, "what's wrong princess? "

"I-I'm not sure…the gods have been acting strange lately, a-and I think something is wrong."

"Do you think…?" Thalia started but she zoned off.

"What is it, Thalia?" Annabeth asked

"Do you think that this has anything to do with Percy?"

"I don't know but it might be." Annabeth said hopefully and just when she finished 14 flashes of golden light filled the room. When the light died down there stood the Olympians.

"Half-Bloods." Zeus said, "we all know what this meeting is supposed be about. We all want to find Percy Jackson as much as you do. But we have a much more pressing matter.

"What is more important right now than finding Percy?" Thalia asked a little mad that the gods would decide to not talk about finding Percy.

"Athena" Zeus turned to her and spoke, not wanting to speak about it himself. "Tell them what we found out."

"Yes Father," Athena nodded to Zeus then turned to the Half-Bloods, "We have found out that Prometheus has helped some of the other Titans escape" there was a few gasps when she said this and then she continued, "Krios, Hyperion, and Atlas have all escaped…We also believe that they are going to try at resurrect Kronos." A few more gasps and some shivers when Athena said Kronos.

"We also believe that that's not even the worst of our problems…" The great speaker Athena trailed off after she spoke of a bigger threat. What, or who, is a bigger threat than Kronos.

"M-mother what is a bigger threat than Kronos," Annabeth asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"We believe that the Titans are trying to reawake Gaea, Mother Earth."

"But it…they…if they awake Gaea then it would-"

"Would be extremely bad!" Dionysus finished for Annabeth

"That would be the biggest understatement in the history" Poseidon muttered, but load enough for everyone to hear.

"Yes, we could barely fight the titans and there army but with Gaea on their side it would be undoubtedly lop sighted." Zeus said. Not wanting to sound worried but everyone in the room was so worried that you can sense the worry in his voice as well.

"But there is a bit of good news" He said hopefully. All the ones that were friends with Percy perked up thinking that it may be a lead to their old friend.

"We were visited the other day during a meeting." Zeus looked at the other gods knowingly.

"Was it Percy?" Katie Gardner asked with a little hope in her voice. She was never really close with Percy, even though they were friends, but her boyfriend Travis was really good friends with him. Travis has been down lately and Katie knew that finding Percy would bring his spirits up a bit.

"No it was someone more powerful, far more powerful than us even." Zeus grumbled that last bit not wanting to think of anyone more powerful than him.

All the half-blood's eyes were wide. "Who was it Father?" Thalia asked

"Chaos" He said. Everyone's jaw in the room dropped so love if it was any lower it would have been on the ground. There was silence in the room for a while before Nico finally spoke up

"You mean as in the Creator of the universe, Chaos. The Parent of Ouranos and Gaea." He asked with a big shock on his face.

"The same" Athena spoke again, "Chaos has an army spread out all throughout the universe. A group of soldiers called the Soldiers of Chaos. They protect the innocent and fight against evil. "Again everyone's expressions were priceless.

After she spoke there was a black vortex that came out of nowhere. A being that was nearly impossible to describe came out of the vortex and then the vortex disappeared. The being was about 6'7", skinny but muscular, it was the same color of the universe, midnight blue and black. It had many constellations all over its body. Its eyes were of a starry night and it seemed to flow around rather than stand still.

All the gods and half-bloods bowed to the figure, all except for Mark.

Mark asked narrowing his eyes, "who are you?" all the gods gasped

Chaos spoke in his cold and endless voice. "I am Chaos, Creator of the Universe. " Marks eyes widened but he still did not bow. Chaos laughed, "I have heard of you Mark Degum, Son of Poseidon."

"How do you know my name?" He asked curiously. All the other Demigods looked at each other. Wondering how the all powerful Chaos would know an ego filled some of Poseidon.

"I have my ways." Chaos answered, "in due time you will learn how."

"Chaos, Annabeth spoke up "why have you decided to help us?"

"I do not like how the gods have ruled this world" he stated. All the gods looked at each other and then looked down disappointed at what Chaos had just said. He continued, "Yes the gods have done good things in this world and helps mortals. But they have also done bad things as well. The Titans would be far worse than the gods. They would destroy this world and the humans. I will not allow than, I have vowed to not harm any other being, but I have soldiers that do that for me. They will help you. I don't have many to spare but I do have one Company that is available, Beta Company,a company of roughly 350 soldiers. They are already on their way and should be here later on today."

"Would you fight with us Chaos?" Hermes asked

"No, I cannot. As I said earlier I vowed to not harm another being. Yes I do know that it is necessary to fight. That is why I created my army…but me personally I forbid it."

"How are you soldiers?" Ares asked

Chaos smiled, "They are very good fighters. Beta Company is not my favorite in my army. They are skilled but cocky. I just promoted one of my favorite and best Lieutenants from one of my best Companies to Captain and put him in charge of them."

Athena put on a small grin. She really didn't know whether to be happy of sad for this captain. He got promoted but he went from a great group of soldiers to the least favorite soldiers. But if he is good then he can whip them into shape.

"His name is Captain Dante Barlow. He has already been updated and briefed on his mission and of the situation. They will set up their camp inside your camps borders right outside of you camp area."

"Thank you, Chaos" Zeus spoke and bowed to the Creator

"Your well come, I will send reinforcements as soon as I can. But my forces are spread far too thin." Chaos said. "and perhaps you will learn to be a better ruler when this war is done."

Zeus did not like the last bit. Part of him new it was true but that didn't mean he doesn't like it but he wasn't going to tell Chaos that. He bowed once more, as did the other gods and the half-bloods.

"I shall take my leave...I have another pressing matter somewhere else." And with that Chaos left through a vortex that had just appeared and then it vanished.

All the half-bloods stared at each other dumbfounded. Zeus turned to them and broke the silence. "You are to go back to your cabins and tell them of the situation." All the kids bowed and left the room without saying a word.

Zeus then turned to Chiron and Dionysus. "I want the training to be increased…we are learning how to fight a few monsters…we are training for war. A war that will be long and tough. They need to be ready for it." Chiron and Dionysus bowed and Chiron trotted out of the room


All the gods left except Zeus and Poseidon. Poseidon looked sad longingly. Zeus looked at his brother worriedly.

"Brother, what's wrong?" He asked knowing why his brother was upset.

"I wish Percy was here. he is the greatest of heroes, he would be able to help in this war." His brother said

"Yes he would, if he is still alive he will come. You know is fatal flaw, he will help his friends and you know that he will come…I Have a feeling" Zeus said trying to cheer up his brother.

"Yes I know. Good-bye brother."

"Good-bye" and with that Poseidon dissolved in a breeze of salty water.

"Please, Perseus, we need you. Come back" Zeus then left in a bolt of lighting

There is the Third chapter sorry about it taking awhile to update. Please review thanks to everbody