Letter from an Understanding Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the amazing Gallagher Girl books – Ally Carter does

Dearest Cammie,

I still haven't got over you telling me you want me. When can we meet? I mean, obviously it has to fit in with you saving the world and defeating the baddies and all that spy stuff but will you be free in the next year? Kidding; I hope it's next week when I see you. I know that you live a busy life, and that you want things to go slowly, and I'll take them as slowly as you like. I'm ready to be as understanding as you want me to be. I would wait forever and a day for you, even though I'd be really impatient. This letter will be short, as the message is simple: I love you, and don't care how long I have to wait to prove it to you – I understand.



I'm really sorry for not updating for ages! I realise I've used loads of clichés in this: it didn't really come easily to me, and took me absolute ages to write. I didn't have a clue why I called it Letter from an Understanding Heart – it made sense when I started it, but not when I finished. Confusing or what!

Thank you all for being great reviewers, alerters, favouriters, and readers, I hope you enjoyed it. And I hope you all had a good Easter, Passover etc.
