I know, it's random, and doesn't make much sense, but it kept rolling around in my head, so I figured yall could deal with reading it.
Anyways, I don't own degrassi, or any of the characters. If I did, well, things would be different.
"Please, Clare, you're not making this easy for me."
"Making what easy?"
"Protecting you. As you're boyfriend, it's my obligation."
"Protect me..?" The words tasted funny in her mouth. Had she ever been protected by someone? Her parents, of course, but not by anyone else. Her thoughts flew to K.C. her first and only other boyfriend. Now that she mulled it over the realization hit her. When they were together, K.C. had been sweet and funny, and she had always felt safe with him, but when it came down to it she had never really felt protected.
The grip on her hand slackened and her azure eyes flicked up to meet his brown ones. He was dark and broody, and honestly a bit antisocial and unpredictable at times, but what separated Eli from K.C. was that from the start, he had been trying to protect her. A shy smile found its way to her lips and she pulled him back to her, so that her chin rested comfortably between his neck and shoulder.
"Protected... I like it."
So… what did ya think? And I don't want to be rude, but if you're going to just leave an 'It's so cute!' or 'I didn't like it', don't bother. I need some real criticism. Thanks!