The Elf and the Human
The beginnings of the Bond
I had been washing in the kitchen when Little Miss called out to me, "Tabatha where is that fried fish I wanted? I'm not going to wait upon it forever you know."
I let out a sigh and I went to the table to pick up the platter, "I'm coming Miss, I'll be there in a minute."
That was Miss Bianca for you. Prideful and always wanted she desired first. That didn't mean she was heartless. If anything, I had a lot to thank her for. Her family was was one of the few rich ones that were willing to hire an elf. They didn't think you some crazy, wild animal that was waiting to strike you down. How I wish humans didn't judge elves based on what they heard.
I opened the door with my back while balancing the platter in one hand and a cup of juice in the other. Miss Bianca was sitting in her chair as a proper lady should while reading what was called a 'newspaper'. It was one of the late fashion for humans to receive news in the city.
Once I had set every thing down, she spoke without even looking up, "You know, I think you need to take a break more often. You work too hard."
I smiled and stared at my feet, "I don't mind. I have more energy then most humans do. I enjoy the work, madam."
She folded the newspaper and looked me in the eye, "Tabatha, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Bianca, we're friends right?"
I put my hand to my mouth. A wave of horror shook through me. It wouldn't be proper for a maid to call her employer by her first name! But even still, it would be rude to not comply with her request, "Little Miss, I, uh, It wouldn't be proper for me to call you by any other. I'm a maid after all."
Miss Bianca waved her arms like she was defeated and narrowed her eyes at me, "See, that's what I'm talking about. You always do what is proper. You're so much more then that Tabatha."
I pulled a few strands of my hair back in my cap, "Well I-"
"And another thing, why do try to hide that your an elf? That is silly. It's like your trying to be my species."
Any others of my kind would have slayed her sight for that comment. Literally. But I wasn't like the others of my kind. That's part of the reason I left the island. I never really fit in there with my peaceful ways, "People are less afraid of me if I cover them."
"Humans in this area don't have your type of skin tone."
She did have a point. Even with covering my ears, people still tried to avoid me. No matter where I went, people always pretended I didn't exist, as if something that shouldn't be bothered . I guess it would be understandable. Elves are known strike first, ask questions later when angered. It doesn't help that we also tame some of the fierce monsters that would normally kill you. That's what my mission in life was, to try to build a bridge between our kinds. Humans and elves were already slowly coming to an understanding, why couldn't same be applied for monsters as well?
Little Miss sighed and returned to her meal at hand, "Well, I got other news for you. Do you remember that weird girl named Mist, the one that lives by herself since her parents were killed in the war?"
I nodded, "I wouldn't say she was weird. I will admit, she does have odd habits, but I wouldn't go so far as to say she was weird."
"Tabatha, she is weird, end of story. Anyway, she came across the some guy fallen on the road. He had past out from the lack of food and water."
I held my hands to my face in shock, "What happen to him? Is he alright?"
Little Miss gave a wave of her hand, "Yeah, he is. Mist took him to Lara, seems like he has a case of severe amnesia. He can't remember who is or where he came from so Mist gave him the name of Raguna."
What a curious name. In my native language, it means 'hero'. Strange. Suddenly, I felt my instincts beginning to tingle. We elves couldn't foretell the future, but we could sense what would happen at point. For some reason, I got the feeling he and I were more intertwined then I could possibly image. How could that be? I haven't even meant this human! Goodness, sometimes I wish I wasn't an elf at times.
Little Miss set her fork down and wiped her face with her napkin, "He's suppose to be coming over today, I'm paying him to weed out my garden."
As if on cue, the door bell rang, "Ah, that must be him, will you go greet him? I going to finish this fish."
I nodded and made my way down the hall. It was so strange. My instincts were getting wilder and more antsy, as if they wished for me to hurry to greet the man. I could feel my anger arising. This was getting far enough. I was the one in control, not them. Most of the time, my feral side laid dormant, observing what was happening and rarely tried to gain my attention. Which why I began try to contact it.
My eyes began to glow white as I began to dive into my mind. Contacting your baser side required a lot of contraction. It was the illogical side of an elf and was also the reason my people were given the unfair repetition of being brutes. We did not lose control over our feral sides unless our lives or the lives of those we cared about was threaten, and even then, that was still rare. Which why it was strange my instincts going wild. Something was up. I dived deeper and I grit my teeth, "Why is thou trying to cause such mayhem? Did someone cause thee a great offense?"
We could only speak to our feral side in the elf tongue, it refused to reply in any other. Suddenly, I felt great happiness wash over me. This was a unexpected feeling. Normally, my instincts had feelings of annoyance, rage, hatred, feelings that are negative. This was something I had never felt from my other side and, frankly, it quite scared me. It was the reply I receive that further bewilder me, "Why does thou not hurry? He is here, he is here! The one we've been waiting for!"
"Who? Who is thou waiting for?"
"Our chosen one."
'Chosen one'? Now I knew I was going crazy;nevertheless, I gave out a warning growl, "I warn thee, do not try to gain control over us. I will be quick to quell thou."
Such a answer would cause my feral side in a fight of dominance, instead it gave an impatient retort, "He is here! He is here! Why do thou not hurry?"
I gave my shoulders a shrug. Of all days, why it now have to act up? Sometimes I wished my baser sided didn't exist! My thoughts were interrupted from a call downstairs, "Hello? Is anyone here? I noticed your door was open so I thought I would let myself in. Hello?"
As I stood on top of the steps, my heart seemed to stop in place. A young man stood in the entrance by the door. His hair was brown and was cut short to his ears. He had on a vest of sorts around his tunic and his eyes were the color a dull gray. Such wonderful eyes. What? Did that thought come from me?
In that moment, it was like all time stopped. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore. Not my mission, not my friends, or family. Nothing. Only he did. I would die for him. I would gladly give anything to make him happy... what was happening to me? I shouldn't be thinking such thoughts! I only meet the man today and I hadn't even properly greet him yet! What-"
It was what my baser side replied that is all clicked, what made all sense, "Mate! Mate!"
It was what my people called the Bond, how we fell in love. When both elves saw each other for the first time, they fell in love at first sight. It was something like the humans tales spoke of. The elves would do anything for each other. Nothing else mattered. If one were to die, the elf would become miserable, an empty shell of their former life. It was a rare event that happened, even rarer with a human. And in those times, it was a male elf with woman. Not the other way around!
This couldn't be happening! Why now? He would think I was some crazy stalker or something! My instincts would demand that his needs would be meant first, even if meant he would be happy with someone else. The very thought made me recoil.
I must have been so busy in my mind, because he asked, "Uh, do I have anything on me?"
I blinked, "Huh?"
He put his left hand behind his head and laughed nervously, "You keep staring at me, so I wondered."
I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment and began to wave my hands, "I'm sorry! I was just admiring the sun outside! Lovely day we're having, aren't we?"
The human gave me weird look, "I guess? I hadn't really thought of that."
To add my further embarrassment, Little Miss enter and crossed her arms, "Tabatha, what are you doing by the steps? Did something happen or...oh you must be Raguna, right?"
He nodded, "Yeah, are you the one that need the garden weeded?"
Little Miss adjusted her hair, "Yeah, I want to plant flowers. You better do a good job. The last guy was bum and I don't tolerate bums."
Leave it to Little Miss to make a great first impression. I laughed and tried to soften the blow, "Ah, what's she trying to say that she hopes you do well. The people she has hired don't even try hard to do their best."
Raguna began to shuffle his feet, "Well, I can guarantee a good job. A worker is worth his wages, right?"
Little Miss rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Tabatha, show Mr. Raguna here to the garden. I need to take care of some business."
"Alright, please follow me."
Without even giving him some time, I sped past the stairs and out the door. How was I able to handle this? Why did this happen? Whatever the reason, he was my entire universe now and he was human! I mean, I should be glad I found my mate at last, but a human? Not that I have anything against humans,I never thought I would bond to one. My life just just seems to get stranger by the day...
Raguna followed after the girl that was leading him to the garden shed. She was acting really weird. Not that he hadn't been getting that since he came here. Just another one of those fan girls that wanted him. He sighed. He didn't want any other girl, only the one who had rescued him. He had to admit, this maid was very beautiful. In fact, why hadn't any guy married her? Maybe she was. It didn't matter, he only wanted Mist.
Mist, the girl who took him in. The girl who gave a name and gave him his identity when he had non. Sure, she was a little strange, but that made her who she was. All those other girls, especially that Rosette, could just go on lusting. This maid was just the same, wanting him only because he was one of the few unmarried guys around town, a curtsey of the Sechs Empire.
The girl lead him to the shed and unlocked the door for him, "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
She then bowed and walked back to the house. Yes indeed, she was weird. Raguna rubbed his arm, "I think I should stay away from her."
I told you guys I would write the prequel, so here it is. What do you guys think? Good? Bad? Poor Tabatha! Already she's in love with Raguna and he's in love with someone else. To top it off, their first meeting didn't have the right start. What will happen next? This story is going to be more of a Novella, around 40,000 words or less. Might be more, depending on how I write it. See you guys in the next chapter.