Sorry for not writing as I normally write these on my iPod and transfer them onto my laptop but as I have dropped my iPod so many times I had to go get it fixed . so I am sorry anyway back on with the story!

Episode 3
~Opening Credits~
(The camera fades into the bushes that surrounded the chosen camp, then we here yelling)
Guard 1- don't bother wasting your breath he's not here
Tai-san- Well then where is he!
Guard 2- He went to pay Ebony a visit.
Tai-san- Why Ebony?
Guard 1&2- you will find out in good time supreme mother.
(The scene fades out on the guards fighting as they relise they told Tai-san to much information)

(The next scene starts in Ebony's and Slade's room which is all decorated with things that are black and red)
The Guardian- Ebony Ebony where are you, you can't hide from the almighty ZOOT!
Ebony- (from the doorway) But I can run from you
The Guardian- but ZOOT orders you to bring down the mallrats and lead a new life following and praising him.
Ebony-With you NO!
The Guardian- Yes Ebony with me.
Ebony- Then go to hell and get away from me or or
The Guardian- Or what Ebony
Ebony- I will call Slade and and
The Guardian- an what will Slade do huh Ebony what will he do when I have the keys, when I have they keys
Ebony- Well well well then where are the keys?
(The Guardian then falls to his knees)
The Guardian- oh ZOOT please forgive me as the supreme mother has stolen from the cause which you bring.
Ebony- (yelling) SLADE!
The Guardian- (still in a trance praying for forgiveness) please forgive me almighty one and only.
Slade- seriously he is here again
Ebony- yeah fun isn't it!
Slade- (yelling) yo guardian cant you hear us.
Ebony-he can hear you Slade just give me the word and I will get (yelling) ALICE to come and knock his head off.
Alice- Someone call for me?
Slade-What are you doing here?
Ebony- I called for her
Alice- yeah why
Ebony- Well why not look in front of you
Alice- That's it (grabs The Guardian and drags him to the cage)

(We fade into the next scene, we firstly see the whole chosen camp but the camera zooms into the cage where Tai-San and the kids are.)

Tai-San- Ahh guards can you get me some water please oh and some food
Guard 1- I will get the water supreme mother.
Guard 2- I will get the food then but remember stay here and be good and ZOOT will be thankful.
Kids-Yes Sir!
Tai-San- ready to go back to the mall-rats kids
Kids- yay!
Tai-San- then lets go. (Tai-San firstly looks around really quickly before grabbing the keys for inside her shoe and undoing the cage with the keys, before she grabs the kids and runs.)

(The camera now fades into a new scene with Amber, Bray, Trudy, Ebony, Slade, Lex and Alice sitting and talking in the café)
Amber- do you actually know why The Guardian wanted you Ebony?
Ebony- (nods)
Bray- Well then Ebony why don't you enlighten us with your knowledge
Slade- Leave her alone Bray you have no rights
Bray- (stands up and walk to where Slade is) Oh and you do
Slade- yeah as a matter of fact I do
Bray-why huh well everyone knows you got Ebony pregnant.
Ebony- WILL YOU SHUTUP BRAY! , as a matter of fact I am also engaged to Slade so back off
Lex- Ebony can we get back to the subject of The Guardian now
Alice- Ebony what did he say to you?.

Oh cliffy,
haha what do you think The Guardian said to Ebony, why don't you tell me in a review