"Hey, Tweeky-bird, where'ya goin'?" Powder asked from the couch.

"Hmm? Oh, I-I'm going clothes sh-shopping. I'll be back soon."

"Oh...well, okay, have fun."

"Alright, th-th-thank you. Can you t-tell the others fo-for me?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Thanks." He jogged down the stairs, noting the full elevator. He didn't like to brag, but he was in very good shape for a man his age. His bag-it's not a purse, Craig!-bounced pleasantly against his hip as he made his way past the smiling, cheerful group of people in sweatsuits and the puffing, red-faced overweight couple in matching his and her t-shirts. The doorman gave him an indulgent smile as he burst out of the building and onto the streets.

He was a former prostitute who lived in New York city, finding a pawn shop that didn't ask questions was an easy enough task. The bearded, chubby man behind the counter was very helpful and Tweek was walking out with an aged, off-brand pistol.

It was early, very early, and the streets, while crowded, could no longer knock him off his feet. The closer he got to the warehouse, the more frightened he became. His every sense seemed heightened, he could hear the water dripping onto the cracked asphalt of the alleyway from the rusting pipes, could smell the desolation in the air. He moved towards the door, reading the closed sign with a mix of relief and dread. The leftbehinds would be out, but would Cartman? He pulled out his key and crept in.

The room was completely trashed.

He gasped, eyes wide, before he smiled cruelly. Looks like Cartman hadn't taken the loss so well after all...

Tweek walked upstairs silently, skipping the sixth-from-bottom step that always creaked. The upstairs wasn't any better, still bare from when it had been stripped by escaping prostitutes, his and Kenny's mattress and pillows dragged into the game room. He reached into his bag and withdrew his gun, holding it to his chest.

His heart almost lept out of his chest when he opened the door to his old room. It was exactly how they had left it. His, Gary's, Butters', and Pip's respective perfumes spilled over, the collective scents and smell of a closed room made his head spin. He sat down on the overturned bed, clutching Pip's pillow to his chest, gun by his side, staring at the tipped over vanity. He didn't feel angry anymore.

He felt tired.

Very, very tired.

Tweek looked at his gun and gently brought it up to his face. How easy it would be to end it all, right here, right now. To pull the trigger and sink into nothingness. He smiled and pressed the gun to the side of his head, fingering the trigger.

"They fell in love!" Biscuit exclaimed in a whisper, cheeks pink with excitement.

He paused.

Cream looks at his friends curiously. His eyes are glazed with sleep and a stupid smile decorates his face. "You guys sure dress pretty. Think Cartman will let me go to the mall with you guys?"

Sugar clasped his hands together and sighed, eyes closed. "I love that story!" He murmured before looking at him with a smile. "Tell it again?"

Kenny leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to his mouth. "I love you." He said.

I smile. "I love you too."

Tweek lowers the gun and touches his cold cheeks.



He's crying.

He hasn't cried for weeks. Even when Butters' had died, the only thing that had spilled from him were death threats. He could've sworn he had cried himself out long ago, but now that he's started he can't stop. He can't die now, he thinks with new resolve. He can't die while that fat sack if crap still walks the earth. He gives himself full permission to blow his brains out once Cartman is six feet under.

"Hey hoes! Anybody home!" He scrambles up, clutching the gun once again. "Hello?" Tweek paused, thinking of the best course of action and after a second, jumps up. He landed with a loud thud. "Hey! Who's there?" Cartman demanded. Tweek can hear him begin to waddle up the stairs and presses himself behind the door. He stomped loudly. "I have a gun!" Cartman yelled.

No you don't, he thinks with an evil smile. It's still in your office.

After what felt like an eternity, Cartman finally burst in the room, fists up. Tweek stepped forward. "This is for Pip!" He said quietly and not stuttering for the first time in a month. Then he fired, hands as steady as his father's as Cartman gave him a bewildered, scared look. The pimp dropped to the ground, screaming and clutching his foot.

"You stupid whore!" He roared, staggering back up.

"This is for Butters!" He added, shooting him in the knee. He went down with a crash, screaming even louder. Tweek edged closer, scowling.

"You won't kill me. You don't have the balls, you cocksucking bastard!" Cartman hissed hatefully. Tweek fired again, taking off his ear. "Aaarrgh!"

"That was for Kenny, you fat bastard!" He yelled. He took a deep breath, steadying breath, staring deep into Cartman's eyes. "And this..." he pointed the gun right at his face. "Is for me."

The blone panted as he shoved the gun back into his bag. The crushing hatred that had been overwhelming him for weeks was gone, leaving behind a deep sense of peace. As he made his way back to the main road, he began to whistle cheerfully.


"Hi, Tweek!" Powder said, smiling. "You're back!"

"Was everything go okay?" Craig asked worriedly. "Are you alright?"

Tweek couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Everything's fine, Craig! If anything you should be worrying about how much money I spent." He pulled his partner into a kiss before dropping his bags and plopping into the armchair, still smiling.

"You're sure in a good mood." Kyle observed. "Care to share with the class?"

"And you've stopped stuttering!" Powder added in, delighted.

Tweek smiled wider. "You wanna know why?"


"You really, really wanna know why?"

"Yes! Yes!" Kyle and Powder exclaimed, crowding closer. Tweek shrugged.

"Alright, I'll tell you. Craig! Stan, c'mere!"

"What is it?" Stan asked warily.

"Oh, don't be such a pussy. Craig stand here." He adjusted the taller man. Craig raised an eyebrow as Tweek dug through his bags. "Where are you, you little bastard?" He muttered. "Ah-ha!" Tweek smiled as he dropped to one knee. Craig paled as his boyfriend held up a small black box. "Whaddaya say, Craigy?" he asked. "Wanna get hitched?"

Powder shrieked with joy. "Oh my god!"

Kyle fist pumped. "Fuck yeah! I'm gonna be a best man!"

"Well what are you waiting for?" Stan demanded, shoving Craig forward. "Dumbass! Say yes!" Craig held up his index finger and dashed off.

"Where's he going?" Powder asked anxiously. "Craig, where're you going? You're not ruining this for me! Get back here and get married, damn you!"

Tweek yelped as he was tackled from behind. "Wha-?"

"Oh you bastard!" Craig growled, dropping him into a dip as they kissed. "You just had to make me the bitch, didn't you? Now I'm gonna have to return this!" He held up his own ring. Tweek draped his arms over the taller man's shoulders and kissed him enthusiastically as Powder shrieked again.

"We're having a wedding!" She said, linking hands with Kyle as she bounced up and down with joy. "We're having a wedding!"

"You bet your sweet ass we are!" Tweek yelled back before his mouth was otherwise occupied.

Stan smiled.

Originally, Tweek just got a Pandora bracelet with a shit load of charms and was all like, "look, Craig, it's a turtle!" :D and it ended with everyone sitting down to watch How I Met Your Mother but then as I typed "Tweek dropped to his knee... (...s to search for the box) I was like Naaaaah, dey gon' get hitched instead, hyuk, hyuk hyuk! :D

So there you go. One more chapter to go.

And yes, Tweek just did get away with murder.