Jekyll To Emma
My Beloved Angel,
You must have lost your wings to be with me
For I know I'm nothing but a devil
You are a lady of true caliber
Smart clever and Kind
I'm afraid I can't change
I am a man with ideas to far ahead of the world
Too ambitious they say
Too cruel they say
But will you drop from the heavens and stay with me?
My Angel
Stay with me
If you were with me I- No we
Could change the world
Two opposing forces in harmony
So Please
Take me as I am
Emma To Jekyll
Well My Sweet Devil
I will gladly discard my wings
Even if it were just an hour in your company
You show me the world in a whole new light
Make even heaven's delights seem dull and lifeless
I know people will challenge us
You know who I am
You see me and not my connections
Even if the whole world declares you a monster
I will stay by your side
And make our dreams come true
Just promise to not leave me alone
And Take me As I Am
Lucy To Hyde
You are venom
Dark bitter and horrid
But you carry yourself with that grim dark and destructive grace
Animalistic and terrifying
But so wild and natural
Fill me with your poison
I don't enjoy it but something in me craves it
The way you laugh so sinister and lively
The cold touch of your hands
It's horrifying and beautiful
A sin without a name
A Dangerous Game
Hyde To Lucy
Oh my dear,
You say my game is dangerous
I'd have to agree, more so for you than for me
A little princess like you is nothing more than a toy
For me to bend and twist
To hold and tear
But never to love
You are a toy
One I'll discard when you refuse to comply
But for now we'll dance this dance
And play this game
Until the day you die
My fragile and beautiful Toy
I wrote these Yesterday listening to Dangerous Game and a little bit of take me as i am and they kind of just came out ^^
I wrote Lucy's poem first then Hyde's followed by Jekyll and Emma's poems.
Really Emma needs more love people shame on you For ignoring her :(
Getting back to th epoem's,
I really like how they turned out,
Jekyll and Hyde the Musical Belongs to someone other than me
...Sadly,cause if i had my way it'd be on Broadway again