A Cherub's Legacy - I don't own CHERUB

This story is set in 2030, when James Choke is 39. He lives in central London with his seven children from two marriages and his current girlfriend.

James Robert Choke gazed forlornly at the mantelpiece. It held three birthday cards: one from his children, one from his girlfriend Sarah, and one from his sister Lauren. The first two were from his last birthday, the third from three years ago. It had been the last time he had heard from Lauren and Rat – the two siblings had had a row over James' last divorce, resulting in silence from her and guilt from him. As far as he knew, his eldest, Gwen, was still in contact with her cousin Shane, but that was as far as it went. When it came to the other ex-Cherubs, the last time he had seen any of them had been fifteen years ago at the reunion. He had the gang's phone numbers and addresses, but they were stowed in a box under his bed. He hadn't looked at them since.

"Dad!" A voice from upstairs jolted the 39-year-old from his daydream. "Meatball's got my lightsaber!" James sighed and wandered through to stand at the base of the stairs.

"Maximillian Kyle Choke, how many times do I have to tell you to stop winding up your brother? Get down here now!" A loud thump followed a taunting jeer, and heavy stomps made their way downstairs.

"It's not fair," 13-year-old Meatball whined, "there's nothing to do in this house. It's just the same old, same old." Trying not to look too ashamed at how he usually abandoned his children, James attempted to console the stroppy teenager.

"Can't you go out with your friends or something? Or take your, I don't know, skateboard to the park with one of the others?" Meatball tutted in response.

"Dad, you know very well that the wheels have come off my board, and despite me asking you, like, several hundred times to get me a new one, you haven't. So no, I can't go skateboarding. What's your next idea, Einstein?" Part of James wanted to yell at his son for speaking to him like that, but he knew it was true. He knew he neglected his family, and that they couldn't really come to him when they needed to. He had tried to change and be a better father but he had only ended up drunk, in debt, occasionally at the local police station and even more hated than usual.

His kids could get away with pretty much anything, seeing as they knew their dad wasn't going to follow up any complaints, but there was one thing they were absolutely forbidden to touch. It was under James' bed: that was the most they knew. When they were younger, one or two of them had got as far as touching the lid, but as their father steadily got more annoyed and careless, they knew to do so would get them in massive trouble. Until Meatball found James drunk in his room, and decided to seize the moment...

Wolfergirl here again! Did you like it? Did you not like it? I started this off as an entry for the competition on the CHERUB website, but I thought I'd see what reception it got from you guys. Reviews aren't compulsory, but they make me smile :), and I'm not going to say that if I don't get x number of reviews I won't update, 'cos that annoys me. So yeah, let me know what you think!


Today's Bible verse: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14